Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » Hi all, rate my first attempt at a comic please!



crazy knife lady

Member Rated:

It took Tim/Realist a few beats to fall into step with our sick vibe, and he can't possibly be faulted for that. It's entirely possible that he's used to straightforward, everyday, normal people, and he was understandably taken aback to come here and find us. But he recovered quickly and proved his adaptability by making this exemplary Robot Sodomy comic, completely without prompting.

Those who doubt the wisdom or efficacy of the way forumites tend to greet new users (and yes, some do question it) need only consult this case to see that it works, and most expediently, I might add. Observe: A normal person arrives here, and within hours, he is "one of us." Whether or not being "one of us" is a desirable state of affairs is a matter of judgement.

What others say about boorite!

11-16-06 4:47pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

100mg Thorazine, Please

Member Rated:

See, it's all in how you react. Ima_realist got a little heated at first, then realized it was just an initiation ritual and cooled off. Now it's just that adjusting period before he either gets his fourth star or proves to be an asshole and loses stars.

It was such a waste of everyone’s time and money that even the Tokyo stadium’s rape robots apologized– something they were programmed specifically never to do.

11-16-06 5:30pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I am a Care Bear.

Member Rated:

Wow, my can of worms had another entire can of worms inside it. Crazy. Yet entirely beside the point.
Yeah, I still stand behind everything I said. As far as me saying Boorite and Ivy said this guy's comics suck... I'm sorry, between the meaningless (yes, meaningless) smartass thinking-guy picture and the backhanded (heartfelt and genuine?!) critique, I stupidly thought they were basically telling him he sucks. Silly me. I do think it's okay for you to think he sucks, but you don't have to rub it in, do you? Some of us like stuff you don't. But that's really not the issue I have with them personally. I basically said they have little positive input in these forums. And by positive input, I mean something other than a random jpg or a random post with nothing more significant than, "LAWL!1". Although, to be fair, that's pretty much all Boorite. Ivy spends most of her time talking about how she just fucked and/or sucked Boorite, or agreeing with every post Boorite makes, seconds after he presses send. Or showing off her tits, which, to be quite honest, are unpleasant looking to many of us. Not that there's anything wrong with them. Just not our cup of tea.
I only named them personally because they (yeah, I'm gonna say it) are the same person. They sit around and suck eachother's cocks and spit their poison jizz all over the forums because, somehow, they don't seem to be able to amuse eachother when they're not fucking. Which is every other second of their day, apparently. And they seem to have an influence on many other users here.
At any rate, I'm sorry we got off track. I was talking about the fact that there are a sad few regular posters on this forum and that I believe it is directly related to the people who want to shit on every new person who shows his or her face. I believe that's true. Ivy and Boorite are absolutely not the worst people here. If they don't start it, they just egg it on from time to time when they see a bandwagon. Like many other people here. Like what I originally said. And most of us jump on the bandwagon, because the in-group is quite small and we all love this website. It's natural. I'm not trying to make anyone feel bad, I'm trying to show you that maybe we could be friendlier. Have little more positive input. Not jump down the throat of the next guy who says, "My comix are the shit". You don't have to kiss anyone's ass or change who you are. Just be more lenient. People come on here and hope other people find them funny. They're afraid people won't so they start out with a chip on their shoulder. If you want to put them in their place, fine. Just make it about the comics. Try to be helpful, try to help them become a valuable contributor to this site. Everyone starts out as either a jackass or a kissass. I'm sure you prefer the kissass, but then you have no respect for them and belittle them all the same.
