Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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Stripcreator » Comic Showcase » AUGUST MADNESS: The 1st Stripcreator Battle Royal



I don't know what I'm doing either

Member Rated:

Arabian Vs. Kajun: When Stereotypes Attack (1) by jes_lawson
I don't like the way I'm used on Stripcreator!
I don't like the way I'm used on Stripcreator!

Arabian Vs. Kajun: When Stereotypes Attack (2) by jes_lawson
I'm sick of being used as either as a terrorist or an Iraqi!
Bunch of arse! Try being portrayed as a drunken Scot week in week out!
Pah! I'm wearing a turban. Arabs wear a ghutra. It's sacrilege!
I've been drawn wearing a kilt and holding a pint of beer. I'm...
...A cross dressing Hawaiian with a fetish for beakers of urine?
You're gonnae get a Glasgow kiss in a minute...

Arabian Vs. Kajun: When Stereotypes Attack (Finale) by jes_lawson
Your attitude insults and offends me, "Jock"
Like I care, "Abdul"
Heathen Transvestite!
Insults will get you nowhere! I, however, have slipped some anthrax into your lager!
*Boak* Best pint of Tennents I ever...*hurk!*

Arabian Vs. Kajun: When Stereotypes Attack (Epilogue) by jes_lawson
Victory for the Arab League! ...who are you?
My name is Kajun from a previous incarnation. You killed my avatar! Prepare to die!
Arabians don't believe in reincarnation.
Neither do the Scots. But in the words of Highlander...
¡Dos Pablos Nimos!
Allah Ahkbar, that stings! *dies*
"There can be only one!"

Everyone knows you can't kill an immortal. I anticipate Kajun back in the next round looking like his old self.

Rejected lines of dialogue:
"Aye, that Arab wasn't so bad. We both liked eating the parts of sheep other people throw away..."

Please replace the handset, and try again.

10-09-03 4:55am (new)
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Passing through.

Member Rated:

Neal vs. Ranger (1) by mmyers
What ho, dweller of Middle Earth! 'Twould seem I do need to speak words with you.
Man, I don't have time for this. I'm on my way to work. I don't even know you, dude.
'Lo, I am Imax the Wanderer, a half-elf from Underdark, and thou didst sit on my favorite seat at the McDonald's on 8th street. For that, we must battle!
Man, I've got ten minutes to get uptown. Fuck off.
What ho! Hold that cab so that we can ride together and split the fee. I don't get my allowance until Thursday!

Neal vs. Ranger (2) by mmyers
So as you can see, ladies and gentlemen of the board, if we focus on our steady clients instead of new ventures, we will see higher yields over a 5 year span.
Excellent presentation, Neal. So it is a gradual increase instead of an immediate...
*pant pant* What ho! Thou didst try to lose me in your labrynthian maze, but like the minotaur you are, I have found you. Prepare to be vanquished, minotaur.
Man, that ain't no damn maze, it's office cubes, and I ain't no damn minotaur, I'm the guy who's going to call security.
Call your demons, I shall vanquish them! But first, we shall battle. Now I'm +2 when using a rapier, so I think we should battle with rapiers. Also, I'm 2d4 on damage with it, so watch out!
Man, I'm +size 11 and 1/2 to put my foot dead in your ass.

Neal vs Ranger (3) by mmyers
Then what happened, baby?
I was about to put my foot in his D-and-D playing cracker ass, but then security pulled me off of him. Ruined my whole damn presentation.
What ho! Get thee behind me, fair maiden! I shall defend thee from this monster! 'Lo, I am in your innersanctum, Neal the minotaur.
Look man, you need to get the hell out of my house before someone gets hurt.
We shall battle tonight, Neal the minotaur. Now, I have my bag of dice with me, one 20 sided, two 10 sided, two 5 sided, and the dreaded 100 sided. Choose your weapon.
I'm going to get the water hose.

