The previous post by Fuzzyman explains how Bush became president even though Gore got more votes. More people voted for Gore, but Bush got more electoral votes (because he got all of the electoral votes for Florida.)
Only once before has the person who became president won even though fewer people voted for him.
Summing up: the seperation of powers is to prevent one branch of the government from getting too much power and the people in that branch taking over.
A war is supposed to be voted on by the legislative branch (congress + senate) then the president may sign/approve the war or veto/refuse to pass the resolution.
Bush has stated he needs no congressional approval to go to war against Iraq (obviously he doesn't care about approval of the UN or US allies either).
The judicial branch evaluates laws. If a new law is passed (legislative passes it, executive branch/president signs it) I can claim it is against the constitution and it will go to court. Thus the judicial branch has the chance to decide if the new law is legal or not. In other words the judicial branch can strike down a law if it is felt to be outside of the scope of the constitution.
The administrative branch is made up of people selected by the president. Thus Colin Powell was not elected to secretary of state, Bush selected him.
Also there used to be other political parites in this country besides just the democrats and republicans, but they have been shut out of the picture. All the money is behind those two parties so candidates from other parties (the green party, the communist party, etc) do not get any news coverage, can not participate in debates, and must get huge numbers of petitions signed to even have their name appear on the ballot on a state by state basis.
You must be a member of a political party to vote in it's primary elections. I am not a party member so I don't get to vote on who the democrats or republicans pick to run against each other. (Although I have never voted for a republican and can not imagine any circumstance under which I would).
One final twist - some people join the party they like the least just so they can vote for the worst candidate during the primaries, hoping to make it easier for their guy to run against a sure loser.
Clear as mud now DexX? (Don't worry. Most US citizens have no fucking clue how it works. Most don't vote. And many of those who do vote based on idiotic non-issue related reasons. I know I used to work for thefoundation for the people and the press -- a firm that does much of the political polling in this country. You can imagine how many people could not even name the people running for president!)
"Eat a fucking cock." - attitudechicka