Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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Your Gay

Member Rated:

And here are the rest...

Straight to Video by AccentuateNegative
Get Real? Urbania? Hedwig? Trick? The Fluffer? L.I.E.?
Seen it. Seen it. Seen it. Seen it. Seen it. Seen it.
Speedway Junky? Common Ground? Defying Gravity? Broken Hearts Club?
Seen it. Seen it. Seen it. Seen it. Seen it. Seen it.
Is there any gay movie you haven't seen?
Are you kidding? Blockbuster knew I was gay before I did.

Switcheroo by AccentuateNegative
My car is broken down, can you help me?
I don't know much about cars.
Do you know anything about trannies?
Not really.
Perfect, get in my back seat.
Why does she have such a big Adam's apple?

Butch & Nelly by AccentuateNegative
Growing up, I was a real tomboy.
I guess that explains why I don't have any friends who are girls.
Well, except you.

Why They Call Them Hags by AccentuateNegative
I need to buy some new clothes... wanna come?
What are you looking for?
Everything. I cleared a bunch of space in my closet.
What, by coming out of it?

Nature vs Nurture by AccentuateNegative
I've never met your parents. Do you take after them at all?
I don't really see it, but...
People say I have my dad's smile...
and my mom's taste in men.

11-09-03 12:50am (new)
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I'm with stupid ^

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11-09-03 12:55am (new)
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Your Gay

Member Rated:

Oh's one inspired by dinner last night:

Bon Apetit by AccentuateNegative
Can I get you anything else?
I need some more wasabi.
Yeah--me too.
Here you go--a buttload of wasabi.
(The waiter really said that.)
His butt could handle more wasabi than that.
Suddenly, I don't want any.

I don't think I've ever heard a waiter say the word "buttload" before, so it deserved a strip.

11-09-03 1:32am (new)
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Going. Coming.

Member Rated:

Homsexual comics of mass destruction I TELLZ YAH! MASS DESTRUCTION! (Your work is very consistent) =D

11-09-03 2:06am (new)
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Pink Donkey Wrangler

Member Rated:

Patience? OK.
Ooooops, your thread is at the top again.

It just can't be a bottom thread. ;)

I'll just add that I agree with Matchbook Romance about how consistent your work is. Keep up the good WWWork!


11-12-03 6:34pm (new)
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Your Gay

Member Rated:

Top? Bottom? It's all good. Yes, I was talking about threads...what were you thinking?

Here's an alternate ending to the above strip. I posted it in the CC, but thought I'd put it here since I think this is actually what I said in reply to the waiter.

Bon Apetite--Alternate Ending by AccentuateNegative
Can I get you anything else?
I need some more wasabi.
Yeah--me too.
Here you go--a buttload of wasabi.
Wasabi is about the last thing I would want up my butt.
Oh, look who's picky all of a sudden.

I lost the guy who cuts my hair!

Professions by AccentuateNegative
How come Jamie doesn't cut hair here anymore?
He went to x-ray tech school.
That's a big change.
He's done everything he can to the outside of people. I guess now he wants to work on people's insides. he just wants to get paid for doing it.

I just love this joke:

Observation by AccentuateNegative
He didn't say anything...
That's it...I'm turning the lights back on.
You didn't notice my hair is totally different.
I don't have eyes in the back of my head, you know.

Lesbians don't really scare me:

Similarities by AccentuateNegative
I really don't like nellies. I prefer someone who acts like a guy.
I hear ya.
By the way, have you met my girlfriend?
Hi...I'm Stephanie.

11-16-03 5:13pm (new)
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Pink Donkey Wrangler

Member Rated:



11-16-03 9:23pm (new)
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Chuck Norris's bitch

Member Rated:

:-) again, good

...and pain joined his urge to percieve...

11-19-03 7:33pm (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

Quality stuff! I especially like the ones with the pac-man shirted character.

11-23-03 6:27pm (new)
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I'm Here, You're Queer, Get Used to it

Member Rated:

That would be Gabe.

Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.

11-24-03 12:03am (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

I'm a big PA fan, but I described Gabe instead of naming him in case not everyone knew. :)

11-24-03 8:37am (new)
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Pink Donkey Wrangler

Member Rated:

It's Gabe's long lost identical twin, if you ask me.

