fpd, the title of this thread is called "I hate...," so when you follow that with
"... men who wear earrings or long hair."
It's a reasonable assumption to say that you hate men who wear earrings or have long hair, yes?
If that's what I wrote, I meant it abstractly. It's not a hatred for individuals but only of the fashion.
Thank you.
About that 'King of the World' stuff... why even bring it up if it were so totally irrelevant, or if you would be the kind of World King who wouldn't mandate a world dress code, or otherwise similarly oppress people who you dislike at your whims? When you say that
"For the sake of being free to express my own individuality, if for no other reason, I prefer a society that tolerates non-harmful expressions of individuality by any and all"
you are admitting directly in literal terms that the primary reason for this desire for a tolerant society is self interest.
No, I'm not. Pay attention to the important qualifier "[/b]if for no other reason.[/b]" This allows for the existence of other reasons besides the one mentioned. All I was saying was that self-interest is a sufficient reason, no matter what other reasons I may have, for preferring a free society.
Given this slant towards self-interest, when combined with your following statement (with special emphasis on the latter half)
"The other alternatives that would allow me to express my own individuality are too unrealistic, such as me being King of the world or having ever-changing repressive laws that just always serendipitously enforce my own preferences."
Then I must ask with complete and total sincerity how this is *not* to be interpreted to mean that you would enact and enforce such dictates as King of the World that would express all your individual likes and dislikes into legislation regardless of its impact on others?
I wasn't even writing on the subject of what I would do as King of the world. So there is no reason at all to interpret it as describing what I would do as King of the world. Furthermore, all I said about being King of the world was that it was an alternative, albeit unrealistic, that would allow me to express my individuality.
And if that is what you would do, doesn't that qualify as the form of government and society that you also claim to hate?
I'm not a mad idiot like Caligula. Give me some credit. If I were King of the world, I would take the responsibility seriously.
As I said before, why even bring it up if it weren't in the back of your head as an ideal regardless of how "realistic" it may or may not be?
I brought up the possibilities I did to make airtight my argument that self-interest is a sufficient reason for preferring a free society. Not everything I say wells up from some malevolent unconscious.
You say that I'm "making assumptions" as though that's some kind of accusation of horrible wrongdoing, but you've left a lot to be inferred, and yes, assumed in what you've written. See where I'm coming from?
No, not at all. You don't have a valid point to stand on here. You jumped to conclusions without adequate evidence, and even worse went on the attack based on your falacious inferrences. This is not a responsible action. Furthermore, it is not my responsibility, as a writer, to anticipate all the crazy conclusions someone might jump to from what I write, but it is your responsibility, as a reader, to try to understand what you read without automatically assuming the worst of the author, and this sometimes means suspending judgement until you can get more facts.
Though the part of my post that you found insulting wasn't meant to be an insult, I won't try to stop you from taking it as one if that's what you'd like. I would ask you to think about *why* you found it insulting, though.
What you wrote came across more as an attempt to dress me down than as an attempt to say something constructive.
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