I always used to say "you can't want to be punk. You just have to be punk.", and of course, true punks don't call themselves punks. I like punk music, and the original movement was perfectly timed. The problem is that people are still trying to forward a movement that has succeeded already.
Anarchism, to me, is a land free of rules. Any rules. Do whatever you want, period. Chaos is neccesary for the creation of anarchy, and will more than likely become the norm during Anarchy.
That's what Anarchy and Communism have in common. They wouldn't work in practice. They sound fine and dandy on paper, but when it all comes down to it, human nature steps in. You will always have people wanting to succeed personally, which kills off communism quite nicely, and you will always have people who need order in their lives to feel rigiht, that kills off anarchy quickly.
Capitalism works. Not because it's perfect, but because it's imperfect. No, it's not an ideal situation for everyone. Hell, it's not an ideal situation for most people. But it's a working solution for the majority of people. It tends to take on the best and worst qualities of people. The greedy and power-hungry get the power and riches they desire, so long as they have the intelligence to get it. In a free market, things can change, and this reflects life on the whole.
Communism has never, and will never work. People are different, and this is the fatal flaw of communism. Robots could be communists. Humans, can not. Socialism "works" because you're forced to accept it.
The best we could ever have, socially, would be tribal society, like the Africans. Problem is, there are *still* issues there. There is still war, there is still power to be gained or lost, there is still prejudice. Trade would be an issue there too.
Basically, my friends, society is fucked until we find a way to live in peace with eachother, and stop fighting over stupid shit like who our next figurehead- I mean president, is going to be.
Punk music still exists, though not much of it is new. The punk movement is dead because it isn't really needed anymore.
And I am a metalhead, so I don't really care anymore. We have Glenn Danzig, so you punkers can kiss our metal asses.
Oh yeah, I think the fact that punks rejected them made Green Day more punk. :D
In conclusion: MY EYES ARE SQUISHY.
P.S.: TVA, I'm 21, and have been discussing complex political, social, and economic issues since I was 13 or so. I mainly come on this site to make funny comics, and tease newbs. It's more fun to tease the n00bs, but I'll tease anyone who isn't a regular for a little while, unless they really impress me (niteowl, for example), and some I fuck with even after they have been accepted (Mikey, for example).
I've just become disenfranchised with the younger crowd. These kids think Blink182 is punk and Slipknot is metal. They wear hoodies and spiked bracelets they buy at hot topic. They write shitty poetry that makes goth poetry look like Shakespear. The complain about MTV then listen to the same bands on the radio. They complain about being closed-minded, but won't listen to anything but their five favorite bands. They speak of breaking out of the mold, yet form themselves right into another mold. It's all pathetic. I make no qualms about being unoriginal with how I dress or act. I don't care, because I realize that all the good ideas are already taken.
That is all.
Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.