One of the most telling problems here, and you've all noticed it, is when someone first posts and has funny comics and many of you decide it's a regular using an alt account and you dump all over them because of it. Especially if they use 1337 speak, which, gee, only about 90% of the internet population use. Yeah, we do have a lot of regulars who make alts and try to... I don't even know what. So what if you're fooled by funny comics from someone you already think is funny because they think it's funny to make you think they're someone else for no reason? Yeah, it's fucking dumb, but witchhunting every new funny guy isn't helpful. I got it too when I started here. And it annoyed the shit out of me. And I got it again later. And it pissed me off.
So yeah, sorry Ivy and Boorite for mentioning only your names, but I still meant what I actually said, which had little to do with your many, many rebuttals. One of the reasons I hardly ever check these forums nowadays is that every other post is a witty, yet useless, jpg or an internet meme non sequitur, mostly from Boorite. And, unfortunately, it has spread so much that virtually every thread in these forums is the same, over and over. Someone asks a question or tries to start a conversation and all of a sudden it's 10 replies of various "O RLY" owls. Har. Brainy humor. It's beyond me how so many truly funny, intelligent people can get together in their own personal forum and fill it with so much pointless stupid shit. It insults my intelligence and it should insult yours.
Boorite and Ivy, since you've made yourselves the focal point of this discussion (yeah, I know , I brought up your names first, sob cry, but yeah you've made it all about you), how about you two just stop and think each time before you press "post" and re-read what you've written. Does it continue the discussion? Does it raise a valid point or add an interesting line of thought? Does it add, in any way, to the subject matter at hand? Is it another pointlessly witty jpg or a purposely misspelled non sequitur? Is it genuinely funny?
You know, you can't really make fun of everyone else on the internet while simultaneously doing the exact same thing 75% of the time, except IRONICALLY. At some point near 25% of the time, it ain't ironic anymore. And it's not funny and it's not interesting.
Want to quit the forums? I don't want you to. That's not what I'm saying at all. I'm asking for more content and less bullshit. From everyone. Honestly, if both of you and several others quit the fourms forever right now it would actually help make this website grow and become a real community. But I'd rather you stayed and became better contributors with something more to say.
I'm sure you're tempted to crawl through every post I've made and prove that I'm just as bad as you. Go for it. You'll probably find I am. But as I said before, that's been the weather in here since I started. You can tell I'm not in the minority by the miniscule amount of regulars who have stepped up to comment on this situation. I finally felt the need to tell everyone how I think this forum is failing and to try to help rather just run away. It shows I give a shit. If I were just here to make enemies, I'd have told you two to fuck off months ago.
So take all that however you like. I look forward to three more pages of you two jerking eachother off while ignoring the real issue. "I don't always post jpgs and I'll show you with an exhaustive breakdown of every post I've made in the last 30 days!" "Yeah, he's right!" "Yeah, I'm right!" "Yeah, he's right!" ad nauseum. You're both intelligent, funny people and we all know it. I think you need to start proving it again, because you two specifically (or your inane posts specifically) are one (or two) of the top 5 reasons I stopped coming here. I come here looking for something funny and all I get is "PWND LOL WTFBBQ!!!1". Yeah. Lame.

Ooh, I think I've written the longest forum post ever. LAWL WTF!!111

11-16-06 10:47pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

crazy knife lady

Member Rated:

11-16-06 11:00pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Obsessive Comic Disorder

Member Rated:

You're right, I should go. Apparently the past three years my presence has just offended you and others. I just wish you would have ran me out at first sight instead of stringing me along, letting me thing that my presence was welcome in any way.

As funny as I think choad's comics are and as diligently as I read them, I can't even do that anymore. Or read anyone else's comics without feeling sick to my stomach. This place just leaves a bad taste in my mouth now. I thought I was welcome here, but apparently I'm ruining it for everyone. And seeing people that I liked and respected telling me I'm ruining it for them means I shouldn't stick around. I don't want to wake up one day and find someone else I like (mmyers, choad, Scyess, Ranger77, HCRoyall, BigFrank, etc) screaming at me for things I didn't even know I was doing. This way no one else has to deal with me except boorite.