Neal vs Ranger (4) by mmyers
Nice shot, hitting him with that frying pan like that. I'll call the cops.
Boy, white people really are as goofy as the comedians say.
Thanks for picking him up, officer. We really appreciate it.
Yup. Fucking kids and their role playing games. I gotta role playing game for 'em, it's called an 8 year hitch in the ARMY. Role play that!
Man, I'm glad that's over. Let's eat dinner.
I was thinking about making...oh no! Neal, WATCH OUT!

Neal vs Ranger (5) by mmyers
Looks like he slipped on this 100 sided dice. I'm afraid he's dead.
Neal, my poor, poor Neal.
The actual word would be 'die', the plural would be 'dice'. What can I say, I'm an asshole about word tenses.
Several days later at McDonalds...
So then Neal the minotaur was vanquished and the demon knights released me with a warning.
Excellent, my little pet. You receive 1000 experience points. Next we need to set our sites on the evil King of California. Mwa-ha-ha!

Peeing sitting down is the gift you give yourself.

10-09-03 10:50am (new)
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Forum comment:

Member Rated:

01. Super Mari03: Adventures In Hell by umfumdisi
Curses! You found my secret lair. But how? Oh, yes, I shouldn't have put in that pipe leading straight down here.
So, you don't have anything to say for yourself? Fine, I'll go ahead and tell you that I have the Princess.
Stoicism, eh? Well, your sniggly mortal powers are no match for mine. I'll go over here and diddle the Princess while you fight my henchmen.

02. Super Mari03: Adventures In Hell by umfumdisi
i might be small, but i'm quick, and i'll give you typhoid
crap, it's Catsuit Mario; i'm done for
Okay, that was a gimme. But you won't like the next guy.

03. Super Mari03: Adventures In Hell by umfumdisi
that's right I'm a fireball moving in one direction. you'll never make it past me or my buddies

04. Super Mari03: Adventures In Hell by umfumdisi
He jumped right over me! I suck.
You do realize that the Princess is, like, twice your size. She probably won't have anything to do with you even if you do manage to save her. NEXT!

05. Super Mari03: Adventures In Hell by umfumdisi
I'm Satan's right-metacarpus man. All I have to do is run into you and you're dead.
And all you had to do to kill me was jump on my head? That doesn't seem right.
I like your style, Mario. If you can defeat this next opponent, then you and I will battle to the death.

[Click to view comic: '06. Super Mari03: Adventures In Hell']
[Click to view comic: '07. Super Mari03: Adventures In Hell']
[Click to view comic: '08. Super Mari03: Adventures In Hell']
[Click to view comic: '09. Super Mari03: Adventures In Hell']
[Click to view comic: '10. Super Mari03: Adventures In Hell']
[Click to view comic: '11. Super Mari03: Adventures In Hell']
[Click to view comic: '12. Super Mari03: Adventures In Hell']

Chicken Feather Bed Bugs Bunny Hop Sing Out Side Street Walker Texas Ranger Cookie Dough Boy Wonder Years

10-09-03 9:25pm (new)
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Passing through.

Member Rated:

Damn funny stuff, umfum. Hey, was cloud cuckoo land a Lightning Seeds reference are was that really what the place was called in the game?

Peeing sitting down is the gift you give yourself.

10-10-03 8:19am (new)
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Forum comment:

Member Rated:

Um, both! I always thought the Seeds got that from the video game. It is the name of one of the lands.


As y'all can see, I have no trouble posting more than five comics at a time, but, then again, I don't have the "quote" link in forums. Weird.

Chicken Feather Bed Bugs Bunny Hop Sing Out Side Street Walker Texas Ranger Cookie Dough Boy Wonder Years

10-10-03 9:44pm (new)
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I don't know what I'm doing either

Member Rated:

Holly Vs Triceratops. (1) by jes_lawson
And in this section, you'll see our exhibitions of fossilised prehistoric creatures!
Cool! This museum is way better than battling giant robots!
Hey! Don't I recognise you from some place?
The first rule about being a paeleontologist, is that you do NOT talk about being a paeleontologist.

