I'm disappointed. Some of you seemed to think that this was a clean, honest contest, that I was just joking when I PM'ed you for bribes. Well, the joke's on you. BANNED.
The following people knew the drill:
[b]"Abuse of Default Power", Bargaintuan
"CC 172: The Secret Life of an Op", Bargaintuan[/b]
Too bad someone ratted you out for scrawling "Devin sucks" on a gum wrapper when you were in the second grade. BANNED.
CC172:- "True Story", by TheGovernor
I'm afraid that ratting on others is against the rules. BANNED.
"CC 172 : God gets l33t.", by niteowl
I said the bribe was TWO hundred dollars. BANNED.
"CC 172: The Problem of Evil", Big Evil Dan
You're using my real-life name; the rules specifically says not to impersonate the moderator. BANNED.
"Meanwhile, it's time for a little nightclubbing...", Buffylavalamp
You're gonna slip up sooner or later, so why wait until you do? BANNED.
"Abuse of Power (1)", mmyers
You know that adsthjeping is not allowed, yet you choose to do it anyway. BANNED.
Now for those who paid me a little extra to pretend to like their creative use of the extra-credit-word "BANNED":
"BANNED", niteowl
I thought I got rid of you already. BANNED.
"CC 172: Roadrunner Theme vs. Ned Kelly", umfumdisi
You're the one who's having problems logging off, right? I'll help you: BANNED.
And the Kaufman Award goes to kaufman because I loved his money-- er, I mean pun-chlines:
[b]"O BANada!", kaufman
"Big MaKK Attack", kaufman[/b]
But isn't your name a derogatory term in Ferengi? BANNED.
Who's left? No one? Oh well.