I'm sorry for all the contributions I made. I'm sorry for all the actual debates I participated in, the pictures I posted in picture forums or as jokes, the jokes I made, and the comics I made. I'm sorry that I donated for noobs I liked so they could have access to the cool features. I'm sorry for the random nothingness I posted because this is the one place I could do that. I'm sorry I spent two years here, thinking it was a safe place for me to be when I couldn't find a reason to exist and another year here because I loved it. Obviously I was wrong and my presence was nothing more than an irritant to people and was ruining your community.

So yeah, I'll go. It's obvious that's what squid and others want, since he says he's speaking for others as well.

And for the record, squid, I was sincere in my post to Tim about his comics. I was even sincere in my post to luminous.

11-17-06 12:30am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

100mg Thorazine, Please

Member Rated:

Hey, unless I come home to find you raped my fiancee, smashed my computer,and and painted "The dead soldiers deserved what they got" on my wall, you'll never see me yell at you.

Well, I can't say that really, as I tend to get hot under the collar once in a while, but I apologize whenever I do that. And sincerely at that.

It was such a waste of everyone’s time and money that even the Tokyo stadium’s rape robots apologized– something they were programmed specifically never to do.

11-17-06 4:01am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

and the Goblet of Mountain Dew.

Member Rated:

Well, here's one regular who thinks you're completely full of shit.

I has a flavor!

11-17-06 6:32am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

is never bored.

Member Rated:

Man I hope this place doesn't get more intellegent. I'm not that smart. If you're all going to get classy on me then I'm not sure I'd like to stick around.

The way I see it(and if I'm wrong, go ahead and poke holes in everything I say) this is a website for entertainment. When people start talking about books, I ignore them, because I don't read books. It's hit or miss when someone says "Read my comics". I ignored this thread up until yesterday, when it was brought to my attention that one of the people I respect and admire was going to quit (And, showing my complete lack of intellegence, it took me a few hours to realize that it was all going down in a read my comics thread). On the other hand, I have to agree with squid that I really only post something when I feel I have something real to contribute to a thread, however, sometimes in threads consisting of silliness "Lewl" or "OMGWTFBBQ!!!1!!!" is an appropriate response. It all depends on who you're talking to.
I guess it all comes down to each individual.
But if this place is going to be all based on intellegence, then I'll have to show myself to the door because baby, I ain't got it. So can you all ignore a few threads that I can flop around in that don't require me to think?

Mediocrity at its most average.

11-17-06 6:42am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Mr. Wonderful

Member Rated:

I think one reason a lot of people haven't commented on this is that they come here to have fun, not get involved in the silly melodrama that crops up from time to time. Are other users expected to step up and weigh in on situations like this which occur between people for one reason or another? If so, then, no--I have never gotten the impression that boorite and ivy are the ringleaders of an anti-noob movement or that their posts have either poisoned the atmosphere here or initiated a downward slide into inanity. They are just two other users to me and have been until a few people started mentioning this. Plus, they're married and if they want to talk about fucking each other I really don't give a hoot. And I would like to think that my own posts have contributed enormously to any increase of inanity that may have become apparent over the years. Besides, I have a whole folder full of links to goofy pictures that I haven't even used yet. Pictures like this one, which, for some reason I can't recall, I have labeled as "The Canned Ham Dudes":

I also must admit that my future posts will continue to contain utterly inane, even nonsensical sentiments because that's just the way I woof woof woof WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF!!!!! SHUT UP, DOGGIES, I'M TRYING TO THINK!!!!

I hope everyone's been paying attention, because this is one of the few times that I'm ever going to be this serious on this message board.

Legend, oh legend, the third wheel legend...always in the way.

11-17-06 7:00am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Level 1 Forum Troll

Member Rated:

"The Community"?'ve been acting a total fucktard troll for a while, and I for one, am tired of seeing it. You pontificating about "the community" is the biggest crock of shit I've ever seen, because you've done absolutely jack fucking shit for this "community" except antagonize for the last few months. It's one of the reasons why I don't post much anymore. I don't bother contributing anything worthwhile out of fear that you'll come out of your fucking cave to throw your 2 cents in and spew crap.

