Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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Stripcreator » General Discussion » Whilst scraping the shit from my shoe...



Level 1 Forum Troll

Member Rated:

I guess so. Oh well, have fun....knock yourself out.

Think classy, you'll be classy.

10-12-03 5:15pm (new)
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Melodramatic Exile

Member Rated:

Erm...OK. I was holding myself back until now...but now that i've got your approval.

...and people say i'm odd.

I am a Strange One/'His world is small.'/ 'I love hunting foxes - Ginger Bastards!'/ 'They weren't aiming at us, Not at my house' - Dead Prez/ The Pravda-Raï Party: Triumphing over Diversity

10-12-03 5:20pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I'm with stupid ^

Member Rated:

You're not odd. You just suck.

10-12-03 5:24pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Melodramatic Exile

Member Rated:

Well, i would but i don't get many offers, but that's looking to change, seemingly, have a look at my latest comment.

I am a Strange One/'His world is small.'/ 'I love hunting foxes - Ginger Bastards!'/ 'They weren't aiming at us, Not at my house' - Dead Prez/ The Pravda-Raï Party: Triumphing over Diversity

10-12-03 5:29pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I'm with stupid ^

Member Rated:

"Eat a dick"?

10-12-03 5:31pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Melodramatic Exile

Member Rated:

Yes. You see, i would 'suck' but i don't normally have anything to suck. That seemed like a positive commment to me, until i realised he'd instructed me to eat 'a' dick, rather than his. :D

I am a Strange One/'His world is small.'/ 'I love hunting foxes - Ginger Bastards!'/ 'They weren't aiming at us, Not at my house' - Dead Prez/ The Pravda-Raï Party: Triumphing over Diversity

10-12-03 5:34pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Level 1 Forum Troll

Member Rated:

Erm...OK. I was holding myself back until now...but now that i've got your approval.

...and people say i'm odd.

Yeah, you've been totally holding back so far. Such a good little poster among us cliquey twats.

Think classy, you'll be classy.

10-12-03 5:35pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Melodramatic Exile

Member Rated:'ve lost me somewhere, niteowl.

I am a Strange One/'His world is small.'/ 'I love hunting foxes - Ginger Bastards!'/ 'They weren't aiming at us, Not at my house' - Dead Prez/ The Pravda-Raï Party: Triumphing over Diversity

10-12-03 5:37pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Level 1 Forum Troll

Member Rated:

The part where I supposedly gave my approval for you to really bear down and be a full-on troll....since you've been so nice so far.

That's what sucks about the internet. Sarcasm doesn't translate well.

Think classy, you'll be classy.

10-12-03 5:41pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Melodramatic Exile

Member Rated:

No. That's what 'sucks' about being part of American culture, my friend.

I am a Strange One/'His world is small.'/ 'I love hunting foxes - Ginger Bastards!'/ 'They weren't aiming at us, Not at my house' - Dead Prez/ The Pravda-Raï Party: Triumphing over Diversity

10-12-03 5:51pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

chooby digital (in stereo)

Member Rated:

Excuse me, but, could I have my thread back please?

First of all, Ekpyro, there is a forum called "Fights Go Here", please, by all means, Go There.

Second of all, Artist from CAS, I never said I had a problem with your art, that was never the issue, personally I don't see anything wrong with it, I haven't had much chance to check out all the characters, but everything seems fine to me.

The point of this thread was to draw attention to CAS, a site that, up until recently was a total clone of StripCreator (and still is, for the most part), which I guess would be fine and almost flattering, if the creator, Matt, wasn't acting so surprised that anyone could ever think that the two sites were similar at all.

It was his complete and utter act of surprise that anyone could possibly accuse him of taking ideas from another site. The programming, layout, design, forums were ALL complete SC clones. He had visited this site in the past yet claims it had no influence on his site at all.

If someone representing CAS would just say "yeah, well, we were bored, wanted to make a site, couldn't really figure much out so [another word for "stole"] the idea from", then the world would be fine.

Of course, such a thing will never happen and all that can come from this is a constant "yes you did", "no I didn't" argument across both sites. Let's face it, when has an internet argument ever come to any half-decent conclusion? Look at the last couple of pages for a classic example, what did we learn from the argument between Bunnerabb and Ekpyro? We learned that Ekpyro is more willing to continue arguing about something horribly pointless than Bunner is. How does that affect any of the rest of us? It doesn't.

