I still don't think so...here goes:
Okay, first of all, what the hell is your problem? You asked for feedback on your comics, and when someone tells you that they "suck", you fly into a 3rd grader hissyfit. What did you expect? Anyone who takes the time to create their own webcomic should have a good judgement of humor, so you should know that your comics do, infact, suck. Why don't you just take your insults as they come instead of getting into a tantrum and trying to retaliate with insults that contain no logic. For example, you call all of us ugly when you haven't seen a picture of us, which makes it impossible for you to back up your little quip with any circumstantial evidence, but we've all seen a picture of you...who would have the better judgement of who's ugly or not?
Second, how exactly would you know if everyone I know hates me? I'll tell you what, if you can get the full name of someone I know, I might reconsider the validity of your "insult", but you should probably think of an insult that you can back up with some evidence next time. It'll save you a bit of work.
And what's with this:
Yeah, that makes A TON of sense. I am starting to think you actually are mental, which would explain ALOT of your recent comments.
OH MY GOD, THAT'S WHAT HIS MOM CALLS HIM! Just a question: Who cares? I bet your mom has a name for you too. My mom calls me bud, and if that makes me a "chode" then I guess I am. Oh well, it's not like an insult from you would mean anything.
Now, the way I see it is that you're an immature, uncreative, pretentious, hard headed little bastard who has to hide behind the safety of the Internet in order to make yourself feel powerful. You are one of the many people in the world who talks in Ebonics and thinks he is mad at the world just because the MTV rappers said so.
What you need to do, is grow up, get down from your proverbial soapbox and acquire some new words to add to your vocabulary. Calling everyone "Fucking Faggots" makes you look less intelligent than you actually are, and if I might say so myself, you are already in the hole with that.
Oh yeah, how does it feel to be out-argued by a fellow 15 year old? Not good does it?
And I find it incredibly hard to believe you are smarter than everyone here. With an I.Q. of 172 myself, you have already been eliminated from that social standing.
(Just to let everyone know, 172 isn't as high these days as it was back in the 80's. The fellow who tested me said I'm somewhere between Borderline genius and Appearing genius to others)