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Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » Zombie (Dim)Wit!



Stripcreator Newbie

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I like his comics. Maybe I'm just a loser like that. :(

5-12-05 6:24pm (new)
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The Host of Chaos

Member Rated:

I think they are god-awful and the worst part is that they keep on coming =(

"If you can't keep it in your pants, keep it in your family"

5-12-05 6:32pm (new)
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Stripcreator Regular

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Apparently you are since you keep reading them.

--S. Dummie

Greatest Zombie Komic in the Universe

5-12-05 6:51pm (new)
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Stripcreator Regular

Member Rated:

What are you talking aboot? They're wonderful and original. Avoiding all the repetative stuff that gets created out here. I know something new and original is scary to some people.

Guess I should start hitting the random button and glazing over bad puns. That might do the trick!

--S. Dummie

Greatest Zombie Komic in the Universe

5-12-05 6:59pm (new)
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Heart stopper. Hip hopper. Pill popper.

Member Rated:


Don't pat yourself on the back too much. You might sprain your wrist.

Actually, I think page 7 of this thread was the first time I clicked and posted in it. And it was kinda inevitable seeing as (a) you keep this thread at the top of the page by posting in it every single day... and (b) you were using one of my strips to make some retarded point.

Don't pat yourself on the back too much. You might sprain your wrist. And how is basing an entire series around a seven year old South Park joke "new and original"?

(And before you drag me into this, I'll pre-empt your reply and remind you that I only based one strip around an old South Park joke... and I never had the ego to claim I was new or original, either... just a whole fucking lot funnier than you are :)

Destroying my reputation one post at a time.

5-12-05 7:40pm (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

Whoa fucker, don't attack me, I was simply saying I liked his comics, if you have a problem with it tough shit.

5-12-05 9:10pm (new)
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Heart stopper. Hip hopper. Pill popper.

Member Rated:


Destroying my reputation one post at a time.

5-12-05 9:17pm (new)
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Stripcreator Regular

Member Rated:


Don't pat yourself on the back too much. You might sprain your wrist.

You must like slammin' people that don't tote the partly line around here.

I don't know what you mean by inevitable. But when you think about it (A) I've been posting once or twice a day recently (B) I'll intend to use anyone strips to make my pointless points anytime of the day, week or month as long as I remain bored.

Umm...I never said once it was based around South Park. Maybe if you read around some. All of my inane inspiration originates from George Romero.

--S. Dummie

(And before you take it further out of context. I should type that I did this one off joke at the day it was created because I happened to be watching that episode of South Park that day. I never claimed either that joke was original. Pretend whatever you believe is funny, young one) :)

Greatest Zombie Komic in the Universe

5-12-05 9:26pm (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

I just find it funny that I get slammed for forming my own opinions around here.

5-12-05 9:29pm (new)
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Stripcreator Regular

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Greatest Zombie Komic in the Universe

5-12-05 9:32pm (new)
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Stripcreator Regular

Member Rated:

Zombie X: Arguing In A Forum Is A Bitch by Screendummie
Lets argue like when people do on a forum!
Yeah. People you'll never meet are perfect to bitch at!'re nipple rings make you look straight!
At least I have nipples bitch!
Oh yeah, well...I'll eat your next boyfriend! can't do that! That's a hate crime!

Greatest Zombie Komic in the Universe

5-12-05 9:36pm (new)
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Level 1 Forum Troll

Member Rated:

Why does everyone insist on signing their posts?

--N. Owl

Its great to be a trend setter for all my fans or haters or just curious readers.

--S. Dummie

Here's a you can climb off that high horse you're on.

Forgive me fellow stripcreator users for feeding the troll...

That's right, you are a troll. Why? Because you sling insults at the entire community here in your "komics" (like Doing What It Takes To Be Accepted among many others) and this thread, calling us "ass lickers" and other 7th grade names. It's one thing to be pissed off because some people don't find your comics funny, but it's quite another to brand the entire community here as ass kissers and suck-ups. It's completely tasteless, and extremely troll-like.

