Well, with eight votes, kaufman grabs the coveted clear majority, claims a mandate, and passes a law requiring all males over eighteen to grow moustaches and carry cats around.
Hey, don't blame me - I voted for the other guy!
ObiJo, if you could email me a rule for Kaufman vs Habnem in round two, I would be appreciative. Also, I don't have one from Crabby yet. Get on with it!
So, the standings...
vs - - - - - Gabe wins.
vs - - - - - Bunner wins.
vs - - - - - Habnem wins.
vs - - - - - Kaufman wins.
Big Evil Dan
vs - - - - - ???? wins.
attitudechicka vs Andy Dougan
LadyJ vs FlickGuy
Skagg vs Wirthling
The next event in the Strip Creator Olympics will be the 800m donkey wrangling final. The field has been narrowed to two contestants - Daniel Bigg-Eville, representing the UK, and Doctor Exle, representing the recently-formed Nation of Arse. This event is a complicated one, and non-aficionados can find it confusing. The rules are:
1) Invent a sport, the sillier the better, and include a reference to it in your strip in any text field - title, narrative, speech or thought. In another text field, mention at least one of the sport's rules.
2) In each panel, make sure any characters with a clear left/right facing face the same way, as if in a race, a queue, a vehicle, an aircraft, whatever. The left/right can change from panel to panel.
All right, the donkeys appear top have been fully greased and are in their starting boxes. The starter has order the two competitors to take their places at the starting line... *bang!*
(Voting as per usual!)
This signature has performed an illegal operation and has been shut down.