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Stripcreator » General Discussion » #stripcreator is fun



Some bloke.

Member Rated:

I assure you I have no delusions that a piece of shit like you cares about anything, whatsoever.

It's not very interesting, though.

Troll on, little boy. Troll on.

I wanted my half in the middle and I wound up on the edge.

12-13-03 5:37am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

Please to explain "troll". says:

troll1 ( P ) Pronunciation Key (trl)
v. trolled, troll·ing, trolls
v. tr.

To fish for by trailing a baited line from behind a slowly moving boat.
To fish in by trailing a baited line: troll the lake for bass.
To trail (a baited line) in fishing.
Slang. To patrol (an area) in search for someone or something: “ [Criminals] troll bus stations for young runaways” (Pete Axthelm).
To sing in succession the parts of (a round, for example).
To sing heartily: troll a carol.
To roll or revolve.

v. intr.
To fish by trailing a line, as from a moving boat.

To wander about; ramble.
Slang. To patrol an area in search for someone or something.
Music. To sing heartily or gaily.
To roll or spin around.

I'm not doing any of that.

Batman created by Bob Kane

12-13-03 5:46am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Some bloke.

Member Rated:

[ Posted comic does not exist ]

And that being said... That's about all the time I have to invest into keeping this empty little jerk amused.

Thank you.

We now return you to your normal posts of faux homoeroticism, dick jokes, people saying "wang" and the cavalcade or pre-adolescent squitter that has come to hallmark "#stripcreator is fun".

I wanted my half in the middle and I wound up on the edge.

12-13-03 6:26am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

[00:34:11] wangs

Batman created by Bob Kane

12-13-03 6:28am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

chooby digital (in stereo)

Member Rated:

Grow up, both of you.

Dad was flammable

12-13-03 11:50am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

In all fairness, bunner did misuse the word "troll", even in regards to what it's supposed to mean in Internet jargon. Unless he's calling dcomposed a troll in the sense that he thinks he is a large monster, perhaps living under a bridge, and maybe subsisting on the bones of children.

I think we know, between dcom and bunner, who would fit that definition the best though.

Vote Jeb Bush 2008

12-13-03 5:15pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I'm with stupid ^

Member Rated:

This is dcomposed...

This is bunner...

12-13-03 5:23pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Shoots the shit and often misses

Member Rated:

Wow. I am so hurt. Another mouthy, useless troll.

Kid, my SON could tear your throat out and piss down your neck. You don't want to know what getting in my face would cost. Then again, you're just a mindless moron sitting several thousand miles away, insulting people from your mommy's internet connection. Aint ya?

What's it like to have no sense, no class, no dignity, no reason to live whatsoever?

Never mind.

Nobody cares.

Bunner, what's the matter? Are you not sleeping enough lately, buddy? This kid really got to you, and from what I have seen it takes a lot to do that. Maybe it was the 'son' comment? Dude, I like you a lot, and I love your contributions to this site. I like Dcomposed a lot, too, mostly because he seems like that pain-in-the-ass, but totally endearing little brother-type. I've had people say they'll fuck my mother two ways from Sunday with eight giant whalecocks until her head front of a kindergarten. It's just people on the internet acting retarded. Let's make sweet, passionate, sticky, sweaty, greasy monkeylove. Not war.

The giant three-phallused phallus of Uzbekistan will one day squirt the cosmic jizz of revenge all over Canada.

12-13-03 8:09pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

chooby digital (in stereo)

Member Rated:

Can I just remind everyone that this thread is called "#stripcreator is [u]fun[/u]"?

Fuck sake, it was started by one of bunner's "intellectual" friends LadyJ for the purpose of showing how funny the SC users can be in a live chat, not to show how easy it is to wind up some geezer who prides himself on being intellectually superior to the "trolls" on this site. I can't say I've had any "fun" in reading the pathetic back-and-forth between bunner and dcom in this thread, it's boring and pointless.

Let's move on now, please, to the things that most of us are stupid and wrong for finding "fun".

Wangs, and also: dongs.