Holly Vs. Triceratops (2) by jes_lawson
Holly! An urgent mission from Fight Club HQ!
Awww! And I was just about to look up the Thesaurus and finally see the Doyathinkhesaurus!
They want you to travel back in time to save mankind again!
Time travel? Aw, but that stinks! All those dumb paradoxes and explaining to the world press why Belgium vanished!
Well, you know what they say...
I know, I know: "The first rule of Time Travel, is that you do not , never have, and never will talk about Time Travel."

Holly Vs. Triceratops (3) Jurassic Fark by jes_lawson
Good luck in the Triassic era, Holly! *zzzip*
Duh...over here, Gabe... Hey! Did you take a whizz in the time chamber...
65 million years earlier...
Who the hell are you?
You must be Mankind's champion. Smaller than I expected, and stinking of stale urine, but no matter. Follow me!

Holly Vs. Triceratops (4): Jurassic Fark by jes_lawson
10-11-03 lizard guys see much fighting when Time Travelling?
Oh yeah! Last week, I personally fought three rounds with President Schwarzenegger on the Moon!
You're the guy I gotta fight?
Heh. Dat's right, little missy! And I gotta warn ya, I'm feeling sexy this epoch! You won't be able to resist me!
You don't look all that hot to me...
Baby doll, I'm so horny, I'm smokin'!

Holly Vs. Triceratops (5): Jurassic Fark by jes_lawson
Enough talk, let's fight!
You won't know what hit you, toots...
Deadly Shining Penguin² Mune-Tsuki™
"Ah see skies of blue! And clouds of white!"
Heh heh heh!
What the...

Please replace the handset, and try again.

10-12-03 4:21pm (new)
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I don't know what I'm doing either

Member Rated:

Holly Vs. Triceratops: Jurassic Fark (6) by jes_lawson
I don't know how you survived that attack, but you won't survive...
...a Shaolin Soccer Beckham-Ryu Corner Kick! YIE-AR!
That...that was plain confusing!
Heh heh heh!

Holly Vs. Triceratops (7): Jurassic Fark by jes_lawson
I'm sooo like, gonna Proto-Infinite (±n) Euro -Shiñ Kick Ãssault you!!...gagh!
"And I thinks to mah-self..."
*gasp* ½µ³ Scientific Daito-Ryu Panty Raider Kick!
"Whadda Wonderfurl Worrrllld!"
*Gasp* OK, I give up, you win! How the hell am I having no effect on you?
Well, I oughta stamp on your pretty little self right now, but I guess I could explain...

Holly Vs. Triceratops (8): Jurassic Fark by jes_lawson
I...I tried everything I knew...It's like you're invunerable!
Us Walkin' Lizards have learned to harvest Universal Energies and such. We're everywhere and nowhere at once, like!
Wow! So what was with the Nat King Cole?
Freeform Be-bop and crooner standards help centre da mind. Dat's ya foist lesson!
Awesome! What's Lesson 2? Deflecting Extinction-Level Event asteroids and stuff?
Woah, missy! Some things we just ain't never gonna need to know! Dat's playin with fire! Fire, I tells ya!

Holly Vs. Triceratops (Finale) by jes_lawson
65 million years and a few days later...
Tyler! I lost the fight, but the Dinousars taught me the secrets of the physical Universe!
Well whoop-de-freaking do! There's only one place for losers, Holly!
And in this section, you'll see the pickled remains of Hollicus Loserus. Note the close fitting blouse and short primitive skirt it used to distract its opponents...
Gee! It looks so lifelike, Mister Durden! Where did you...
The first rule of being a paeleontologist is that you do NOT talk about being a paeleontologist!

Now I think about it: 1st panel, last strip, should have had Holly shouting for Gabe and being surprised to see Tyler. But anyway...

Please replace the handset, and try again.

10-12-03 4:30pm (new)
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crazy knife lady

Member Rated:

Jeez, it seems like only last year when I submitted Lenny vs. Death... and now I got two series way overdue? Oy! I'm on it.

What others say about boorite!

10-17-03 2:38pm (new)
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crazy knife lady

Member Rated:

Stripsurvivor 1 by boorite
One parachute left! If we're going to get off this plane alive, we have to work together.
What you got in mind?
Help me put on the parachute...?
Fuuu-uuu-uuuuuck you!