I'm not saying you are the root cause of everything bad and evil around here, crabby...but you haven't helped this "community" much lately and have been more of a hinderance than anything else.

Listen, if you're going to apologize to boo and ivy, then fucking do it and be done with it. If you'd rather throw out more insults, then I guess that's your perogative to be a troll. But talking out of both sides of your mouth makes you look even worse than before. In fact, it makes you look like a nutjob in serious need of prescription drugs and/or therapy. Shit or get off the fucking pot, man.

I don't understand you, crabby. When you played in my FF league a few years back, you were quiet as a church mouse and didn't say shit even if you had a fucking mouthful of it. What in the hell happened to you?

I think it's high time for you to take a good, long hard look in the mirror and reflect (pun intended) on the word "community" and your role in it. Just my opinion.

As for what squid said, I don't agree with it. I can understand his frustration with the state of the forums to a point, but it doesn't make it right to single out certain people for no good reason. We are all guilty of acting like childish dorks in here from time to time.

Jesus H. Christ on a popsicle stick, this is a comic making site...not about quantum physics where we all use 25 cent words and puff up our chests when we talk about our ginormous IQs.

That being said, I don't hate anyone here. And I only speak for myself, not anyone else.

Think classy, you'll be classy.

11-17-06 10:07am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I have an awesome avatar.

Member Rated:

All I've done for the last few months is talk about football really.

The community thing was a way of mocking what people like bunner have said in the past before leaving in a huff and deleting all their comics. It's also a dumb thing to say. This is the internet and I don't really consider any of you to be my friend's, you're just people who post on the same web site I do.

I don't think I've ever said anything bad about you or to you at all niteowl.

Apparently my smarmy posts are alot worse than everyone else's.

This whole internet fighting is always dumb, but I guess we all got our frustrations out there which is always a positive thing.

11-17-06 10:38am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

Tim if you are a small child please read response A, else read B.

A: I read the comic it was very good! :)

B: I really didnt care for it either way. :)

sometimes good things happen :o]

11-17-06 10:39am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I have an awesome avatar.

Member Rated:

I'm going to back to posting as usual and ignoring this thread.

This thread can go back to whatever that original topic was. If anyone else would like to post about my trollish behaviour they can, but I'm gonna stay away from this thread. I guess you can report my repeated trollings to a moderator. I'm sure they would be more than happy to ban me.

Until that happens, I'm going to just go back to making comics and leaving smarmy posts about stuff. And planning the upcoming Barnstorming tour which will begin on 3-5-07.

11-17-06 10:53am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

herpes laden mug

Member Rated:

I hardly ever come in here. Good thing I haven't in some time. Fuck em all.

obscenity filter is off

11-17-06 2:45pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Level 1 Forum Troll

Member Rated:

That's true, you haven't. But don't you think you've taken the whole "let's insult boo and ivy" schtick a little too far? You may not have said anything personally insulting to me, but regardless, I lost all respect for you over the last few months.

Look, I'm just calling this as I see it. I'm sticking up for boo and ivy, because they've been valuable members here for a long time and it seems like they were attacked for no reason. And to be honest, I'm not happy that they're leaving because of you. If that makes me a bad person and a bad fellow forum member, so be it.

I guess so, since you can't take your foot off the insult gas pedal. Seriously dude, you're like a damn pitbull once you get started. I'm beginning to wonder whether you actually think before you type, because you can be a decent person when you want to be.

And finally...

And that is the main problem right there. You supposedly don't feel any connection with anyone here, therefore it's easy to start shit without a trace of remorse. It's like you've given yourself carte blanche to act like a dick with a statement like that. If you have no friends here, then why ARE you here? Seriously.

Excuse me for getting all hippie and shit, but behind those usernames are people with feelings and stuff. A little tact would be a nice idea.

