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Your Cure for Lameness

Member Rated:

I don't have an overwhelming urge to shoot bison. Maybe back in my Street Figther II days...

I'm not sure how fun they are to talk to though. Probably about as much fun as most people are around here.

2-02-05 4:49pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Doctor of Fine Parody

Member Rated:

Does that mean you like men with pierced nipples but not women?

No, it means that earrings for women or girls is the only exception to my hatred of body piercing. I hate any body piercing at all in men, and I do not like pierced nipples on anyone.

FPD is the foremost plague on discussion boards. Do your part to stomp out FPD.

2-02-05 4:53pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Doctor of Fine Parody

Member Rated:

What if I was impaled by a metal pipe during a tornado? Or was shot in the head by a nailgun? Does that count?

Well it might look hot if you look like Debbie Harry.

FPD is the foremost plague on discussion boards. Do your part to stomp out FPD.

2-02-05 5:04pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Forum comment:

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Fights Go Here

Chicken Feather Bed Bugs Bunny Hop Sing Out Side Street Walker Texas Ranger Cookie Dough Boy Wonder Years

2-02-05 10:33pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I'm Here, You're Queer, Get Used to it

Member Rated:

Does that mean you like men with pierced nipples but not women?

No, it means that earrings for women or girls is the only exception to my hatred of body piercing. I hate any body piercing at all in men, and I do not like pierced nipples on anyone.

I'm with you on this one. Piercings creep me the fuck out, and tattoos aren't too attractive to me either. I can get past tattoos, especially if they're small and feminine. But you and me, brother, we are screwed in today's society. It seems every girl aged 25 and under has some sort of piercing. Nose, nipple, eyebrow, lip, something. And they all want tattoos.

Also, I think a lot of girls are going "bisexual" and getting holes in their bodies because they think it will attract the bad boys. Newsflash: Bad boys go after nice girls for the same reason good guys go after them, they don't look and act like total skanks. Bad girls can be sexy, but they're not the kind most guys forsee marrying.

Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.

2-03-05 12:33am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Obsessive Comic Disorder

Member Rated:

And what makes you think we'd want to marry anyway?

I didn't get to be this old without marrying because I'm lazy. I had to work at it damnit!

Now I just gotta hit 31 without kids and I'll have won part 2 of that bet I made with my mom several years ago...

2-03-05 7:41am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I'm Here, You're Queer, Get Used to it

Member Rated:

And what makes you think we'd want to marry anyway?

I didn't get to be this old without marrying because I'm lazy. I had to work at it damnit!

Now I just gotta hit 31 without kids and I'll have won part 2 of that bet I made with my mom several years ago...

You are so not a bad girl Ivy. :P

Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.

2-04-05 12:03am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

And what makes you think we'd want to marry anyway?

I didn't get to be this old without marrying because I'm lazy. I had to work at it damnit!

Now I just gotta hit 31 without kids and I'll have won part 2 of that bet I made with my mom several years ago...

You are so not a bad girl Ivy. :P

But I am.

dcomposed:11-06-05: If I was a viking invading your village, you'd be the first to get raped.
Crabby: 10/5/06: i would love to feed you fresh fruit while bathing you.

2-04-05 6:02am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Shoots the shit and often misses

Member Rated:

How can you hate an entire group of people, who are already hated by more than enough people (for ignorant reason,s I might add), because you consider them the root of the problem in the Middle East? What is going on here? Palestinians, as well as some other groups of Arabs, are commonly referred to as "Araboushim" by urban Israelis and other higher-class people. It is not a nice term, and is on par with "nigger" as Southern Whites used to use it. Sounds like class and/or race opression to me.

Jesus, if not_Scyess actually posts an opinion about something other than comics, you must have said something pretty fucking ignorant. Oh wait, you drive a Honda Insight, so you must be in the right. You're doing your part, so thank you.

