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Stripcreator » Comic Competitions » CC 41: Not Quite the Answer to the Great Question



crazy knife lady

Member Rated:

Not my official entry:

CC41: Open the pod bay door-- I'm getting out here by boorite
You just called me "Dave" 42 times in a row. You sound like a fucking insurance salesman.
Yes, Dave. I can see you're upset about this, Dave.
Well, stop it!
I'm afraid I can't do that, Dave. My programmers thought this would amuse you, Dave. They certainly seemed to find it humorous, Dave.
Dave. Dave. Dave. Dave. Dave. Dave. Dave. Dave.

What others say about boorite!

7-02-01 11:20am (new)
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President and CEO of Wirthlingsux Inc.

Member Rated:


That should be your official entry. BTW, where can I get the Fatboy Slim remix?

100 pounds of shit in a 25 pound sack.

7-02-01 11:21am (new)
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crazy knife lady

Member Rated:

OK, my official entry:

CC41: Threepio is not necessarily gay by boorite
Oo weedo tay-hee tay-heeee!!
I have no need for a protocol droid.
Well I ain't got no need for a beer-gut old desert shitheel with no ass, honey honey Miss Thang! *SNAP SNAP SNAP*

* "Oo weedo tay-hee tay-heeee!!" = "Nancybot over there will run you 42 big ones."

I am in compliance.

What others say about boorite!

7-02-01 11:24am (new)
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President and CEO of Wirthlingsux Inc.

Member Rated:

It can't be his mom because, at the time of that posting...

...she was dead.

100 pounds of shit in a 25 pound sack.

7-02-01 11:30am (new)
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Director of Cats

Member Rated:

Continuing boorite's run of unofficial 2001 riffs:

I'm HAL 9000, I am by kaufman
Dave, could you please remove HAL's memory a bit faster? He is driving me absolutely nuts.
I'm doing the best I can, Frank.
Come on, *unnnhh* don't stick in there!
o/` On a bicycle built for two...
It's no use. The last one's jammed.
43rd verse, same as verse 42... o/` Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do ...


7-02-01 11:44am (new)
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crazy knife lady

Member Rated:

It can't be his mom because, at the time of that posting...

...she was dead.

Oh now-- don't do this to me.

I guess that does it for "yo mamma" jokes.

What others say about boorite!

7-02-01 11:52am (new)
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crazy knife lady

Member Rated:

Not my entry.

CC41: And he's fluent in Bocce Balls! by boorite
What I really need is a droid that understands the base-42 language of moisture vaporators.
Vaporators! Sir -- My first job was programming binary load lifters very similar to your vaporators.
Really? It's just that you seemed kinda...
Did you mean to say binary load swallowers??
Them too, Miss Thang.

What others say about boorite!

7-02-01 11:52am (new)
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Director of Cats

Member Rated:

Not my entry since the small robot fell into a crater:

Blooper Reel by kaufman
Dammit, Jim, I'm gonna kill Scotty when we get beamed back up.
Never mind that, Bones, Yeoman Rand is toast. This wouldn't have happened if she'd washed our other uniforms so we didn't have to wear red!
And wait till Spock gets a load of us. His pointy ears aren't so big any more, are they!
Uh, Bones, I'm sorry, but this is my contractual obligation ...
No, Jim, you can't!
Sorry, Bones, you know the rules, I get to seduce the hot alien-looking creature.


7-02-01 12:01pm (new)
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crazy knife lady

Member Rated:


BTW, where can I get the Fatboy Slim remix?

Unfortunately, that was a fiction. The strip takes place in a utopian future where Fatboy Slim has run out of crap pop records to remix.

What others say about boorite!

7-02-01 12:09pm (new)
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crazy knife lady

Member Rated:

Continuing our non-contest Kubrick hoohah.

Man, evolution is a ripoff by boorite
It ain't fair, I tell ya.
Very little is, in life.
I mean, my kind were around for 77 million years...
...shit, mine have been around for 400 million, and we're still here...
Yeah, and these shit-eating monkeys come along and just toss a bone in the air, and it turns into a spaceship!
Can ya beat that shit?

What others say about boorite!

7-02-01 12:24pm (new)
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crazy knife lady

Member Rated:

7-02-01 12:29pm (new)
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Stripcreator Irregular

Member Rated:

It should have been Sheckiac.

