Motherfuckers be lifting your shit, yo. Flat out theft.
These were something I noticed when Eponine pointed out the same thing to me on IRC last night and I sarted re-reading your stuff. It was kind of funny to me because I've never nicked anything off of you, and I know you've never nicked anything off of me, but this was a rather interesting coincidence:
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I have a sneaking suspicion that we both lifted the idea behind this from the same place. One of the Bloom County books had a gag kinda like this, where cartoon characters were talking about some party that Bill the Cat had crashed. I remember Charlie Brown with this big black rectangle over his eyes talking about how Bill tossed a cinder block through the window of his Mercedes. So I kinda swiped this idea. I don't know if you read that, too.
100 pounds of shit in a 25 pound sack.