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Shoots the shit and often misses

Member Rated:

The peach part is bad enough, but the little golden 20s peppered throughout look like they're flapping around! It's disconcerting, and I feel terrible for any stoners who take a good look at THAT one. They're still searching the backgrounds of the FIRST 20 dollar bill.

Now, as for everything else... MaKK, all you have done this ENTIRE time is talk about why you are right, or more aptly, why everyone else is wrong. Don't condemn anyone else for doing the same. At least most of us have presented some facts. Perhaps this has gotten a little out of hand. I am not an idiot, and it is quite obvious, at that, and I hope for your sake you aren't either. I am an avid activist and I truly want people to see that we might be the most powerful country in the world, but our government has a near-Iron-Curtain-like ability to keep information from us. That is extremely, extremely bothersome. I advocate you look up some of the things that boorite has said, among others. Boorite and I are not the same, as far as I know, anyway. But based on what he has said and his demeanor, I respect him. Boinky33 is pretty damn cool, too. Aight, beyotch?

The giant three-phallused phallus of Uzbekistan will one day squirt the cosmic jizz of revenge all over Canada.

11-21-03 7:23am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

What do you mean "most of us"? Boorite is the only person who did much arguing with me. Kaufman chimed in. are saying you are boorte...?

What is it you keep telling me to look up? Am I going to find in a giant book of "Things That are Right and Wrong" the complete and total set of all military actions that might be possible and which ones are right and which ones are wrong given certain criteria? I don't care what international bodies say about our military actions. Just get over that you feel differently, stop constantly refering me to the international bodies for information after I say they don't even enter into my argument -or worse are part of the problem to some extent.

And pita if you missed my comment to bunner I was feciciously offering up genocide as a course of action because it doesn't really seem to matter what I say to some people, and bunner higlighted that point by zeroing in on that statement and ignoring everything else I said. At least he gets right to into instead of dancing around asking me to look up mystery items and "do some research". I am not surprised that some people cannot accept someone might be for the war regardless of WMD talk, it comfirms a lot of what I suspect about "intellecual" liberals.

Vote Jeb Bush 2008

11-21-03 9:51am (new)
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crazy knife lady

Member Rated:

Makk, the international bodies certainly do enter into your argument, unless you are willing to toss out our own Constitution, which it seems you have.

(I'm still digesting your large post and trying to think of something worth saying about it.)

What others say about boorite!

11-21-03 10:13am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Shoots the shit and often misses

Member Rated:

Gee, I had no idea you were such an inclusive maniac, MaKK. I was hoping you were a thoughtful individual. Now, tell me how open-minded you are, and how you CAN change your mind if the proper information is presented, if you won't even hear the 'international bodies' side of the story? Or even consider the fact that they may have one? I am truly, truly saddened by your response. As for the sarcastic or facetious genocide comment, I was trying to ignore it because I hoped it was purely an attempt at a joke on your part.

Here's what you need to do research on, and I mean this just in the context of Gulf War II:

The actual report from Hans Blix on the investigation in Iraw pre-war, and what it said.
The 'Mobile Weapons Facilities' that turned out to be nothing more than refrigerated food carts.
The 'non-compliance' that Iraq was accused of, when it destroyed its 'WMDs' in front of UN inspectors.
The purported links to Al-Qaeda, which were never established.
The fact that Osama Bin Laden has, and I tell you this once more, denounced Saddam Hussein several times in the past.

Furthermore, what several people have pointed out, and what you fail to realize, is that it is usually up to the 'liberal' or 'left' side of an argument to furnish the proof of the statements that are being made. It is never up to the 'right', mostly because they cite news shows and reports. That, for them, is all fine and good, but does anyone really believe a place like Fox News is fair and balanced? And notice, next time something as big as the war is covered, that all the other stations may not have the same fanatic spin that Fox has on their news, but the information does not differ much. If you wish to learn, MaKK, you shouldn't be so dismissive when people prove you wrong. Look up that stuff up there, and by looking it up I don't mean going to or or Look for independant sources. Look for sources REMOVED from the corporations. Clarified enough for you?

The giant three-phallused phallus of Uzbekistan will one day squirt the cosmic jizz of revenge all over Canada.

11-21-03 10:44am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

You're talking about things I've discussed over and over again. Go back a re-read the DSMP thread and respond to statements I made there. Why don't you do some research into my argument.

Also I think the country we are discussing is spelled "Iraq" not "Iraw". A little simple research could clear that up. Try the dictionary, for example.