Dad was flammable

12-13-03 8:30pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

[14:17:59] damn dcom troll

Batman created by Bob Kane

12-13-03 8:35pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

[14:55:09] I am still crying because mAAk left.
[14:55:17] dcom's here?
[14:55:29] sort of
[14:55:30] I'm not... stupid fuck obsessed with my breasts
[14:56:05] i like maak
[14:56:08] he's teh funny
[14:56:19] I like the way he disagrees with everything.
[14:56:22] In IRC he's more annoying than funny.
[14:56:23] * nate has joined #stripcreator
[14:56:27] i made a mAAk freaking out comic
[14:56:32] oops
[14:56:33] nate, you're, like,a few hours too late
[14:56:34] I summoned nate.

Batman created by Bob Kane

12-13-03 8:52pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Pink Donkey Wrangler

Member Rated:

hold this first
* mAAq holds it

*chews on jes's sig* *** jools changed topic to "AND LIKED IT!"

12-13-03 9:52pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I don't know what I'm doing either

Member Rated:

[01:00] * Ewwwww wishes that cunt Boinky would show up so we could make that comic together
[01:00] If you think about him, he will come
[01:00] * Ewwwww thinks about cunts
[01:01] :O
[01:01] they will come
[01:01] i think about cunts all the time and they never come
[01:01] Well...he didnt come.....But i think I did...

[01:02] * Ewwwww thinks about cunts
[01:02] * Rabid_Weasle looks at watch
[01:03] * mmyers taps foot
[01:04] What are we supposed to be thinking about again?

[01:10] * Ewwwww thinks about cunts
[01:10] * mmyers thinks about cunts
[01:10] * Jes_L changes topic to 'We are channelling boinky - think about a cunt...'
[01:10] * Ewwwww thinks about cunts
[01:11] * Jes_L thinks about cunts
[01:11] * mmyers thinks about cunts
[01:12] * mmyers thinks about the Stay-Puff Marshmellow Man on accident
[01:12] :O
[01:12] * Ewwwww smacks mmyers
[01:12] * Ewwwww thinks about cunts
[01:13] * mmyers thinks about cunts
[01:13] stay focused


[01:16] Jes went to India to learn to focus
[01:16] * Ewwwww thinks about cunts
[01:17] * mmyers thinks about cunts
[01:17] the two girls I met at the pub said that
[01:17] I pointed my camera at them
[01:17] one said "Stand still, he's trying to focus"
[01:17] i said "One at a time ladies"
[01:17] :O
[01:17] Stud!
[01:17] jes=my hero
[01:17] yea
[01:18] * Jes_L thinks about two ladies
[01:18] * Ewwwww thinks about cunts
[01:18] * mmyers thinks about cunts
[01:18] * Jes_L thinks about cunts
[01:18] * Rabid_Weasle thinks about cunts
[01:21] * niteowl has joined #stripcreator
[01:21] YES!!!
[01:21] Hey, you did it!
[01:21] YES!!!!!!
[01:21] YES!!!!!!
[01:21] WOO-HOO!
[01:21] hey hey
[01:21] The power was within you all along!
[01:21] * Ewwwww high-5's everyone in the chat
[01:21] It...sort of worked...
[01:21] okay people, I have studied your ways long enough...
[01:21] hey niteowl
[01:21] it is time for me to return to my home planet...
[01:21] Hey night
[01:21] night choob
[01:21] perhaps someday I shall return.
[01:21] and tell them about earth cunts?
[01:21] later choob
[01:22] Let the C*nt be with you
[01:22] channeling boinky? what the..
[01:22] Jes
[01:22] Quotefile
[01:22] it will be done
[01:22] * chooby boards the Starship Chooberton.
[01:22] yes!
[01:22] * chooby flies off into the night sky.
[01:22] * chooby has left #stripcreator
[01:22] He made this place a little better
[01:22] like a cunt

Please replace the handset, and try again.

12-15-03 6:31pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Heart stopper. Hip hopper. Pill popper.

Member Rated:

*** Inflatabl has joined #stripcreator
>>>>>O_O :O
hey BED.
Just you me and TOBOR, eh?
Hey Flate
* BigEvilDan puts a sheet over Tobor.
We dont need the rest of those lousy fucks anyway. Everyone kn
ows we're the coolest cats this side of stripcreator.
We will form the new Mod Squad.
Whattaya say?
What would I have to do?
Blow shit up and talk like a 70's jive black pimp.
And grow a bitchin afro.
And TOBOR would need to cornhole you I guess. We gotta think
I was willing to go along with everything else, but I will NOT-
I mean NOT-
grow an afro.
Well... okay... how about really huge sideburns?
And a porno director mustache?
That I could do.
We start blowing shit up next monday.
Be on the set or you're fired.

