First of all I'm not going to apologize because everything that happened was directly in line with the everyday comings and goings of the site. I cannot be held responsible for you taking overly careful time to ponder my words and find ways to be offended by them. I AM NOT A ROLE MODEL. MY WORDS DO NOT CARRY MORE WEIGHT THAN ANYONE ELSE'S.
I hope you realize how childish your threats are and come to your senses and choose to remain on the site. While we might not get along that doesn't mean we cannot coexist here as brothers and continue to do what we do to bring us both enjoyment on the interwebs.
You know what? Most of your problems probably come from being drunk. That's probably why your second wife left you and it's probably just a matter of time before you get drunk and violent with the next one and she realizes what a sad man you really are.
Whoa... I hope you don't mean my girlfriend because if you do you can expect PM's threatening your life to be sent immedietly. You can wish me death. You can tell me to chocke on my own shit made casserole. You can wish my mother a poorly done viking funeral, but the minute you come at with the childish taunt of "fugly girlfriend" that is where I draw the line as a living natural being. Now don't you do your research and find pics of her and point out all of her flaws to me. My girlfriend was teased by a mean kid in the 2nd grade about being ugly. DON'T YOU REALIZE HOW MUCH YOU'VE HURT HER? SHES IN THE OTHER ROOM CRYING RIGHT NOW! You don't have to leave forever. I'm leaving forever!
[i]Not really. I'm just gonna keep creating aliases so close to my original username and pattern of aliases that it will be so easy to find me. Feel free to comment on each of my aliases letting me know that you have indeed found me and that I never left the site at all. That way I will make another aliases thereby proving to you that I do indeed not use this site as all. Never mind the fact that I never left forever and the fact that I'm not good at participating in groups because I only like to bully others and not be taunted myself.[i]
the kid's getting old, the kid's getting old