Vote Jeb Bush 2008

11-21-03 10:57am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Shoots the shit and often misses

Member Rated:

What is it you keep telling me to look up? Am I going to find in a giant book of "Things That are Right and Wrong" the complete and total set of all military actions that might be possible and which ones are right and which ones are wrong given certain criteria? I don't care what international bodies say about our military actions. Just get over that you feel differently, stop constantly refering me to the international bodies for information after I say they don't even enter into my argument -or worse are part of the problem to some extent.

And pita if you missed my comment to bunner I was feciciously offering up genocide as a course of action because it doesn't really seem to matter what I say to some people, and bunner higlighted that point by zeroing in on that statement and ignoring everything else I said. At least he gets right to into instead of dancing around asking me to look up mystery items and "do some research". I am not surprised that some people cannot accept someone might be for the war regardless of WMD talk, it comfirms a lot of what I suspect about "intellecual" liberals.

Notice all the bold words, MaKK. Perhaps before one attempts to discredit someone based on a TYPO, one should perhaps correct their own. As I said, you need the dictionary. The word, I think, you were looking for, was 'facetious'. Although 'fecicious' probably IS what you were being, expecially if the root word is 'feces'.

The giant three-phallused phallus of Uzbekistan will one day squirt the cosmic jizz of revenge all over Canada.

11-21-03 11:44am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Shoots the shit and often misses

Member Rated:

What is it you keep telling me to look up? Am I going to find in a giant book of "Things That are Right and Wrong" the complete and total set of all military actions that might be possible and which ones are right and which ones are wrong given certain criteria? I don't care what international bodies say about our military actions. Just get over that you feel differently, stop constantly refering me to the international bodies for information after I say they don't even enter into my argument -or worse are part of the problem to some extent.

And pita if you missed my comment to bunner I was feciciously offering up genocide as a course of action because it doesn't really seem to matter what I say to some people, and bunner higlighted that point by zeroing in on that statement and ignoring everything else I said. At least he gets right to into instead of dancing around asking me to look up mystery items and "do some research". I am not surprised that some people cannot accept someone might be for the war regardless of WMD talk, it comfirms a lot of what I suspect about "intellecual" liberals.

Notice all the bold words, MaKK. Perhaps before one attempts to discredit someone based on a TYPO, one should perhaps correct their own. As I said, you need the dictionary. The word, I think, you were looking for, was 'facetious'. Although 'fecicious' probably IS what you were being, especially if the root word is 'feces'.

The giant three-phallused phallus of Uzbekistan will one day squirt the cosmic jizz of revenge all over Canada.

11-21-03 11:44am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

La fille qui a joué avec le feu

Member Rated:

Where exactly is it that they can come with "us" to?
Ever think they didn't want to go anywhere with us?

What you're calling "limp-wristed international-multi-culturalism" is what I like to think are efforts toward peace. A war-monger such as yourself wouldn't get that. And talk of blowing up their hospitals and schools belies your claim to be sorry over Abdul's kid being crushed in rubble.

Mikey, you're a step ahead of me here... I was about to do the same thing (only I took the long way around it and went back to the beginning of this thread).
MaKK is so arrogant.

Rush Liumbaugh are saying you are boorte...?
stop constantly refering me to the international bodies
bunner higlighted that point

“It is only with the heart that one sees rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.” - The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1945)

11-21-03 11:49am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

La fille qui a joué avec le feu

Member Rated:

Oh, and in your own words, MaKK:

“It is only with the heart that one sees rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.” - The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1945)

11-21-03 11:51am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Shoots the shit and often misses

Member Rated:

He isn't as much arrogant as he is grasping at straws. It's sad, really, that someone can constantly be challenged, and verbaly backed into a wall, and when their rhetoric is no longer supporting them, they resort to such things as spelling errors. I am really, really disheartened by that. Where is MaKK from?

The giant three-phallused phallus of Uzbekistan will one day squirt the cosmic jizz of revenge all over Canada.

11-21-03 1:18pm (new)
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I fling the shoddy polo stick

Member Rated:


11-21-03 1:18pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

MaaK is most definitely a dick-nosed, annoying troll-clown but I'm fairly sure his point here was to be an ironic smartass ('Oh, look, here's something you can look up') rather than a pedant, folks.

"And Wirthling isn't worth the paper he isn't printed on."

11-21-03 2:35pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Shoots the shit and often misses

Member Rated:

Shit, wirthling, I stand corrected. I thought he was a cock-faced, irritating ass-hat. Thank you for pointing that out to me.

The giant three-phallused phallus of Uzbekistan will one day squirt the cosmic jizz of revenge all over Canada.