Stripsurvivor 2 by boorite
We both want the parachute. We have to settle this somehow.
How about a knife fight?
How about SAT scores?
680 Math, 700 Verbal.
How about a knife fight?

Stripsurvivor 3 by boorite
Before we commence our knife fight, we have to agree on rules...
Yo, man, I saw Butch and Sundance, a'ight?
Great movie, but I could have done without the Burt Bacharach.
The point is, I am not gonna let you kick me in the balls.
Look, a baby wolf!
Saw that one, too.

Stripsurvivor 4 by boorite
Forget the knife fight. Let's face off in comedy improv. I imitate you, and you imitate me. Funniest man wins.
Hold on a sec. I got to dress for the part.
Oh, that's much better.
Whitest gear I got on hand.

What others say about boorite!

10-17-03 4:10pm (new)
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crazy knife lady

Member Rated:

Stripsurvivor 5 by boorite
Here we go. I'm you, and you're me.
Got it. Ready, set, go!
Say hizzo ah beez bussin' mah foot all up in yo azz in da hizzo-fizzuckin' house!
Greetings, I am a white man. Please disregard my awkward gait, as I am attempting to shell walnuts with my butt cheeks.
I do not walk like that!
"Hizzo-fizzuckin' house?"

Stripsurvivor 6 by boorite
Wait. How we gonna decide who's funnier?
We let the people of America decide!
To vote for Pimp, call 1-900-PIMP
To vote for Jon, call 1-900-WIMP

Stripsurvivor 7 by boorite
The results are in! I got 34,417,967 votes.
I got 34,417,942.
Yay! I win the parachute!
Hey, no hard feelings, right?

Stripsurvivor 8 by boorite
Wait a damn minute. What was the margin of error on that phone poll?
Plus or minus 3 percent.
Shee-it! I only lost by 25 votes out of 34 million! Which means it's statistically just as likely that I--

What others say about boorite!

10-17-03 4:11pm (new)
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Alpha Geek

Member Rated:

Captain vs. Spankling - 1 by fuzzyman
One day, in Spankling's bedroom...
Halt, evildoer!
Who in the hell are you? How did you get into my bedroom?
I'm Captain Moral Authority! I appear wherever evildoers perpetrate their nefarious acts!
But I'm not an evildoer, and I've never done anything remotely nefarious!
Fox News told me otherwise, and they would never lie! They're fair and balanced!
They distort, you misguide.

Captain vs. Spankling - 2 by fuzzyman
So, tell me... What nefarious deed was I about to do?
You were going to pleasure yourself in this very bed!
What's so evil about that?
You were going to fantasize about a threesome with Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity!
So? Ann Coulter does that for real!
Yes, but Ann uses a strap-on, so it doesn't count as real sex.

Captain vs. Spankling - 3 by fuzzyman
Look, Captain Moral Authority, you are in no position to tell me what to do!
Oh really! So what position would I have to be in?
Standing over my quivering, naked rump with a paddle in your hand.
Sounds good to me! So how did you figure out my secret?
Your mouth said "No," but the bulge in your tights said "Yes!"
Curse you, Spandex!

Spankling wins

...Trot and Cap'n Bill were free from anxiety and care. Button-Bright never worried about anything. The Scarecrow, not being able to sleep, looked out of the window and tried to count the stars.

10-19-03 2:14pm (new)
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Forum comment:

Member Rated:

RE: Captain v. Spankling

"They distort, you misguide."


Chicken Feather Bed Bugs Bunny Hop Sing Out Side Street Walker Texas Ranger Cookie Dough Boy Wonder Years

10-20-03 8:15am (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

I had a total mental block for this matchup, which explains the suckiness of my entry.

Withling vs the Red Menace - Part 1 by kramer_vs_kramer
Curses! Of the people to be trapped floating through space with, it has to be you, the quintessential redheaded stepchild.
You're not my real daddy!
Damn right I'm not. I'd never have touched your mother if I'd known she'd spawned a sub-human wastrel like you.
That's it- I'm telling mom.
Um, newsflash moron-boy. We're trapped in space. I can say whatever I like. There's no way your mother or her cro-magnon of an ex-husband can hear us.
Mom! Your boyfriend's being mean again!

