Hey Pat, i sent u a pm on here...
HEY THANKS...i didn't recognize you. DOH
gotcha message!
I thought I would take the time to say something beforehand because DroolFool, although your comics seem to have some meaning to them, I see nothing funny or laughable about them. They don't suck; don't get my message wrong, they just aren't something to laugh at. Maybe something to propel thought processes, but not to laugh at. Perhaps that was the way they were intended to be, however, and if so, you have achiveved this. ---------------------------
True much of what is in me is not funny. . . but then again some people think so. Isn't it great that we are not all carved out of the same tree stump? Well, at least, i think so. That's all that counts, for me. For you it may be different and that's the way it should be.
Thanks for all the imput. It does mean a lot...and i know for the other noobs.
theDROOLfool droools
theDROOLfool drooooooools