It may not be the answer you're looking for, but I simply don't care if people dislike my strips. My primary audience is myself, and if other people enjoy it too, all the better. Regardless of how bad an idea I may have, if I can articulate it on the screen, I save it. You never know when it might strike up another idea that could potentially be better, and if it's not saved, it can be easily forgotten. In the "real world," I think this is what a comic artist would keep a sketchbook for. Since I'm nowhere near organized enough to keep a sketchbook for an online comic site, my library reads like a sketchbook.
Sometimes it's even funny.
As for my own opinion of your strips, I think the ones of yours I like the best are the ones involving clever sight gags like the dolphins and the reindeer. The bad haircut was also a clever idea, but I've seen the joke done once before, a long time ago. It was at its funniest the first time I saw it.
Many of the other strips are simply too esoteric for me to find any humor in. You are doubtlessly referencing things that are out of my realm of experience, and as such, my reaction tends to be similiar to that of cowboy2 in this strip:
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| So I says, "Well, them rotor turbines ain't gonna generate gravitons by themselves!" | |
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| What the fuck are you talking about? | |
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Anyhow, welcome to!