Oh no, God fucking forbid if anyone on SC finds someone elses comics humorous, or puts them on their favs list, or PMs them to shoot the shit. Maybe every user should just ignore everyone else on here to appease the mighty God of all that's hateful, Screendummie. Yeah! Let's kill the sense of community because one person doesn't like it! Would that be better, your worshipness? I like SC, I like a lot of people here, and I take offense to cunts like you attempting to drag it down into the sewers because you have some sort of vendetta against one or two people who didn't like your stuff. Like your tirade towards Injokester a few pages back when all he did was offer to help you out. Was that really necessary, you self-important fuck?

I'd bet my life that you wouldn't be lashing out if you had received lots of praise about your comics and you had a five star rating.

Basically, if you don't like what you see here at stripcreator, either leave or shut the fuck up about the rest of us and go about making your "komics". k?

Also, lose the "I don't care what you think about my comics" schtick. That's bullshit and you know it...and everyone else who has read and/or posted in this thread knows it. If you really didn't give two flying fucks what other people think about your comics, you wouldn't bother to post them here or respond to anyone who posts in this thread.

About that "you can't take a joke"'re basically saying that everyone is too sensitive, right? Well...when you flame people, you better prepare to have it thrown right back in your face, motherfucker.

So...pretty please, with sugar on top, climb off your high fucking horse.

P.S. Chadwick likes your comics. Does that mean he licks your ass?

Think classy, you'll be classy.

5-13-05 2:56am (new)
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Level 1 Forum Troll

Member Rated:

Now I'm going to critique your comics. You should feel privileged, because I rarely do this around here.

I will admit that you have a few decent comics, like the Hunter S. Thompson one. Unfortunately, and I'm probably not alone in this assessment, the excessive amount of hate in your comics have dropped the funny factor down to negative numbers. Hate can be a useful tool in comics, and I know this because I use it from time to time when picking apart pop culture, but when that's all your comics are based on, it gets old real quick. Your comics have gone downhill from the beginning, and have been especially bad lately. You claim that they are aren't the same old shit that everyone else does here...maybe so. Instead, you've lifted the hate from Maddox's website (which for some inexplicable reason you chose to link to as your homepage....maddox is funny at times, but for the most part, he's an overrated sellout) and transferred that into your comics. Therefore, I'd hardly consider that ground-breaking. Anyone can make a hateful comic.

Yes, I read your comics. However, don't take that as a sign that I'm a fan, because I certainly am not. I read A LOT of comics here.

Think classy, you'll be classy.

5-13-05 3:20am (new)
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Level 1 Forum Troll

Member Rated:

And another thing...what exactly do you have against gay people? A lot of your comics have thinly veiled gay-bashing overtones.

Think classy, you'll be classy.

5-13-05 3:28am (new)
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Stripcreator Regular

Member Rated:

I didn't realize you people were still going on about this. I get bored. Watch tv. Go to bed. Get up. Go to work. Eventually come home, and you people haven't given up. Why exactly? What's so interesting? What's there to actually bitch about?

Honestly. I intentionally took something slightly out of context, and knew you people would go overboard. Maybe people would find some humor (as usual, the humorless run amok in this place). But, hell, not this overboard. I guess you people in this sight live nothing but this forum, the internet, and bitching on the internet to people you'll never ever meet.

Now here's another wondrous komic of mine!

--S. Dummie

Greatest Zombie Komic in the Universe

5-13-05 9:24pm (new)
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Stripcreator Regular

Member Rated:

Zombie X: I Love Monkeys! by Screendummie
I went to the zoo today.
Why in the hell would you go to one?
I mean there were pandas, tigers, emus and monkeys. I love monkeys!
Its nice to know you like something out there.
I mean, it was like a buffet!
So much for the monkeys...and their brains.

