Makk, reading this thread, I am thinking: You are so hosed. Your balls are so frosted, and you don't even know it. I'm thinking up some replies to your long message, which is such a clusterfuck that it's taking me a while. But it seems the main fight is over, and what is left is mopping up and debriefing. This is obvious to most of us, whether you acknowledge it or not. And I think you would agree with the following statement: The loser of an argument almost never thinks he lost. Please consider that.
What you take from this is up to you. I have to say it anyway.
You ask what it is you need to look up. How about any assertion of fact? That's a good start. Because if you make an assertion of fact, and you're not sure if it's true, or where it came from, the chances are pretty fair that you will get it wrong. That's just common sense. If you need proof of this glaringly obvious thing, look no farther than our argument. In every single case where you brought forth some dubious factoid, or strongly implied or assumed one, and I challenged it, you turned out to be wrong. The reverse did not occur. This is not because I'm better or smarter or less evil than you. It's because I look things up. It's a method, and you can do it just as well as I can. We still might not agree, but your arguments will be a lot better.
I would be the better for that. That's why I say, I'll be your staff librarian. I'll look stuff up for you, and if you want, you can go ahead and use it against me. I think this would make us both better.
Yes, I think arguing with each other can transform us into better people.
You also say you've addressed all these concrete issues in the past. Well, I have been here every step of the way, and I have not seen that. I am rereading the thread right now, and what I am seeing from you is vague and impressionistic language, and when someone challenges you on it you tend to change the subject. I have asked you numerous times to answer specific questions about your statements, or to tell me concretely what you mean, and virtually every time, I've gotten no answer.
Then you say you've already answered all this.
If you want examples, no problem. I'm not joking.
OK, so you've thrown up your hands and asked what the hell you're supposed to do, and I think I've given you a start of an answer. Probably the biggest favor you can do yourself now is to figure out how you lost this argument so badly that people are not even getting your "jokes."*
Speaking of supposed ironies and stuff, I have a lot to say about your so-called "paradox." I think you're abusing the term. Not every double standard or logical fuckup deserves to be graced with the term "paradox." Sometimes what you have instead is an error, or hypocrisy. You'll hear more from me about that.
All that aside, I actually like you, and I like doing this, and I'm pretty happy with it. I think you're sincere and not a troll, although I do wish you'd get your serious on sometimes.
k thx l8r
*(It's because your "irony" resembles your actual views too closely to really be irony.)
What others say about boorite!