Oh yeah, let's get the mods involved. Yeah, yeah that's what we should do. Just get the mods involved in your little sad troll game that you've been playing with me. SAD TROLL GAME CRABBY. Well I've had it with this whole site. I'm leaving forever and there's nothing anyone can do to stop me. Not even if CRABBY were to APOLOGIZE. Which I DON'T want. Because his sad troll promise is full of SHIT. IT IS A SHITTY TROLL SAD CRABBY PROMISE CRABBY. NO.
You know what your problem is crabby? You're just a big asshole. With all your assholery. Crabby. Listen to me crabby. You and I are through. I and this site are through. We and I and this site are through. Crabby. Cuz right now I'm showing everybody what a goddamn bad bastard crabby you are. I am leaving this site forever. Don't go and rate any of my comics good to try and get me to stay, or comment on them to get me to stay, even if the comments are all super funny and hilarious and witty and about how crabby sucks, because I'm leaving forever.
I am drunk. I am drunk, crabby. I'm so sorry. Crabby. We used to be cool. Now we are not cool. No. No I'm not sorry. Because if I remember correctly you like the bears or some shit. Fuck that team! This is personal and I do not like that team. I bet you're a republican. Repuglican. Repuglifaglican. I cannot stand by and let you besmirch shit. Hey crabby. I'm leaving this site forever. Crabby. Because you are a very bad crabby.
I am deleting all my comics.
PS Somebody here has a fugly girlfriend. I dunno. Fuck, uh, choad. choad's girlfriend is probably hella fug. That is also why I'm leaving forever.
the kid's getting old, the kid's getting old