I know that there will never be any kind of resolve between both sides, I just wanted to catch the opinions of the other SC goons without having to listen to some kid's xenophobic rantings.

Dad was flammable

10-12-03 6:07pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Melodramatic Exile

Member Rated:

It was more of a balanced debate than a fight. And as for pointless - it was more arguing for the sake of arguing.

And you've totally lost me on the xenephobia, mate.

I am a Strange One/'His world is small.'/ 'I love hunting foxes - Ginger Bastards!'/ 'They weren't aiming at us, Not at my house' - Dead Prez/ The Pravda-Raï Party: Triumphing over Diversity

10-12-03 6:14pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

chooby digital (in stereo)

Member Rated:

xenophobia - noun, intense or irrational dislike or fear of people from other countries.

Seriously though, let's take this somewhere else, I have a day off tomorrow and could quite happily indulge your boredom.

Dad was flammable

10-12-03 6:27pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Member - Tobor Fan Club

Member Rated:

(That went over my head - i can't lose face by asking a question that shows up my ignorance on a subject - and since i've already had a warning from Brad about being hostile to people, the only other American option is to pretend i understood. :D )

Ah yes, quite true. Got to keep them organic syntheses reagented.

Considering the "chickenshit conformist like your parents" quote on your profile, I am surprised that you are unfamiliar with DMSO.

This and this may prove informative.

Absorbed directly through the skin.

10-12-03 6:28pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Melodramatic Exile

Member Rated:

DMSO - I meant the stuff itself rather than the fact, the way i remembered the song made me think it was a recreational hallucinogen but i looked at the lyric again and i spose it doesn't say anything to suggest that.

Kajun - Sorry, but when Americana accounts for about 60% of our TV and virtually all of our cinema, it can hardly be regarded as 'foreign' and 'phobia' implies an irrational fear, doesn't it?

I am a Strange One/'His world is small.'/ 'I love hunting foxes - Ginger Bastards!'/ 'They weren't aiming at us, Not at my house' - Dead Prez/ The Pravda-Raï Party: Triumphing over Diversity

10-12-03 6:37pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I don't know what I'm doing either

Member Rated:

I signed on to CreateAStrip to try and give it a fair assessment, while trying not to be prejudiced.

There were some nice ideas for characters, some good variation in character expressions (The Dubya character, while being very limited to who "it" can represent, had about 6 or 7 different variations, which I liked), some crap ones, some quite decent ones, overall not bad, but in general I thought all the artwork was too small.

By far the biggest down side to the site was the interface - it was a pig to use. The layout was confusing and the whole strip creation process tried the user's patience. For example, it was never clear until presssing the preview button, how the strip would look, leading to lots of annoying button pressing to view the "finished article" many many times. And the Narration box seemed misplaced. Overall, not a very intuitive interface.

CreateAStrip isn't without its merits but it's not going to make me want to go back there a lot, if at all. Props to Matt for trying, but try harder and try better. Which I would hope he would.

Please replace the handset, and try again.

10-12-03 6:42pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Captain Insano

Member Rated:

Hey, check it out--his profanity filter doesn't seem to mind if you use the term "stupid twat from Maine."

Hey, I'm From maine!

He even copied the origin of an artist of this site! The bastard!

10-12-03 6:51pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

The Man Who Punched God

Member Rated:

1. Trolling IS good, but not when done by ekpyro, who is a dumbass.

2. I like Create a Strip's "Author's Note" function, which allows authors to annotate their strips. I don't like Create a Strip's profanity filter, which is retarded.

~But now you realize / He's not selling any alibis~

10-12-03 7:28pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

Hello, I am Matt, the creator of the website you are all discussing, Create a Strip. I was hoping that members from CAS (especially staff) would refrain from posting over here, to keep things relatively calm. Since it seems that several CAS members have decided to post over here, and things seem to be fairly civil, I'll take this time to address some of the issues that have been previously stated.

The aspects of Create a Strip that seemed to resemble stripcreator the most were the create page, comic listing on main page, and the layout of the comics. All of these pages were first designed roughly a year ago. Since then, I have mainly focused on expanding the site, adding private messages, comic books, comic comments/ratings, and more. This has taken months, and all of those features I have thought to be original. It wasn't until recently, when this trouble between SC and CAS started, that I took a step back and looked at the actual outside of the site, particularly the parts that I stopped working on long ago, to see what the problem was.

