I chuckled at "The Stoic Batman Fan," as I enjoy visual puns and can relate to the Fan's desire for Batman to swoop in and save the day. "The Emancipation of Youth" is funny if you are a person who's into blunt atheistic humor. However, the punchline "because he doesn't exist" has very limited uses and gets stale very fast.
"Laugh and the world laughs with you" was clever in its commentary on internetisms and how language can change in such a short time. Also, the global impact of internet "culture." However, while I understood the meaning behind it, I just didn't laugh. Ironic, really. "Whodunnt: An exercise in social commentary and casual racism" can be a funny comic, but I just didn't feel it was depicted in such a way. Cops/the media profiling blacks to be the perpetrators of a crime, despite the overwhelming evidence otherwise is something of a common, and often stale, joke these days. It also could be argued that blacks have been pushed aside in favor of Arabs. While it might be a social commentary on global racism, it reads as a social commentary on American racism. While very true, it also has an akwardness about it that makes the end result more of a "yeah, and?" rather than a "hahaha."
"Trick Or Treat Across The Globe" was very funny, especially the first panel. Of course, after reading that doctors were calling for "long pointed kitchen knives" to be banned in England because they're used in violent crimes and the atmosphere of self-defense being a crime itself, it's just that much funnier. This comic could easily by a good one-panel series(as in a series of one-panel comics).
"NO TITLE" is a clever look at how the comic-creating engine can cause visual oddities to appear. "Mohammad" is an amusing, if news-fad comment on last year's hulabaloo over comics depicting a religious figure that is not supposed to be depicted according to said religion. "Theological Musings" 1-3 are funny comics, but not very original. Those are jokes that have been passed around every history, religion, history of religion, and biology classes since my grandmother was in college, if not longer. However, one could argue that there hasn't been an original idea in hundreds of years since every story is merely a different version of one that had already been told by the ancient Greeks. The Romans started the tradition of retelling previously published/told stories and as we are a direct result of the Roman-Christian empire, it's only natural that we do the same, which is why we now have two versions of the movie Godsend.
Just as a general rule, a way to get hated on this site is to do the following:
1. Ask for people to rate your comics.
2. After people have mad tongue-in-cheek replies or answered with constructive criticism, insult their comics and/or call them morons.
3. When people respond with variants of "dude, chill" accuse them of taking themselves too seriously.
4. Lather, rinse, repeat.
Do that and you'll guarantee that people will rate your comics and you based on how you interact with them rather than the merit of your comics. Everyone who's ever followed that policy complained that no one was rating their comics fairly, then proceeded to throw a tantrum and "leave forever" or actually leave. Luminous_luciano anyone?
As for your name change, obviously you didn't try to hide it, but try to understand that there are usually two types of people who change their SC names, especially so soon after making introductions.
1. A person gets him/herself banned and tries to sneak in under another name
2. A person makes a bad first impression and instead of trying to work it out, comes back as another user in the hopes of gaining acceptance this time.
There are exceptions, but that's 99% of users who make a name change, so at least understand why we're suspicious to begin with. I don't see why you changed your username; it doesn't appear that anything else is different anyway.
Now this American is going to go back to being the fat, retarded, unfunny, redneck that the rest of the world thinks we are and masturbate to some incest porn so you can stroke your ego and feel better about yourself and keep that superior attitude you came blazing in with. I'm sure you'll find fault with everything I say, despite having asked for criticism of your comics.