Well, with 9 votes already cast, Jes win by a majority. Congrats to Jes and Lord_Vodek, I hope you continue to stick with this thread and vote even though you were knocked out first. Good showing to you both.
For the next match we have, brycekain vs attitudechicka:
The rules for this contest will come from the another comic contest I ever won, CC187. The rules for this contests are were originally written by fuzzyman and are as follows:
Good luck to you both, if nothing is posted by wednesday night the first two strippers to post a comic that follows these rules will take the place of the users who do not participate.
Good luck to you both and may the best stripper win!
For inspiration, here is my winning entry from that particular contest.
[Click to view comic: 'Romeo and Juliet (Rough Draft)']