11-21-03 2:57pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

Well wirthling got the joke. I'm glad you are all in a rush to read my comments for typos, though, maybe you will accidently get enlightened.

Pita are you just not reading my comments? That was sarcastic as I said before (except for the limp-wristed stuff. Grow a backbone.). I get the feeling you haven't read everything I've written or you wouldn't be asking me to subject you with more of the same. I've laid out why I am for this war over and over. I understand you are for peace and I myself hope that we can have a peace and security. Never going to war is not going to lead to security though.

I get the point that you don't agree with me. You're not really giving me good reasons to change my mind though. If you had thought through your stance on the war as much as I have you could address my comments head-on instead of just bemoaning my existence.

Vote Jeb Bush 2008

11-21-03 3:03pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Shoots the shit and often misses

Member Rated:

Never going to war isn't going to lead to security? When was the last time Switzerland was terror-bombed? When was the last time Amsterdam was rocked with suicide blasts? The less we force our way of life on other nations, the better off we all will be. And by way of life, I don't mean just war. I mean economics, covert military action, and all the great shit the CIA and the U.S. government has done to fuck up South America.

The giant three-phallused phallus of Uzbekistan will one day squirt the cosmic jizz of revenge all over Canada.

11-21-03 3:19pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

crazy knife lady

Member Rated:

Makk, reading this thread, I am thinking: You are so hosed. Your balls are so frosted, and you don't even know it. I'm thinking up some replies to your long message, which is such a clusterfuck that it's taking me a while. But it seems the main fight is over, and what is left is mopping up and debriefing. This is obvious to most of us, whether you acknowledge it or not. And I think you would agree with the following statement: The loser of an argument almost never thinks he lost. Please consider that.

What you take from this is up to you. I have to say it anyway.

You ask what it is you need to look up. How about any assertion of fact? That's a good start. Because if you make an assertion of fact, and you're not sure if it's true, or where it came from, the chances are pretty fair that you will get it wrong. That's just common sense. If you need proof of this glaringly obvious thing, look no farther than our argument. In every single case where you brought forth some dubious factoid, or strongly implied or assumed one, and I challenged it, you turned out to be wrong. The reverse did not occur. This is not because I'm better or smarter or less evil than you. It's because I look things up. It's a method, and you can do it just as well as I can. We still might not agree, but your arguments will be a lot better.

I would be the better for that. That's why I say, I'll be your staff librarian. I'll look stuff up for you, and if you want, you can go ahead and use it against me. I think this would make us both better.

Yes, I think arguing with each other can transform us into better people.

You also say you've addressed all these concrete issues in the past. Well, I have been here every step of the way, and I have not seen that. I am rereading the thread right now, and what I am seeing from you is vague and impressionistic language, and when someone challenges you on it you tend to change the subject. I have asked you numerous times to answer specific questions about your statements, or to tell me concretely what you mean, and virtually every time, I've gotten no answer.

Then you say you've already answered all this.

If you want examples, no problem. I'm not joking.

OK, so you've thrown up your hands and asked what the hell you're supposed to do, and I think I've given you a start of an answer. Probably the biggest favor you can do yourself now is to figure out how you lost this argument so badly that people are not even getting your "jokes."*

Speaking of supposed ironies and stuff, I have a lot to say about your so-called "paradox." I think you're abusing the term. Not every double standard or logical fuckup deserves to be graced with the term "paradox." Sometimes what you have instead is an error, or hypocrisy. You'll hear more from me about that.

All that aside, I actually like you, and I like doing this, and I'm pretty happy with it. I think you're sincere and not a troll, although I do wish you'd get your serious on sometimes.

k thx l8r

*(It's because your "irony" resembles your actual views too closely to really be irony.)

What others say about boorite!

11-21-03 3:47pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Shoots the shit and often misses

Member Rated:

Thank you, boorite, for addressing the 'paradox' comment. I completely failed to point that out when I saw it. Perhaps I put a little bit too much emotion into my beliefs, as we all do, and perhaps I am not as concise as boorite. My heart and head are in the right place, though, and I have had no argument from you, really, MaKK. All I have seen on your end is vaguery. MaKK, I can't claim to like you, but I honestly don't dislike you, either. I am actually quite sad that you believe the things you do. Perhaps I am alone in thinking that. Perhaps not. But I do know that changing the mind, or factually, showing the truth, to someone in your position, is how people can change the world to a better place. So I hope you harbor no ill will toward the collective attempt to do so.

The giant three-phallused phallus of Uzbekistan will one day squirt the cosmic jizz of revenge all over Canada.

