I was going to post a big blow-by-blow wrap-up of what happened in the first four pages of this thread to show that Boorite and Ivy are liars and how they started baiting and insulting Ima_Realist, with others seemingly jumping on the bandwagon, while Ima made tiny jabs, took criticism better than anyone and ultimately apologized (when he had done nothing wrong I could see) and thanked everyone for being a bunch of smartassed jerks to him the entire time he was being civil and witty. Unfortunately, I accidentally deleted it halfway through and I'm sleepy.
I believe it clearly shows how Boorite and Ivy AND OTHER PEOPLE ON THIS WEBSITE (gasp!) greet a new person who comes in and tries to make friends.
It basically took Ima apoligizing to Boorite for not allowing everyone to shit on him for no reason for Boorite to act civil to the guy, yet he still managed to be a smartass prick about it. And Ima continued to get insulted by other people, simply because he was being insulted before. It's all there, folks. It's obvious, to me at least. I've re-read it many times just to make sure I wasn't overreacting or being a jerk for no reason. If you can't see it, then I must be batshit insane.
Later, Boorite and Ivy cried about how I singled them out to be the worst people here. I never did, actually. I mentioned their names twice near the top of my first post, then aired my grievences about the entire forum situation. I meant the post to be about everyone. I thought it was obvious. I even said I've been guilty of the same things because I've also been guilty of jumping on bandwagons. It's true, I have.
I never said Ivy and Boorite are the cause, or even that they're the worst. I mentioned them because they ARE the king and queen of the in-crowd, basically because they ARE in the chat room and in the forums every second of every day and a lot of people seem to kiss their asses. And, because they truly do think they're the king and queen of Stripcreator, they took my post to be a smear campaign against them personally, rather than a critique of the entire system. So my entire point was lost because I made the mistake of putting their names in it.
Okay, here's the big bad quote: "Wha?! Boorite and Ivy think he sucks? Well that's good enough for me! They're like the king and queen of Stripcreator. Ignoring the fact that everything that comes out of their keyboards is dumbass inside jokes or ironic intarnets memes. That is, when they're not busy destroying every grammatically challenged 12 year old who tries to make a friend here."
I shouldn't have said that in the post, it was sort of off topic. But then again, it was also sort of on topic when you look at the post in its entirety. I guess the real problem is that they can't take a little criticism. Wait, isn't that everyone's big issue with people who post in RMDC? Hmmm.
Anyhow, I apologize for that, and only for that. If I hadn't mentioned their names, the issue wouldn't be about how unimaginable it is that some people don't love Boorite and Ivy, it would be about how a lot of you act like complete shitheads to a lot of the people who come to the RMDC forum to actually ask for comments on their comics and to, hopefully, make a few friends. And how I feel "certain people's" posts are 95% uninteresting and unfunny filler material that I believe (my opinion) wastes everyone's time.
I hope you re-read this forum. Especially (because they want to be the center of attention) for Boorite and Ivy's original "input", and later Ima_Realist's not-even-remotely insulting rebuttals and his many attempts at peacemaking. And later still, Boorite and Ivy's recoloring (lying) of what they actually said to Ima_Realist, while they were desperately trying to convince you that they're perfect and that I'm a big meanie because they baited me into a shit-throwing campaign, which I accidentally started and stupidly continued. They asked me why I didn't like them and I told them. I shouldn't have, it was unneccesary. I was just pissed off, because they were lying and making everything about themselves, like they seem to make most threads.
I don't really have that much of a problem with them actually, I just think the majority of what they post on the forums is stupid self-obsessed shit. Oh, and I didn't insult your wife's tits, Boorite. I said, "Or showing off her tits, which, to be quite honest, are unpleasant looking to many of us. Not that there's anything wrong with them. Just not our cup of tea." You can't possibly believe everyone in the world thinks those tits are the bee's knees. And if you don't want nobody saying you got ugly tits, hey guess what, don't post pictures of them on the fucking internet. Do you think Kajun cries a river when someone tells him he has ugly balls?
To wrap this up, I'll say one more time: Re-read the first four pages of this thread. Try to forget all the self-serving damage control B&I posted later. Analyze everyone's posts and Ima_Realist's responses. Do it honestly. I hope you'll see that I'm not totally batshit insane.
Boorite and Ivy. Don't leave. If you love this place and some of the people in it as much as you say you do, there's no reason to leave. Three people don't like you? Crabby made you cry? Who gives a shit? We all know Crabby. Did I make you leave? Don't bother then, because I rarely check the forums nowadays anyhow. I almost never see a thread I feel compelled to reply to. I felt compelled to reply to this one, but after this dies I expect the machine to chug along as it always has in much the same way.
Quitting for my sake would be an empty gesture and quitting for Crabby's would be simply idiotic.
This is probably the last I have to say on this subject. I can't make my position any clearer.
I'm sorry Ima_Realist, for turning this into a circus. I just wanted people to be nicer and I thought your comics were funny. I hope nobody holds what I've said against you in the future.