Israel is a petty nation buffeted by the mighty subsidies of the U.S. and they wield a great power in the U.N. for similar reasons. Plus, they are predominantly Jewish. The IDF commits atrocities daily, not to mention what they did to poor Rachel Corrie. Do I hate all Jews? No. Do I hate all Israelis? No. Do I hate all IDF forces? Probably, but it's more because I'm frightened of them.

Hey, since the systematic, violent opression of Palestinians has worked so well up until now, let's hate on them some more.

I always knew there were fucking whackos on both sides of the political spectrum, but it's never been so evident until now. Where are the Lenny Bruce-loving, Bill Hicks-loving, cigarette-smoking "liberals"? Where are the non-smokers who hate smoking but don't begrudge anyone else to do that? Opinions are totally like assholes in that everyone has one. I just wish they were more like assholes in the fact that they don't get shown in public very often.

The giant three-phallused phallus of Uzbekistan will one day squirt the cosmic jizz of revenge all over Canada.

2-04-05 6:50am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Obsessive Comic Disorder

Member Rated:

I'm a nonsmoker who hates smoking but won't tell other people they can't smoke. I think it's an ooky habit, but I have no right to tell others what they can and can't do (and vice versa...except my employer, apparently).

When Laramie tried to ban smoking in all public places (and the way the bill was worded, that included your car since the road was a public place, a trucker's cab, and even my apartment building since it's technically a place of business and therefore a public area), I very vehemently voted against it. The side supporting the bill claimed for "health reasons." *rolls eyes* Like we have to worry about our air quality. The pollution level is almost nil. Plus, the FPD that's constantly in the air is causing more damage to our lungs than second hand smoke ever could.

I had a point to this post...

2-04-05 8:49am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Doctor of Fine Parody

Member Rated:

Huh? Is that an acronym for something, or are you talking about me? I'm pretty sure I'm not constantly in the air causing lung damage.

FPD is the foremost plague on discussion boards. Do your part to stomp out FPD.

2-04-05 9:22am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Doctor of Fine Parody

Member Rated:

Drexle quoted me and added a comment:


... any body piercing beyond earrings for women or girls.

... men who wear earrings or long hair.


... dystopian societies that repress individuality

No comment.

I suppose that Drexle has in mind that there is a contradiction here, but in fact there is not. For the sake of being free to express my own individuality, if for no other reason, I prefer a society that tolerates non-harmful expressions of individuality by any and all. The other alternatives that would allow me to express my own individuality are too unrealistic, such as me being King of the world or having ever-changing repressive laws that just always serendipitously enforce my own preferences. The only realistic alternative that lets me be me is one that lets you be you even if I don't agree with your choices. That being said, it is part of my individuality to consider body piercing ugly and to favor the prevalence of visual cues that distinguish the sexes from each other. For me, long hair and earrings are cues that someone is female, and to see them on someone who is male is disconcerting. As a side note, I'm not disconcerted by short hair or missing earrings on women. It mainly works one way and not the other for me.

FPD is the foremost plague on discussion boards. Do your part to stomp out FPD.

2-04-05 9:47am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Heart stopper. Hip hopper. Pill popper.

Member Rated:

Give me a break, Mikey. I would never claim Israel is blameless, just as much as I would never claim that the Palestinians are misunderstood and trying to do their best. They've both done their fair share of fucking things up. I'm sick of apologists for both sides and sick of people painting the whole situation with a black-and-white morality brush.

The fact is, before Arafat had died, the PA had made NO effort to curb terrorism, denounce terrorism, stop inciting hatred towards Jews and Israelis in its text-books, and basically taught their children it was noble to grow up to be suicide bombers.

You say...

... but this also applies to the Jews and Israel. Anti-semitism is at its highest levels since World War II, especially in Europe.

Yes, Israel currently has an uncompromising fascist for a leader (although he is midly better than he used to be), and yes the incursions, assasinations and illegal settlements are legitimate issues of concern, but for God fucking sakes, do you expect a country to react rationally when its' neighbors all advocate its destruction and terrorists are constantly targeting innocent civilians in malls and nightclubs? We had one attack on our country and we completely lost our shit. Israel has had hundreds.

