Round is over, please exchange hats with the person on your right.
BigFrank105 - 11
mandingo - 11
Rabid_Weasle - 11
areallystupidguy - 10
biped - 10
kaufman - 10
DexX - 9
HCRoyall - 9
The_young_scot - 9
cpausti - 8
Spankling - 8
Matchbook_Romance - 7
niteowl - 7
ArtemisStrong - 6
Zaster - 2
16. HotRodDeathToll
17. dcomposed
18. sunnyrain
19. Okay
20. bltsandwich17
New round begins at the sound of the beep. Weep. Sleep. Deep. Keep. Jeep. Heep. Qeep. Reep. Xeep. Leep. Aeep. Beep.
Heal Zaster again
Hurt Rabbadon Wozzle.
It's grime time.