Wirthling vs the Red Menace - Part 2 by kramer_vs_kramer
It's all your fault we're stuck out here you know.
How so?
It's too hot in here. I'm going to open a window.
You are SO grounded for this.

Wirthling wins.

10-20-03 8:21am (new)
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Member Rated:

I don't think I can be a Scyess in this. I have other less comicy things to do.

Is there anyone left who isn't already in this that can take Scyess's place?

Batman created by Bob Kane

10-26-03 8:18pm (new)
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is never bored.

Member Rated:

Brad vs Pumpkin 1 by attitudechicka
Look, pumpkin, I've had enough of you.
With your misshapen eyes and cut out teeth.
I'm going to rip the candle out of you.

Brad vs pumpkin 2 by attitudechicka
I've had enough of your shit, Brad.
What with your closing and reopening the forums all the time.
I have a carving kit.
Oh shit!

Brad vs pumpkin 3 by attitudechicka
Wait, I added you to this site, I can delete you.
I'd like to see you try.
ERROR: php syntax does not exist.
Fuck it, I'll just use the carving kit after all.

Brad obviously wins.

Mediocrity at its most average.

10-27-03 9:53am (new)
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Director of Cats

Member Rated:

Fear not, we have another volunteer! The resident St. Louisianan position will be taken by attitudechicka. Thus the remainder of round 1 looks like this:

[list][*]attitudechicka: Brad (forumusers) vs. Pumpkin (holiday)
-and- Matthew (forumusers) vs. Penguin (kofightclub)
-and- Dragonxero (forumusers) vs. Witch (holiday)
-and- Choirboy (kaddar) vs. Gabebillings (forumusers)
[*]Big Evil Dan: Redfish (dexx) vs. Union (kofightclub)
[*]boinky33: Owl (submitted) vs. Santa (holiday)
[*]boorite: Elephant (dexx) vs. Lara7 (forumusers)
-and- Attitudechicka (forumusers) vs. Maura (dieselsweeties)
[*]crabby: Gabe (kofightclub/pennyarcade) vs. Rocker (submitted)
[*]Drexle: Deer (holiday) vs. Killersquirrel (kofightclub)
-and- Clango (dieselsweeties) vs. Phil (goats)
[*]evil_d: Feetforears (threereasons) vs. Jael (forumusers)
[*]fuzzyman: up-to-date
[*]habnem: Monkey (kaddar) vs. Snowman (holiday)
[*]itsclark: Diablo (goats) vs. Mrstinkybutt (submitted)
[*]jes_lawson: Drexle (forumusers) vs. Pirate (submitted)
[*]KajunFirefly: Duck (kaddar) vs. Zombie (holiday)
-and- Brunette (kaddar) vs. stickman (explodingdog)
[*]kramer_vs_kramer: Deuce (jerkcity) vs. Evil (kaddar)
[*]mmyers: up-to-date
[*]TheGovernor: Littlegirl (threereasons) vs. Sickobunny (dexx)
-and- Blue (kaddar) vs. CSA (kofightclub)
[*]umfumdisi: up-to-date

One more administrative note: Since some new characters have been provided to us, if appropriate, they can be incorporated. For instance, if habnem wants to use astrosuit2 as part of Monkey vs. Snowman, he may. Similarly, for TheGovernor in Blue vs. CSA.


10-27-03 9:56am (new)
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is never bored.

Member Rated:

Matthew vs Penguin 1 by attitudechicka
That wasn't "The best whipping of my life". I want my money back.
No refunds.
But, that's false advertising.
I don't care kid, get lost. I got more customers.
I at least demand to be whipped again for free.
No refunds, no freebees.

Matthew vs Penguin 2 by attitudechicka
Awwww, come on. Just a little whipping right here.
I'm out of here.
Brad! What are you doing here? And why are you frozen?
I tried to get a freebee.
And she froze you?

