Kid Noto... er,DIN0
No, no he didn't. He cried and whined because nobody liked his comics. Here we are, a website full of people who aren't afraid to play a little rough from time to time, and he couldn't handle it. You... er, I mean Kid Notorious, took everything personally and got all butthurt over a few PG-13 words and hyperboles, never even bothering to find out if this was how everyone got treated.
Come to think of it, I was also treated this way for a while. Know what I did? MADE FUNNIER COMICS AND RIBBED BACK. I certainly didn't mutate into a giant blubbering vagina. The fact that you're... oh, sorry, I mean Kid Notorious, is getting all bent out of shape over some minor internet bullshit, indicates to me at least, that you... shit, I did it again... Kid Notorious is completely lacking a sense of humor, which by the way would be the FIRST thing you'd need.... sorry, KID NOTORIOUS would need, to make a funny comic in the first place.
Damn, are you sure you aren't related to Kid Notorious, Dino?
Kid Noto... er,DIN0
You... er, I mean, Kid Notorious, might have a little more luck being understood, and might also not be talked to like a certified retard, if you... er, I mean Kid Notorious learned how to use punctuation and proper sentence structure. I really don't give two ass-brownies and a winged copulation what you... er, I mean Kid Notorious intended to say. Failure to get a point across is nobody's fault but yo... um, Kid Notorious.
I sincerely apologize, it's just that both of you look and talk the same. Sorry if this sounds racist, it's just that all you trolls look alike to me.
Kid Noto... er,DIN0
Because I didn't pay Brad a donation fee just so I could teach people who DON'T ASK TO BE TAUGHT a thing or two about teh funny. The internet is not a handout, and the internet can not read your fucking mind. If you wanted help, you should have asked for it.
Er, I mean Kid Notorious should have asked. This is a bad habit, isn't it?
Kid Noto... er,DIN0
The site's just fine, crybaby. You, on the other hand, are a humorless bag of cabbage farts.
Kid Notorious.
"He was cursed with a horrorshow of a face, like Guiseppe Archbold doing a study of mollusk tumors."