When it all comes down to it, my arguments on the subject are purely devil's advocate material. I could really care less what people do in the privacy of their own homes. The only thing that bothers me is the outrage being put forth by both sides of this argument, and how stupid it all sounds to me.
"Husband and Wife" is a weird term, and I would be hard pressed to keep a straight face when two people of the same gender use it to describe themselves. Not because it sounds ludicrous to me, but because it's clinging onto old traditions that most of the same people argue against.
The gay marriages in SF bug me because likely most of them will end up in divorce. They were mostly "spur of the moment" things, from what I've been able to hear.
As for the question of gay couples, I've known gay couples, yes. I've never known any that lasted, however. This doesn't mean I believe they can't last, it's merely an aside to say that no, I've never met a truly loving gay couple. I'm truly sorry I don't actively seek that out.
The ammendment bugs me because it's just stupid. It's like the bizzarro world version of giving women the vote. I do not think it should be put in place, I was never truly arguing for that.
Religion is fine. Organized religion is a little scary at times. Religious fanatacism is just plain bad times. That being said, why is it so wrong to let people "marry" in a garden with a wiccan... er, whatever? It's not "true" marriage as the Christians, Muslims, and Jews see it, but it's still a legal one.
As for "well, two isn't working!" I think the logic is a little messed up there, Drex. Two worked just fine for a long time, and it certainly worked for me. The problem isn't that two doesn't work, it's that nothing works. Parents are so censored and restrained these days that no matter what you try, it's not going to work. Just about any form of discipline is illegal now, responsibility has been removed (let's just sit Timmy down in front of the computer to entertain himself, then bitch when he stumbles upon a site we don't agree with), and people are getting increasingly lazy with their kids. We all rely on people who have no experience to teach us what we need to know, and anyone who has any amount of logic in his or her head will tell you that just doesn't work.
What it all boils down to is that I don't see the big deal. Why do we need a ceremony to acquire a title? Why do we need titles to get tax breaks? Why do we even need a loving relationship for these tax breaks? The whole reasoning behind giving married couples tax breaks was not because God is all cool with it, it's logical. You have two people with a kid, and only one of them works. That one person is supporting two others on probably the same wage/salary as a single person with the same job. Now, yes, this is his/her choice, but why should this person suffer because he/she wants to raise a child and have a family? I think this is truly one of our essential, probably unwritten rights.
Sorry if I have offended anyone with any of my statements, but they are simply my opinions, which are apparently not shared by many people here, if any.
Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.