In the end, the Palestinians and Israelis both have legitimate concerns and also glaring flaws. Let's not blame one over the other. In the 90's, the former Israeli Prime Minister Rabin (a true dove compared to the hawks now in power) made a concentrated effort to establish peace and be fair to the Palestinians, and Arafat didn't do shit in return. As a Jew myself, I'm sick of seeing constant Israel bashing without people taking all factors into account.

Destroying my reputation one post at a time.

2-04-05 11:49am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Level 1 Forum Troll

Member Rated:

...peanut butter
...people telling me what to do
...the ridiculous notion that you have to have a "Support Our Troops" ribbon or American flag on your car to be a true patriot.
...cold weather


Think classy, you'll be classy.

2-04-05 1:23pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Shoots the shit and often misses

Member Rated:

I understand what you're saying, Flate, and I don't HATE Israel, and I don't put ALL the blame on them. But let's not pretend that bulldozing Palestinian homes with them inside is noble. Neither are mall suicide bombings noble, and I'm not saying that. And we all know that Yassir Arafat didn't do SHIT for his people. He lived a life of relative wealth, and spent his soldier's lives in brutal, pointless campaigns like a drug addict with a winning lotto ticket.

I fail to see a valid comparison between Israel and Palestine, seeing as how Israel is NOT a Third-World Country. It may be in the Third World, but it certainly does not "enjoy" the levels of poverty that Palestine does. And saying Israelis are to blame for this is wrong as well. I sure as fuck tried to convince everyone I know not to vote for Bush, so am I to blame for this country's fuck-ups? Actually, a little. We all are, because we let it happen. How can we stop our country from doing just about whatever it wants? I'm sure there's an answer that has evaded me for a while. We're all guilty because we let assholes get on TV waving their fucking flags, which mean absolutely JACK SHIT (if you fought in a war for a flag, you're stupid and should be killed. Fight for a principle, shithead.) and saying all we do is just great because we're American and we love our country. Bullshit. Loving something means acknowledging and IDENTIFYING and even dealing with the negative as well as the positive. That means, if we fuck up, we should be honest and not try to fucking hide it. "OOps, sorry we invaded your country!", sounds ridiculous to most people, but it's more of what America SHOULD be than all the lies and fucking doubletalk. America can only love YOU if it acknowledges ITS faults instead of just focusing on yours and theirs. America needs to own up to and apologize for its errors and stupidity. And even for its plain malice.

This isn't rocket science at all, you know. All these opinions mean shit. We are all in agreement over one thing, and that is that people should be treated fairly and properly. What we all disagree on is what that means because so many of us have been so indoctrinated that we don't even know for sure if someone HAS been treated unfairly.

Whatever, I'm going to back in the shadows and shut up now, much to the delight of my detractors.

The giant three-phallused phallus of Uzbekistan will one day squirt the cosmic jizz of revenge all over Canada.

2-04-05 1:37pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Heart stopper. Hip hopper. Pill popper.

Member Rated:

Looks like somebody has a case of the "mondays". ;0

It's cool, Mikey. Don't sweat it. Friends can disagree. If it's any consolation, I'm also a Bill Hicks/Lenny Bruce loving liberal (although I don't smoke anymore... well, cigarettes anyway...).

Destroying my reputation one post at a time.

2-04-05 2:42pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Your Cure for Lameness

Member Rated:

I do in fact find a contradiction fpd, and I'm afraid your elucidation has done nothing to change that. See, it's one thing to hate a style but it's entirely another to hate a person based on the simple fact that they he or she looks different than you'd like them to. What you wrote was that you hate women with piercings other than in their ears, and men who wear their hair long. Not the styles, but the people. It seems an awfully ridiculous reason to hate a person, especially given all the other things you claim to hate and the reasons why.

People who harbor such hate and are willing to wield it as a weapon of political power are presicely the kinds of people who build the form of government you claim to hate, though curiously seem to be in favor of if it were at all "realistic" as you put it in your last post. I take it if you were "King of the world" that you'd do away with those particular forms of personal expression?

