It's not only the gay thing, but the things that society does to people, gay or not, and how a few brave men or women can make a difference. However, coming out stories, like Jack's in Dawson's Creek, are enticing because few people dare to defy society's one way street and we admire those who get in the way of Tiananmen tanks. That dude with the yellow PacMan shirt has a neat design and your smart dialogues and brilliant punchlines have brought up the best of him. You have given him a convincing personality and awesome humour. It's like that girl with glasses on MTV, Darla, Marla or whatever, not many variations to show expression but an intensity that accentuates the attitude. OK, I don't understand all that I am saying but I hope you will. ;) I'll just add, that deep inside me I hope that this dude gets to smile someday. Kudos