I think that even if AccentuateNegative's character shares that kewl "Gabe" design with "Penny Arcade" (that PA artist is a postmodern design genius), we have two completely different personalities here. Maybe this gay guy with the PacMan shirt has his own name, because he has a very original and deep psychological profile, owing nothing there to Gabe.


11-24-03 6:56pm (new)
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Going. Coming.

Member Rated:

My homage to Accentuate-

For AccentuateNegative by Matchbook_Romance
Hey Accentuate, I was just looking over your thread and I just noticed I almost posted as much as Hom did.
Yeah, you have. All good comments by the way, I really appreciate it.
Yeah man, I really admire the fact that you're open about your homosexuality. You do it in a way, where it can make any person laugh regardless of sexual preference.
Thank you.
With that being said, can you help me out with my winter wardrobe?
Shabby chic right?

11-29-03 1:28pm (new)
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Passing through.

Member Rated:

For AccentuateNegative by mmyers
So AccentuateNegative, you're a gay guy, right?
OK, well my girlfriend makes me watch that homo show and they're always helpful and opinionated. I'm starting to get a monobrow. Any ideas for me?
You could pluck it, I suppose, or have it waxed or lasered.
Pluck it, you say? Hmm, *plink* *plink* Ouch, ouch...ouch. This is great. Goodbye monobrow. Man, is there anything you guys don't know?
Getting rid of stupid people is proving to be a problem lately.

I want to homage, too.

Peeing sitting down is the gift you give yourself.

11-30-03 11:46am (new)
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Pink Donkey Wrangler

Member Rated:

Wow! A reference to me in a Matchbook Romance strip about AccentuateNegative! :) That's worth more than a four star rating!

And since some other stripcreatives are posting homages, here is one I made some time ago: Click at your own risk.


12-02-03 5:53pm (new)
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Going. Coming.

Member Rated:

I have two things to say-

1) No Hom, my comic was not in any way referred to you or any likeness in your comics.

2) mmyers, isn't it a unibrow?

12-02-03 6:45pm (new)
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Crash Magnet

Member Rated:


2) mmyers, isn't it a unibrow?

Monobrow and unibrow are two variations.

I always liked the term "eyebar." The best example of that is Bill Berry of REM

12-02-03 6:49pm (new)
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Your Gay

Member Rated:

Like my grandpa always said, "You can't spell Homosexual without Hom."

12-02-03 7:19pm (new)
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I'm with stupid ^

Member Rated:

Or Al....

12-03-03 5:39am (new)
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Pink Donkey Wrangler

Member Rated:

Sorry Matchbook Romance. It probably was one of my allucinations when I read your Homage strip. Maybe I ate too many vitamins again.

*Any reference to Hom or any other people dead or alive in this thread is just a coincidence.

AccentuateNegative, I can't tell you about homosexuality, but Homsexuality is great!
Keep up the good word!


12-03-03 10:29am (new)
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Your Gay

Member Rated:

Agendas by AccentuateNegative
What are you doing today?
It's up in the air right now.
You aren't talking about some guy's ass again, are you?

Innocence by AccentuateNegative
Why are we on this ship again?
We have to sail to international waters.
So I can throw my old hard drive overboard.
Can't you just format it and throw it away?
I thought smashing it, burning it, and spreading the ashes at sea was a safer alternative.

Stealth Neighbor by AccentuateNegative
Oh, my god! The cutest boy came to my door yesterday asking about the apartment for rent next door!
Oh, yeah?
Yeah, he was blond and had a Dutch or German accent.
Was he gay?
I DON'T KNOW! Europeans are all thin and dress well--my gaydar always goes haywire with them.

Nobody Gets This by AccentuateNegative
Hey, what's up guys?
In this bar?
Mostly other guys.

12-06-03 2:16pm (new)
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I'm with stupid ^

Member Rated:

"A non-stop rollercoaster ride of halarity!"-Gay Times

12-06-03 2:26pm (new)
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Crash Magnet

Member Rated:

Little Fucker by choadwarrior
It must be tough being a lesbian midget.
It is, but I have a support group.
We lesbian little people like to stick together.
Okay--that image is now seared in my brain.
We call ourselves Carpet Munchkins.

12-06-03 11:45pm (new)
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Member Rated:


"No obscene images." I guess I'll just have to settle for saying cocksucker a lot.

12-07-03 9:22am (new)
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Pink Donkey Wrangler

Member Rated:

hey i didnt like the first one on here...i didnt really read the rest.


12-12-03 9:24pm (new)
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