Think classy, you'll be classy.

11-17-06 4:23pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

the kid's getting old, the kid's getting old

11-17-06 11:19pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

weak stream

Member Rated:

11-18-06 12:32am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

weak stream

Member Rated:

i was gonna just leave it at that, but then i saw the thread over in fights go here where boorite says he's leaving too.

that fucking blows

and since there's a sense of just laying it all out there in this thread, i'll try to do that too

i used to make comics here under the name of ObiJo

when i came back to this site in June of 2005, i noticed two things: a lot of anti-noob sentiment, and the forums seemed to be stagnating. it seemed obvious to me the two were connected. i love this site so i tried to revitalize the community somewhat by getting some of the new voices heard. i created the mandingo account and took on some of the old guard who i considered to be stifling the new users. it seemed at first to be some of the moderators, but then it started to seem like it was just the default tenor of the regs too. especially in RMDC. there you had people railing on a new guy for getting a comma in the wrong place, and generally just attacking the person instead of giving their opinion on the comics.

fast forward a year and change, and squidrabies is bringing up the same problem i saw then. but i'd since come to think the forums were doing better. so which is it?

no idea

but whichever way it is, squidrabies, you have it wrong about boorite and ivy. they don't post to play the online power game, or bash noobs. they post to have fun. what better reason to post on a comic site? and if ivy is so anti-n00b, why is it she anonymously donates for n00bs she finds funny. in fact, if i remember right, i think she donated for you! lool. yet, you label them anti-noob for no discernible reason other than apparently you're annoyed with their posts. that's fine and dandy, but don't bring up your personal dislike of them within the guise of them being mean to n00bs. you just used that as a jumping off point. if you're really worried about the way new people here are treated, which i hope you are, because i am, why not address crabby, who explictly states in this very thread "I usually bad mouth new people just to see if they freak out and go nuts like so many new people do." that seems to be exactly the mentality you're talking about. or, barring that, how about stopping chasing good people away

what if nigger meant kite

11-18-06 3:53am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

100mg Thorazine, Please

Member Rated:

What if nigger meant "mandingo is a magnificently eloquent bastard"?

It was such a waste of everyone’s time and money that even the Tokyo stadium’s rape robots apologized– something they were programmed specifically never to do.

11-18-06 5:13am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Pink Donkey Wrangler

Member Rated:

I just want to say thanks to squidrabies for saying what he did. People might not agree with him but that's because you aren't nubs. He is pretty much bang on from where i'm sitting. I'm only here now because i'm a cunt and thrive off an argument. Most people would and most probably have left because of your cliquey attitude. That would be fine normally but if you are looking to fill out the numbers, you should probably leave it out.

Boorite and Ivy, you don't give the warmest receptions but I like you both, especialy boorite, and I thought you were both pretty sincere towards the end. It's also interesting to know that you are married! I didnt know that, that's mad. However you should realise that squid is right as from what ive seen you do have a lot of 'power' on here and so you should encourage new comers as it seems there is a lack of them. Also boorite, your picture did feel like you were taking the piss, however you meant it.

To all you regulars, try and realise that people who come here for the first time don't realise what a faux pas it is to ask for their comics to be rated. I personally thought that that's what you do, silly me eh? Guess I deserved a bashing from the legions of sheep-like pricks that jumped on the bandwagon.

Finally, umunhum, sort your life out you goon. I dont care if you hate me.

11-18-06 3:40pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Pink Donkey Wrangler

Member Rated:

HC royal, I took your advice on the wuthering heights comic, I think you might be right :P

Don't know if its a big enough aaargh! for you but I didn't want it to overshadow tobor.

11-18-06 3:45pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I am a Care Bear.

