Star Trek:Stripcreator
Written By:Big Evil Dan
The film opens with some really annoying credits that make the audience's eyes hurt.
After the credits, we see two asian girls floating in a white limbo. This confuses the audience to no end.
Next, we cut to the Enterprise. Throughout the movie, the ship interiors are filmed too dark to see things clearly.
Here, we see the TNG crew. They are throwing rocks into the Neutral Zone. This scene is lame.
During this scene, Picard whines about poor spelling.
The crew is then interrupted! As a result, the TNG crew must make comics on the internet. Thus, beginning their mission.
When they arrive at this mission, Data gets a circus dog. This scene is embarrassing.
But suddenly, there is an action scene involving a Segway chase! This scene could have been very action-packed, but is very short, unfortunately.
Later on, Picard finds out that that WWE wrestling is staged, and thus the plot of the film finally begins.
Soon, a member of the TNG crew talks to Seven of Nine's breasts, who is recognized by many TNG fans, though this person doesn't really help the plot.
Then, Tobor, the film's obvious bad guy, is revealed. But Tobor is not REALLY that bad, because is programmed to cornhole.
The crew then learns that Uranus is in grave danger! And they must come to the rescue!
A few minutes later, there is an embarrassing scene where Data sings 'I Like Big Butts.' The audience groans.
And later, Worf is even more embarrassing because he makes really lame comics. This ticks off many Klingon fans in the audience.
Later on, Troi, who had nothing else to do in the film, senses idiocy. Unfortunately it doesn't help the plot.
A little later, Data's dog humps Picard's leg. The audience doesn't laugh, however.
Picard and his Away Team beams to the outhouse. Which looks almost cinematic, but not quite.
Crusher and Geordi do absolutely nothing for the duration of the film.
Soon, the audience gets a feeling of Deja Vu. Because Picard finds God, only to discover it's Shatner's ego given physical form. This seems verrrry familiar...
Then, for no reason, someone in the film says 'SCROE!' Nerds in the audience think this is cool and edgy.
The crew discovers that Tobor has a giant robot penis! This makes things very dangerous!
Then, one of the crewmembers says 'Moh!' Even though this makes no sense.
In their attempts to stop Tobor, Riker explodes. This looks really cool... but doesn't stop Tobor.
Soon, Riker shoots at Troi. But this accomplishes absolutely nothing.
There is a final showdown in a nebula called background3. In a fit of rage, Tobor attempts to activate his giant robot penis! Time is running out, so Picard beams over and attempts to stop him.
Eventually, Picard violently and mercilessly kills Tobor by poking him in the eye like the Three Stooges. Picard is almost killed in the process, but luckily asiangirl1 saves Picard at the last moment.
Later, Picard contemplates on what has happened. As a result of this mission, Picard has resolved his problems with poor spelling. Picard then gives a boring speech about grammar.
The TNG crew then beams back to the Enterprise, which warps off into space.
The TNG theme plays on the soundtrack.
"Oh, look, a joke! How original! Thank you, but if I wanted my emotions stimulated pleasurably, I'd get a whore." - Donald B. Jones III