*** Inflatabl has left #stripcreator

Destroying my reputation one post at a time.

12-16-03 11:17pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

is never bored.

Member Rated:

Chicka, all three of your fiance's are here!!
*** KittyTart changed nick to kitty
* Chickasomber make preparations for a group wedding
* Chickasomber gets cold feet
* Chickasomber flees
Does this mean I'll be related to Chooby?
Oh, I guess not.
So, kitty, since we're all dressed up like this..
will you...
* Kajun gets down on one knee.
will you...
will you allow me to perform oral sex on you?

Mediocrity at its most average.

12-17-03 2:37pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Senior Comic Technician

Member Rated:

it doesnt beat the gay sex trigun fanfiction i read today though
it still rocks
well this is all off the top of my head
you should make your next story about pokemon
"his penis was already harder than an onix's body" is a clasic line
do they shout " I choose YOU!"
"As Misty unveiled her soft, pink orbs, Ash felt his organ grow until it felt as hard as his cherished Onix"
"Then he poked her mons"
"alright, use your hydro pump attack!"
"Use your Hydro Pump" screamed Misty as Ash pressed his body against hers. He could feel the pressure building up in his groin, ready to explode...
hell, i should be a cheesy erotic fiction write
yeah - I almost thought Misty was hot for a minute
"Then Spridle and Chim-Chim hopped out of the trunk of the Mach Five and joined in."
"Oh, Speed!"
"Here he comes! Here comes Speed Racer!"
Suddenly Ash jumped as he felt something scrabbling on his back. The cries of "Pika!" settled in his mind who it was, and he relaxed for a moment until he heard a zipping sound...
He looked round and saw Pikachu had suddenly grown a penis! "Holy shit!" Ash thought, "It's gotta be at least twice the size of him!"
Ash then noticed the evil glint in Pikachu's eye, telling him that his ass was forfeit to the yellow dude's huge organ.
the sad truth is, most pokemon lemons are like that
Pikachu then went over to the bedside drawer, and pulled out the bottle of cherry-flavoured Anal-Eaze.
(erotic fanfictions if you hadnt already guessed or known)
--- Jes_L is now known as Jes_AF_SCREEN
He looked back at Ash, then back at the bottle, and replaced it in the drawer.
ha ha ha!
points ->jools
--- areallyst has changed the topic to: then
--- Jes_AF_SCREEN is now known as Jes_L
what the tapdancing hell?
Ash yelped as Pikachu proceeded to tear off his clothes. Suddenly, as he was halfway through chewing through Ash's belt, the bedroom door opened.
Both of their jaws hit the floor as the magnificent sight of a wet, dripping, naked Misty stood in the doorway.
"Pikachu, I choose you!"
along with sabrina, erika and the rest of the hot babes in pokemon
Pikachu took one look at Ash and then leapt on to Misty, GIVING HER A RIGHT GOOD SEEING TO.
the end
i'm so proud of that
what about sabrina and erika's hot love fest?
ah yes
that would rock
i'm coming to that
you G.D. PERVERT!!!
"Suddenly, the Pokémon masters learned that it was better for their Pokémon to make love, not war."
The End!
remind me of the specialities of the two particular gym leaders?
psychic and plant?
Suddenly Sabrina sensed a change in Erika's mind.
What had previously been a great belligerence had turned to admiration, and finally desire.
"You do know my psychic powers allow me to read minds, don't you?" Sabrina said to the blushing young woman.
"Well, yes, I had heard that..."
"Then the Voltron Force showed up!"
Sabrina frowned at the sudden intrusion, and crushed them flat with her mental force.
"'Princess Aurora,' Hunk whispered, 'I've always loved you'."
* areallyst urges jools to continue
i will
Sabrina slowly moved toward Erika, her crotch growing damper with every step. Erika's mouth opened slightly as she drew near, and placed her hands on her shoulders.
Sabrina drew Erika close, while her hand played over Erika's tight clothing
* areallyst loosens his trousers
"You seem uncomfortable in that dress" said Sabrina huskily, "Let me help you out of it"
just kiding
Erika's eyes grew wide as Sabrina undid the back of her dress, exposing her firm, young bosom.
too hot for him
Lust overtook Erika's senses and she pulled Sabrina's face close to hers, planting a long, passionate kiss on her lips.
Sabrina pulled away, whispering, "There's time enough for that"
Sabrina continued to remove Erika's clothing, finally removing her underpants to reveal a neatly shaved, tight pussy.
--> Laff ( has joined #stripcreator
She smiled slightly, and plunged her tongue deep within Erika's yielding womanhood.
hey laff
you are in the middle of a steamy, unyeildingly hot pokemon lemon
damn right
* Laff is happy
* areallyst is depressed
* areallyst is also quite aroused
Erika yelped as she felt the first shock of pleasure course through her body, smiling as Sabrina's tongue played around her engorged clitoris.
She reached nearer and nearer to climax, with shocks of delight flowing through her, overcoming her, making her scream.
"Then Jigglypuff appeared and joined in."
with pikachu
* areallyst shoots pikachu
Finally, her groin exploded with feeling, and she felt a rush of blood to her beaming face.
"And Charizard."
(It's gonna get kinky now guys)
* Laff screams
* areallyst watches as charizard torches the two lovers in mid orgasm
* areallyst cant help but giggle
As Erika lay back in her post-orgasmic glow, Sabrina went to the pile of discarded clothes, and pulled out her whip.
* Laff 's pikachu turns evil
I cannae be arsed to finish this
uh, its dominatrix time
i love that word
so fun to say
dominatrix dominatrix dominatrix
* Laff thinks thats a cool word
"A new Pokémon comes forth! Dildonatrix, I choose you!"