11-21-03 4:01pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Level 1 Forum Troll

Member Rated:

No offense, but I wish you all would stop refering to what's going on in Iraq as "the war".

We, the almighty and all-knowing USA, invaded a country under false pretenses and took it over. I hardly call that a war.

Remember...regime change starts at home. I saw that on a bumper sticker, I gotta get one of those.

Think classy, you'll be classy.

11-21-03 4:36pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

Just saying I'm wrong doesn't make me wrong. Again you point to my use of a word -which yes, you could chose a few different words in its place, we have a very rich language- instead of the actual statement I make. And you talk about changing the subject?

You also do not respond to the bulk of my argument.

Maybe you are hosed. You keep saying I'll be hearing from you and that I am so completely wrong. That's funny, I don't feel wrong.

Have fun being a librarian.

Vote Jeb Bush 2008

11-21-03 5:48pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

La fille qui a joué avec le feu

Member Rated:

MaKK, there is no joke involved here, your comments are replete with error.

Bush declared a whole war a didn't get impeached...
he's bringing everything up here again, moreso since...
I hope this is the thesis for you 72 page essay because I don't have time to read all of that.
Maybe seperating the various factions to a degree is the only way anyone there will get closer...
I have stated before that I am not for a ceratin party...

No one is "in a rush" to read your posts, this was done because you are so arrogant as to point out every little typo made by others. I suppose this helps you to feel superior. As does the assumption that anyone will "accidently get enlightened" by your drivel.
By the way, that's spelled 'accidentally'.

I have plenty of backbone, thank you. You are correct, I haven't read everything you've written. You are incorrect in thinking I'm asking you for anything at all, much less another ridiculous, unfounded argument from such a pretentious soul as yourself.

I'm not trying to change your mind, nor do I have any interest in addressing your comments head-on, because I can't take them seriously. As boorite said, *It's because your "irony" resembles your actual views too closely to really be irony.

You back up and claim that what you said was a joke or a test of some sort. I mean, have YOU read everything you've written?

I think I'll continue just bemoaning your existence.

“It is only with the heart that one sees rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.” - The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1945)

11-21-03 11:52pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Some bloke.

Member Rated:

Pita.... Honey?


Here's the deal:

You're feeding a troll. He has no views, no opinions, no beliefs, nothing to offer but a lot of nickel for six, contentious crap that will keep people hitting his bait of endless argument.

He doesn't listen to anything, he doesn't believe in anything, he doesn't stand for anything.

Leave now.

Nothing of interest or use is being offered here or shall be offered here. Ever.


I wanted my half in the middle and I wound up on the edge.

11-22-03 12:35am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

La fille qui a joué avec le feu

Member Rated:

Bunner, I found your posts, boorite's, and MikeyG's very interesting.

Niteowl was right in saying "We, the almighty and all-knowing USA, invaded a country under false pretenses and took it over. I hardly call that a war."

Wirthling said it best:

However, it's always been my policy to not feed the trolls.


“It is only with the heart that one sees rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.” - The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1945)

11-22-03 6:30am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

She's not even feeding a troll, she's missing the point of a joke so obvious even wirthling got it.

Vote Jeb Bush 2008

11-22-03 12:18pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

crazy knife lady

Member Rated:

No offense, but I wish you all would stop refering to what's going on in Iraq as "the war".

Got me there. We basically rolled up on them and kicked their asses to the moon. Not a fucking thing they could do about it either. That's a pretty one-sided war.

What others say about boorite!

11-22-03 2:21pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

That's probably where I differ from most of you getting very angry with me, in that I do think we are still in a war. Part of terrorism's political purpose is to make a more powerful military enemy leave, if only through bad publicity that reaches the occupying country's population. I think the first example of this working is the Algerian uprising against French colonisation.

I see that images of atrocities committed by terrorist action are themselves part of the war. It's like anti-abortion advocates showing giant banners of dead babies. This doesn't sway my opinion and neither does the list of casualties from terrorists attacking soft targets and troops in Iraq sway my opinion on the war there. War war war. It's a war. It's (at least) two ideaologies fighting an unconvential war, but it's still a war.

And if it's not a war what are you worried about? We just have some troops hanging out there, trying to keep the peace, like in South Korea. I'd be willing to say it's time to leave if the insurgents were only attacking us, but they aren't, they have attacked the UN, the Red Cross, and the government we are trying to set up. That's not an attack on us, that's an attack on civility, and it shouldn't chase us out of the country.

Vote Jeb Bush 2008

11-22-03 2:48pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator » Fights Go Here » Idiots.

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