"Only things I approve of should exist." -some guy on the internet

7-02-01 2:26pm (new)
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President and CEO of Wirthlingsux Inc.

Member Rated:

It can't be his mom because, at the time of that posting...

...she was dead.

Oh now-- don't do this to me.

I guess that does it for "yo mamma" jokes.

Please, by all means, mock her...

She only gave her life in an attempt to save a busload of Peruvian schoolchildren from falling off a cliff to certain death.

100 pounds of shit in a 25 pound sack.

7-02-01 2:47pm (new)
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President and CEO of Wirthlingsux Inc.

Member Rated:

Umm... my mom just called and said if I don't stop lying about her she's gonna stop sending me money in my birthday cards.

That thing about the Peruvian schoolchildren was true, though. Only it wasn't Peruvian schoolchildren; it was our cat. And it wasn't falling of a cliff to its death; it was locked in the closet. But I'm sure it was very bored and happy to be out.

100 pounds of shit in a 25 pound sack.

7-02-01 2:51pm (new)
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crazy knife lady

Member Rated:

Your mother is a saint.

What others say about boorite!

7-02-01 2:56pm (new)
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Junior Comic Technician

Member Rated:

2001 jokes?

It's Art by Dr._Light
Oh my God, a giant black monolith.
I don't get it.

7-02-01 3:24pm (new)
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Comic Overlord

Member Rated:

CC Just Shy of 42 - A sneak peek at the next Star Trek film by BigEvilDan
Hmm...a new alien race. I think it's time for a diplomatic first contact. What do you think, Data, Counsellor?
Well Captain, considering the fact that they just vapourized Ensign Cannonfodder, I estimate a 42.4769% chance they are hostile.
I'm sensing anger from them, Captain. It's difficult to tell what they want.
[We just killed the one in gold and they're still standing there?! Should we finish them?]
[I think we'd be doing the galaxy a favour if we did.]

"Oh, look, a joke! How original! Thank you, but if I wanted my emotions stimulated pleasurably, I'd get a whore." - Donald B. Jones III

7-02-01 6:50pm (new)
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crazy knife lady

Member Rated:

Brevity is the soul of wit.

I.e., hahahaha!

What others say about boorite!

7-03-01 9:58am (new)
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Director of Cats

Member Rated:

We almost have our version of 2001 finished ...

2001: A Race Odyssey by kaufman
Black Monolith in sight, sir. 42 kilometers and closing.
Thanks, HAL, I'll check it out.
Who are you?
Who do you think? Due to the limited set of stripcreator characters, I get to play the Black Monolith, or as I prefer it, the Monolith of Color, or at least the African-American Monolith.
My god, it's full of sass!
And don't you forget it!


7-03-01 10:21am (new)
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What the Cat Dragged In

Member Rated:

I would have thought the big black monolith would have been Fat Albert...

...or possibly Oprah.

This signature has performed an illegal operation and has been shut down.

7-04-01 10:28am (new)
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Member Rated:

Sorry this is late, but I haven't been feeling well the last couple of days. I'm still miserable, so I'll make this short.

Winner: Gabe Billings, for his prequel to "Cowboy Physics." Congratulations. By the way, you numbered the comic wrong in the comic title, dickbrain. Numbers are not your strong suit, are they?

"And Wirthling isn't worth the paper he isn't printed on."

7-05-01 11:33pm (new)
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President and CEO of Wirthlingsux Inc.

Member Rated:

Whoa, thanks Assmonkey. And would any programmers out there like to explain to wirthling the magnificent what 42-- means?

100 pounds of shit in a 25 pound sack.

7-06-01 5:24am (new)
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Member Rated:

Oh, I see. What a clever decrementer you are. I was wondering what those dashes were there for.

"And Wirthling isn't worth the paper he isn't printed on."

7-06-01 5:47am (new)
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President and CEO of Wirthlingsux Inc.

Member Rated:

I'm so clever I could shit myself.

100 pounds of shit in a 25 pound sack.

7-06-01 6:34am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

President and CEO of Wirthlingsux Inc.

Member Rated:

My second choice for a title was ( 3 ^ 2 * ( 1 + 3 ) ) + 18 / 3

100 pounds of shit in a 25 pound sack.

7-06-01 6:40am (new)
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Stripcreator » Comic Competitions » CC 41: Not Quite the Answer to the Great Question

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