Jesus saves, but everyone else in a 10 foot radius takes full damage from the fireball.

12-18-03 6:39pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Chuck Norris's bitch

Member Rated:

That was awesome.

...and pain joined his urge to percieve...

12-18-03 6:41pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Poison Gas Pokemon

Member Rated:


It's grime time.

12-18-03 7:18pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Professional style cramper

Member Rated:

You should make some comic strips about that, it would help attract the cosplay and furry crowd.


12-18-03 7:24pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Level 1 Forum Troll

Member Rated:

Note to self : Go to #stripcreator when it's story time.

Think classy, you'll be classy.

12-18-03 7:53pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Chuck Norris's bitch

Member Rated:

We would need a bunch of people...any volunteers?

...and pain joined his urge to percieve...

12-18-03 7:58pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Crash Magnet

Member Rated:

12-18-03 9:27pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Chuck Norris's bitch

Member Rated:

I thought I'd try. Keep in mind, this is my first time making IRC comics.

[Click to view comic: 'IRC (Boinky's characters)']

...and pain joined his urge to percieve...

12-19-03 1:55pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Shoots the shit and often misses

Member Rated:

*** MikeyG has joined #stripcreator
hello mikey
Hey choad!
Who the hell is AsianGirl?
that's my other account
the account where i get to feel pretty
Ha ha ha ha ha
When I want to feel pretty I put on spandex
good lord, that is rarely pretty
Or rather, put spandex on dogs
That is ALWAYS pretty
especially if they are playing poker
While balancing on one leg with an automatic milking machine attached to their nipples
i hardly ever drink dog milk
Ok, maybe I took it too far there
it takes a lot before my line is crossed
I meant to say standing on a blind hooker with two Scandinavian massage therapists tickling their strawberry syrup-covered bungholes
with featherdusters
Yes, with a name like choadwarrior I can see what you mean
heh heh....choad
when i signed up for this site, i was using this name to play my friend on another site whose name was "Taint Nuttin"
I thank God I am part of the Beavis and Butthead generation.

The giant three-phallused phallus of Uzbekistan will one day squirt the cosmic jizz of revenge all over Canada.

12-20-03 9:46pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Level 1 Forum Troll

Member Rated:

That nightowl guy is an asshole. Stay the hell away from him.

Think classy, you'll be classy.

12-21-03 1:03am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator » General Discussion » #stripcreator is fun

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