As for your preferences? I think it works out fairly well the way it is at the moment. I'm willing to wager that you're just as much the kind of person that a woman with labia piercings wouldn't go for as is true the reverse, so it's probably not as though either person is losing out in the long run. And if it's in a place such as the eyebrow or the lip, where you can see it, perhaps you should be thankful that you know upfront who to avoid rather than scornful of them just because of their looks.

Personally, I don't have trouble telling men from women for the most part, and don't exactly need any extra cues... though for my own part, I find "extreme" piercings tend to get in the way more often than they do anything useful, unless it's for something such as BDSM or the like. I could live happily without encountering them, but see no reason to hate people who have them.

2-04-05 2:51pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Doctor of Fine Parody

Member Rated:

Go back and actually read what I wrote. I never said anything about hating women with piercings. If you can find a contradiction only by putting words into my mouth, you haven't found one.

And once again you are making assumptions. It's a great way to make yourself look like an ass, which is all you are doing. I haven't said one thing about what I would do if I were King of the world. Your remaining comments are just insolent and unworthy of comment.

FPD is the foremost plague on discussion boards. Do your part to stomp out FPD.

2-04-05 7:17pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Obsessive Comic Disorder

Member Rated:

Sorry, that's Fine Particle Dust. Just saying "dust" to anyone who doesn't live here will only get blank looks and/or comments on craziness. Our dust isn't the wussy stuff that lands on most people's knickknacks. It's actually a fine silt (mostly quartz sand...double the fun) that gets over everything but never actually settles from the air so it's contantly breathed in.

Hey, some of us call that a "career goal." Don't knock it.

He's dead?

This is what I get for ignoring the news.

That's what I was trying to say in the beginning. I'm not blaming one over the other or favoring one over the other. They both can be cool and they both can be dicks. Big ones. I just get so mad when people refuse to acknowledge that both sides have their good and their bad and both have constributed to the problem. I hate it when people blame one over the other. I hate even more when one hates an entire race/culture/religion because some of them have been real jackasses. Even if there was only five people out of an entire group that weren't jackasses, I would still be mad that someone hated the entire group.

As the man said:

"You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty."
- Mahatma Ghandi

2-04-05 8:53pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Your Cure for Lameness

Member Rated:

fpd, the title of this thread is called "I hate...," so when you follow that with

"... men who wear earrings or long hair."

It's a reasonable assumption to say that you hate men who wear earrings or have long hair, yes? You are the one who pulled those words out of your own mouth and put them after the words "I hate," so there was no work on my part necissary.

On looking back, you did mention the style for women, but not the women themselves. I gladly withdraw that one.


About that 'King of the World' stuff... why even bring it up if it were so totally irrelevant, or if you would be the kind of World King who wouldn't mandate a world dress code, or otherwise similarly oppress people who you dislike at your whims? When you say that


"For the sake of being free to express my own individuality, if for no other reason, I prefer a society that tolerates non-harmful expressions of individuality by any and all"

you are admitting directly in literal terms that the primary reason for this desire for a tolerant society is self interest. Given this slant towards self-interest, when combined with your following statement (with special emphasis on the latter half)

"The other alternatives that would allow me to express my own individuality are too unrealistic, such as me being King of the world or having ever-changing repressive laws that just always serendipitously enforce my own preferences."

Then I must ask with complete and total sincerity how this is *not* to be interpreted to mean that you would enact and enforce such dictates as King of the World that would express all your individual likes and dislikes into legislation regardless of its impact on others? And if that is what you would do, doesn't that qualify as the form of government and society that you also claim to hate? As I said before, why even bring it up if it weren't in the back of your head as an ideal regardless of how "realistic" it may or may not be? You say that I'm "making assumptions" as though that's some kind of accusation of horrible wrongdoing, but you've left a lot to be inferred, and yes, assumed in what you've written. See where I'm coming from?