Member Rated:

I was going to post a big blow-by-blow wrap-up of what happened in the first four pages of this thread to show that Boorite and Ivy are liars and how they started baiting and insulting Ima_Realist, with others seemingly jumping on the bandwagon, while Ima made tiny jabs, took criticism better than anyone and ultimately apologized (when he had done nothing wrong I could see) and thanked everyone for being a bunch of smartassed jerks to him the entire time he was being civil and witty. Unfortunately, I accidentally deleted it halfway through and I'm sleepy.


I believe it clearly shows how Boorite and Ivy AND OTHER PEOPLE ON THIS WEBSITE (gasp!) greet a new person who comes in and tries to make friends.

It basically took Ima apoligizing to Boorite for not allowing everyone to shit on him for no reason for Boorite to act civil to the guy, yet he still managed to be a smartass prick about it. And Ima continued to get insulted by other people, simply because he was being insulted before. It's all there, folks. It's obvious, to me at least. I've re-read it many times just to make sure I wasn't overreacting or being a jerk for no reason. If you can't see it, then I must be batshit insane.

Later, Boorite and Ivy cried about how I singled them out to be the worst people here. I never did, actually. I mentioned their names twice near the top of my first post, then aired my grievences about the entire forum situation. I meant the post to be about everyone. I thought it was obvious. I even said I've been guilty of the same things because I've also been guilty of jumping on bandwagons. It's true, I have.

I never said Ivy and Boorite are the cause, or even that they're the worst. I mentioned them because they ARE the king and queen of the in-crowd, basically because they ARE in the chat room and in the forums every second of every day and a lot of people seem to kiss their asses. And, because they truly do think they're the king and queen of Stripcreator, they took my post to be a smear campaign against them personally, rather than a critique of the entire system. So my entire point was lost because I made the mistake of putting their names in it.

Okay, here's the big bad quote: "Wha?! Boorite and Ivy think he sucks? Well that's good enough for me! They're like the king and queen of Stripcreator. Ignoring the fact that everything that comes out of their keyboards is dumbass inside jokes or ironic intarnets memes. That is, when they're not busy destroying every grammatically challenged 12 year old who tries to make a friend here."
I shouldn't have said that in the post, it was sort of off topic. But then again, it was also sort of on topic when you look at the post in its entirety. I guess the real problem is that they can't take a little criticism. Wait, isn't that everyone's big issue with people who post in RMDC? Hmmm.

Anyhow, I apologize for that, and only for that. If I hadn't mentioned their names, the issue wouldn't be about how unimaginable it is that some people don't love Boorite and Ivy, it would be about how a lot of you act like complete shitheads to a lot of the people who come to the RMDC forum to actually ask for comments on their comics and to, hopefully, make a few friends. And how I feel "certain people's" posts are 95% uninteresting and unfunny filler material that I believe (my opinion) wastes everyone's time.

I hope you re-read this forum. Especially (because they want to be the center of attention) for Boorite and Ivy's original "input", and later Ima_Realist's not-even-remotely insulting rebuttals and his many attempts at peacemaking. And later still, Boorite and Ivy's recoloring (lying) of what they actually said to Ima_Realist, while they were desperately trying to convince you that they're perfect and that I'm a big meanie because they baited me into a shit-throwing campaign, which I accidentally started and stupidly continued. They asked me why I didn't like them and I told them. I shouldn't have, it was unneccesary. I was just pissed off, because they were lying and making everything about themselves, like they seem to make most threads.

I don't really have that much of a problem with them actually, I just think the majority of what they post on the forums is stupid self-obsessed shit. Oh, and I didn't insult your wife's tits, Boorite. I said, "Or showing off her tits, which, to be quite honest, are unpleasant looking to many of us. Not that there's anything wrong with them. Just not our cup of tea." You can't possibly believe everyone in the world thinks those tits are the bee's knees. And if you don't want nobody saying you got ugly tits, hey guess what, don't post pictures of them on the fucking internet. Do you think Kajun cries a river when someone tells him he has ugly balls?