I now admit, that yes, there were and still are similarities between the two sites. All of this time I have been staring at literally hundreds of pages of code, not really thinking of how it appeared on the outside. Now that this has become apparent to me, I have taken steps to further the sites from each other, and I am still not done yet.

All of the programming for Create a Strip (over 12,000 lines of code, both PHP and HTML) was done by me, with no help from stripcreator, so I am unsure where this accusation comes from (especially since, at least with PHP, I have no way to view the unparsed code for this site). The layout was another part of the site that was designed early on without much thought, I am now taking steps to change it, but there is only so much that can be done with the layout of a site. As for the forums on Create a Strip, I see no problem. Nearly all message boards have the same layout and functionality, forum listing > topic listing > post listing.

Well, if I couldn't really figure much out I don't think that CAS would exist right now, at all. It has taken a lot of know-how on my part to design the site. Create a Strip started because someone suggested that I make a site that allowed for comic strip creation, but with more/different features and characters/backgrounds. That is what I have tried to do.

I believe that a resolve may be possible, but only if both sides are willing. I have seen nothing but attacks on Create a Strip by the members of stripcreator over at CAS. I have received complaints from the members of CAS telling me that they were planning on doing the same here, but I have asked them not to. I am willing to take reasonable steps towards settling this, as I hope I have shown by closing the site in order to redesign both the create page and the main page.

Thank you all for your criticism on CAS, hopefully the site will improve overtime. As for this:

I threw up some new code at 5 AM, and it appears to have had some flaws. ;) I have since fixed it, sorry you had a tough time registering. Had it worked as intended you would have received a message telling you that you needed to verify your account.


10-12-03 7:28pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

The Man Who Punched God

Member Rated:

It ain't a war, Jackie Onanist. As long as you can ban people from your site, no resolve is needed.

~But now you realize / He's not selling any alibis~

10-12-03 7:46pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Loveable Scamp

Member Rated:

You know those mirrors you get at the Fairground, where you look into them and see a familiar image staring back, but it's all stretched and goofy looking and suddenly that hair you spent 10 minutes styling in the morning seems pointless because one of your legs is now backwards?

It doesn't really matter if this is a good rip-off, or a bad one, it's the fact that it's a rip-off at all. The fact that the new layout changes you are currently making are so confusing leads me to believe that when you are left to come up with your own ideas, you fail.

"In a thousand years there will be no men and women just wankers and that's fine by me."

10-12-03 8:58pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Crash Magnet

Member Rated:


Hey, I'm From maine!

I would never call you a stupid twat, or even an intelligent, artistic twat. I love your art, Kaddar, and thanks for helping to make this site rawk.

The fact that the stupid twat from Maine shares a state with you is just due the accident of his birth.

10-12-03 9:09pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I'm with stupid ^

Member Rated:

I'm the sexy bitch from Canada.

10-12-03 9:10pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Heart stopper. Hip hopper. Pill popper.

Member Rated:

My take on the situation:

While createastrip is a blatant rip-off, I don't think they pose a threat at all. It could be seen as a positive note that they were so impressed by stripcreator that they copied a lot of it. So I guess imitation is the highest form of flattery (and upcoming lawsuits) and all that jazz. But I have to admire the CAS people for being civil. And I do agree that there's no point in attacking them really, when it's like comparing Coke to Faygo soft drinks or something. Let them have their sandbox to play in. Who cares? We've got Disneyworld and they have a School fair.

On another note... Ekpyro desperately needs a hug.

Destroying my reputation one post at a time.

10-12-03 9:36pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Senior Comic Technician

Member Rated:

The only possible way you could copy the PHP is if Brad outright gave you the codes, and even then there wouldn't be a stealing issue, so no problem there. But there's simply no way it can be coincidental that the appearance of SC comics and CAS comics are so similar. (three panels, each having a background, two characters, and one yellow narration bar) Even if you wrote the comic HTML yourself, only a fool would believe you didn't outright steal the layout.


10-12-03 9:49pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator » General Discussion » Whilst scraping the shit from my shoe...

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