Matthew vs Penguin 3 by attitudechicka
No, I've just been waiting so long and got so cold...
On second thought, I don't need the whipping that badly. But here's a twenty to take care of my friend.
Alright kid, someone's paid your tab.

Penguin wins.

Mediocrity at its most average.

10-27-03 10:12am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

is never bored.

Member Rated:

I considered an argument about Witch actually being Wiccan, but decided against it.
DX vs Witch by attitudechicka
Ha! You dress like that for Halloween, I dress like this every day.
And that makes you better than me?
Didn't you see that picture of me with the two girls? I'm the man.
You probably paid them to take a photo with you.
Yes, actually I did.
You need this broomstick more than I do.

Witch wins.

Mediocrity at its most average.

10-27-03 10:20am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I'm with stupid ^

Member Rated:

Battle Royal: Owl vs. Santa by boinky33
Paper covers rock! I win!

Owl wins!

10-27-03 10:34am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

is never bored.

Member Rated:

Choirboy vs Gabe 1 by attitudechicka
You have to accept God into your life.
And you have to accept porn into your life.
Pornographic material? I could never.
Here. Look at this.
What is that pink donkey doing to you?

Choirboy vs Gabe 2 by attitudechicka
5 hours later...
What did you think?
Bewbies. Lots of bewbies. Must find bewbies.
And that was just the most recent photoshop competition.

Choirboy vs Gabe 3 by attitudechicka
I've decided to leave the church.
Why, my son?
Well, may God bless you on your search for....
Did you say bewbies?

Gabe corrupts. And wins.

Mediocrity at its most average.

10-27-03 11:58am (new)
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chooby digital (in stereo)

Member Rated:

I hereby totally promise to pull my finger out.

Dad was flammable

10-28-03 12:01pm (new)
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I don't know what I'm doing either

Member Rated:

Drexle Vs. Pirate (1) by jes_lawson
At last! Thanks to KaZaA, soon I'll have a copy of every Norweigian Death Metal album ever made!
*Error - Your entire hard drive has been uploaded and erased. Windows is shutting down*
Nooo! When I find out who's done this, I'm going to tear them a new arse and stuff a Jack O' Lantern up there!
Ha-Haaar! This haul will fetch a king's ransom on the market stalls of Trömso!

Drexle Vs. Pirate (2) by jes_lawson
According to my necronomicon, for bloody revenge you need a black altar, a virgin, and an unholy icon...
Sir, As an altar of mixed race I refer you to the Church of Noise's policy on Racial Discrimination!
I am too a virgin! Blow-jobs don't count! And neither does rapp!
Hey Kids! I spy The Hamburgler!
Or...on second thoughts, I'll just make a phone call to someone who can help...

Drexle Vs. Pirate (3) by jes_lawson
Shiver me Timbers! I've been boarded!
Rörg! Rune of Klompfot will teach you to rip off the smaller artists!
Now, back to our Polka collaboration with Weird Al Yankovic - Polish-ing My Dark Soul (Accordian To You It's Dirty...)
Heh-heh-heh! Thanks, Weird Al!

P.S. Kajun - make sure you wash it this time.

Please replace the handset, and try again.

10-29-03 8:40am (new)
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chooby digital (in stereo)

Member Rated:

It wasn't until chicka questioned the saying that I realised it's probably not as universal as I thought.

Might seem kinda strange to some people.

Dad was flammable

10-29-03 4:43pm (new)
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chooby digital (in stereo)

Member Rated:

SC Death Stories: Duck Vs Zombie by KajunFirefly
So we are to battle to the death?
Yes, mwa ha ha, I shall destroy you with my evil zombie powers, no mere mortal duck shall stand in my way!!
But....aren't you already dead?
Cool, later.

Well, one down, at least.

Dad was flammable

11-03-03 6:24pm (new)
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Director of Cats

Member Rated:

13 of the 64 first round matches have yet to be resolved. Once that figure drops into single digits, I'll post the assignments for the first half of Round 2.

(See if that's incentive for some of you.)


11-03-03 8:12pm (new)
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Stripcreator » Comic Showcase » AUGUST MADNESS: The 1st Stripcreator Battle Royal

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