To wrap this up, I'll say one more time: Re-read the first four pages of this thread. Try to forget all the self-serving damage control B&I posted later. Analyze everyone's posts and Ima_Realist's responses. Do it honestly. I hope you'll see that I'm not totally batshit insane.

Boorite and Ivy. Don't leave. If you love this place and some of the people in it as much as you say you do, there's no reason to leave. Three people don't like you? Crabby made you cry? Who gives a shit? We all know Crabby. Did I make you leave? Don't bother then, because I rarely check the forums nowadays anyhow. I almost never see a thread I feel compelled to reply to. I felt compelled to reply to this one, but after this dies I expect the machine to chug along as it always has in much the same way.
Quitting for my sake would be an empty gesture and quitting for Crabby's would be simply idiotic.
This is probably the last I have to say on this subject. I can't make my position any clearer.

I'm sorry Ima_Realist, for turning this into a circus. I just wanted people to be nicer and I thought your comics were funny. I hope nobody holds what I've said against you in the future.

11-19-06 1:13am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

I think that the way crabby treated boorite and Ivy was not fair nor nice and shouldn't be tolerated by either of them. Though I love both ivy and boorite for both their posts and comics, I still believe it's their choice if they want to stay or leave. But I would prefer it if they stayed, and just forget about all of this.

To crabby. When chubby and dcom made all of those comics about you fucking your daughter, they were obviously just being complete fucktards and really didn't know you at all or were good friends with you. But all of the shit that you said would've hurt boorite and ivy way more because they knew you and trusted you as a friend, for many years, from as far as I know. If any of my good friends or even just normal friends said that my girlfriend was fat, ugly and then called me a moron I would be pretty pissed off and upset.

I have no idea what squidrabies is actually trying to say, so i'm not comment.

Why can't we all just overcome this war?? Maybe baby it's just because we don't know each other at all.

The dictator of love and his weapon of mass destruction

11-19-06 2:28am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Here at least 3 times a year

Member Rated:

i don't know squid. i reread the entire thread carefully and i just don't see it. if anyone was lashing out at ima it was ununhum and biped, not boo and ivy.

are we talking about the same thread here?

Kill Whitey.

11-19-06 3:03am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I am a Care Bear.

Member Rated:

It's not simply about lashing out. It's about a person who has never been here before who wants to make friends and hopes people find his comics funny.
And what he gets is a meaningless jpg and a bunch of ones and zeroes. You all seem to get the joke, whatever it was supposed to be, but they don't.
After the picture and the binary message, can you not see how good Ima took it? He felt like they were poking him, and he poked back without crossing the line. Then he got more, "fuck you, your comics suck" messages because certain people decided he didn't have a good enough attitude toward their "friendly criticism". And he still took it in reasonable stride and tried to make friends.
Much later certain people noted how Ima saw the light and stopped being a troll after realizing how right they were and how shitty Ima was being. Yet, that wasn't the case at all.
I honestly can't see how anyone can read this discussion and say Ima_Realist was in the wrong or that he ever insulted anyone out of turn or acted like an asshole.
Especially with posts like Umunhum's, which seemed to simply be an excuse go nuts on a total stranger for no reason. Ima even took that slice of random hate with a good deal more maturity than any of us tend to show.
Then there's the one post of Ima's which was obviously sarcastic which people jumped on because they didn't get the joke, much as he and I didn't get B&I's orignal jokes which set the tone for this entire issue.

Also, as I've said several times, this is not exclusively about Boorite and Ivy. It's about everyone. Let's try to forget that I mentioned them for a second. I've stated that it was a mistake because it's clouded the issue like retarded.
The issue is... was he insulted and attacked because his comics were horrible? Was he insulted and attacked because he was being a total dick for no reason out of the gate?
I say no to both. I've re-read this thread an additional two times since my last post and I still say no.

11-19-06 4:18am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » Hi all, rate my first attempt at a comic please!

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