CLAM IN THE DESERT by areallystupidguy
There's a clam in the desert and he loves you
There's a clam in the desert and I do too
But the clam in the desert is all alone
The clam in the desert has no home
There's an urchin in the ocean and he drinks tea
There's an urchin in my pocket who talks to me
But the urchin only talks when I'm feeling down
And I can't let the urchin leave my town
There's a starfish in the ghetto who has no hair
There's a starfish in the ghetto, but how'd he get there?
And while the starfish needs water and is starting to dry
I need it too, so I'd better not cry
There's a squid in a cave who's looking for love
There's a squid who knows there's something better above
But yeah I don't know the squid too personally
So his little problems don't bother me
There's a desert in the desert that's full of sand
There's a desert out there but there is no clam
Where did he go? Just what will he do?
Wherever he is, does he still love you?
It's grime time.