Though the part of my post that you found insulting wasn't meant to be an insult, I won't try to stop you from taking it as one if that's what you'd like. I would ask you to think about *why* you found it insulting, though.

2-05-05 2:13am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

here is a list of what I hate:

Batman created by Bob Kane

2-05-05 2:41am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Getting Better

Member Rated:


I'm on that list, and I'm lovable and cuddly and literate and in love with Ivy The Plant.

Surely, you do not hate me...

"I intend to live forever -- so far, so good."

2-05-05 7:57am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Heart stopper. Hip hopper. Pill popper.

Member Rated:

I hate you...

Destroying my reputation one post at a time.

2-05-05 8:07am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Doctor of Fine Parody

Member Rated:

fpd, the title of this thread is called "I hate...," so when you follow that with

"... men who wear earrings or long hair."

It's a reasonable assumption to say that you hate men who wear earrings or have long hair, yes?

If that's what I wrote, I meant it abstractly. It's not a hatred for individuals but only of the fashion.

Thank you.



About that 'King of the World' stuff... why even bring it up if it were so totally irrelevant, or if you would be the kind of World King who wouldn't mandate a world dress code, or otherwise similarly oppress people who you dislike at your whims? When you say that


"For the sake of being free to express my own individuality, if for no other reason, I prefer a society that tolerates non-harmful expressions of individuality by any and all"

you are admitting directly in literal terms that the primary reason for this desire for a tolerant society is self interest.

No, I'm not. Pay attention to the important qualifier "[/b]if for no other reason.[/b]" This allows for the existence of other reasons besides the one mentioned. All I was saying was that self-interest is a sufficient reason, no matter what other reasons I may have, for preferring a free society.


Given this slant towards self-interest, when combined with your following statement (with special emphasis on the latter half)

"The other alternatives that would allow me to express my own individuality are too unrealistic, such as me being King of the world or having ever-changing repressive laws that just always serendipitously enforce my own preferences."

Then I must ask with complete and total sincerity how this is *not* to be interpreted to mean that you would enact and enforce such dictates as King of the World that would express all your individual likes and dislikes into legislation regardless of its impact on others?

I wasn't even writing on the subject of what I would do as King of the world. So there is no reason at all to interpret it as describing what I would do as King of the world. Furthermore, all I said about being King of the world was that it was an alternative, albeit unrealistic, that would allow me to express my individuality.


And if that is what you would do, doesn't that qualify as the form of government and society that you also claim to hate?

I'm not a mad idiot like Caligula. Give me some credit. If I were King of the world, I would take the responsibility seriously.


As I said before, why even bring it up if it weren't in the back of your head as an ideal regardless of how "realistic" it may or may not be?

I brought up the possibilities I did to make airtight my argument that self-interest is a sufficient reason for preferring a free society. Not everything I say wells up from some malevolent unconscious.


You say that I'm "making assumptions" as though that's some kind of accusation of horrible wrongdoing, but you've left a lot to be inferred, and yes, assumed in what you've written. See where I'm coming from?

No, not at all. You don't have a valid point to stand on here. You jumped to conclusions without adequate evidence, and even worse went on the attack based on your falacious inferrences. This is not a responsible action. Furthermore, it is not my responsibility, as a writer, to anticipate all the crazy conclusions someone might jump to from what I write, but it is your responsibility, as a reader, to try to understand what you read without automatically assuming the worst of the author, and this sometimes means suspending judgement until you can get more facts.


Though the part of my post that you found insulting wasn't meant to be an insult, I won't try to stop you from taking it as one if that's what you'd like. I would ask you to think about *why* you found it insulting, though.

What you wrote came across more as an attempt to dress me down than as an attempt to say something constructive.

FPD is the foremost plague on discussion boards. Do your part to stomp out FPD.

2-05-05 1:33pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Level 1 Forum Troll

Member Rated:

Looks like somebody has a case of the "mondays". ;0

"I believe you'd get your ass kicked sayin' something like that, man."

Think classy, you'll be classy.

2-05-05 3:04pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator » Fights Go Here » I hate...

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