Greatest Zombie Komic in the Universe

5-13-05 9:26pm (new)
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Stripcreator Regular

Member Rated:

Hey, I missed this one some how! I didn't read the first. Too long and boring to read your hate montage. Why exactly you would post three different times, seen a few others do this to, in several continous posts, is beyond me.

So, you mean, I've been bashing myself the entire time? Interesting. That's not exactly how I viewed it in my komics. But what do heterosexuals know, anyways?

--S. Dummie

Greatest Zombie Komic in the Universe

5-13-05 9:34pm (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

I don't lick ass.

Now, if you'll excuse I need to go wash. *Licks ass*

5-13-05 9:49pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Heart stopper. Hip hopper. Pill popper.

Member Rated:

I think S.Dummie may equal SV Komix. Notice how he spells "komic" repeatedly. Then again, maybe he's just illiterate.

Destroying my reputation one post at a time.

5-13-05 11:24pm (new)
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Stripcreator Regular

Member Rated:

What is SV Komix?

--S. Dummie

Greatest Zombie Komic in the Universe

5-13-05 11:35pm (new)
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Stripcreator Regular

Member Rated:

What is SV Komix?

--S. Dummie

I know what SV means! It means Sosialistisk Venstreparti! I didn't know a political party in Norway had its own komics outfit. Guess the socialists are trying to fit in or something with the youth crowd there. What ever floats the boats in Norway's fjords.

--S. Dummie

Greatest Zombie Komic in the Universe

5-13-05 11:43pm (new)
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Level 1 Forum Troll

Member Rated:

I didn't realize you people were still going on about this. I get bored. Watch tv. Go to bed. Get up. Go to work. Eventually come home, and you people haven't given up. Why exactly? What's so interesting? What's there to actually bitch about?

Honestly. I intentionally took something slightly out of context, and knew you people would go overboard. Maybe people would find some humor (as usual, the humorless run amok in this place). But, hell, not this overboard. I guess you people in this sight live nothing but this forum, the internet, and bitching on the internet to people you'll never ever meet.

What's there to bitch about? If I'm not mistaken, you're the one who went overboard when you discovered that some people here didn't like your comics, now you want to shift the blame for this mini-war to us again because we called you out. You branded us as clique-y kiss asses with no sense of humor and in the process, inferred that your comics are the greatest ever made. Wow, talk about arrogant.

Of course you didn't read the first post. You're too busy being wrapped up in the wonderfulness that is you to bother reading what anyone else has to say.

Plenty of gay-bashing assholes come through this site and that kind of stuff pisses me off, so I asked the question and just assumed...anyways, I apologize.

However, I won't apologize for how I feel about my other points.

Nah, I don't think so. SVKomix's posts never had more than 2 sentences in 'em, and as we've seen, S. Dummie gets diarrhea of the keyboard quite often.

Think classy, you'll be classy.

5-14-05 5:36am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

Holy fuck what is wrong with all of you? Just leave the guy alone. So what if he keeps posting comics? If you don't like them, don't look at this topic.

More lust than you can shake a stick at.

5-14-05 10:58am (new)
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Stripcreator Regular

Member Rated:

Zombie X: Dwayne's World by Screendummie
I just have this great TV idea for us!
Sock it to me, buddy.
Its this show, and we like go on public access and talk about shit in your basement.
Didn't they do that in a movie?
That isn't gonna stop me.
Nor the fact I don't have a basement.

Greatest Zombie Komic in the Universe

5-15-05 2:26pm (new)
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Stripcreator Regular

Member Rated:

Zombie X: The Jewel of Denial by Screendummie
Scratch that last idea. How about this most awsome movie idea festering in my mind.
That's just not only thing festering in your body.
Ha ha! Anyways, I play this romance writer kidnapped by a despotic pygmy king.
And who do I play as?
Get this, you play as Michael Douglas's side kick.
I'm studlier than Danny DeVito!

Greatest Zombie Komic in the Universe

5-15-05 3:31pm (new)
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Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » Zombie (Dim)Wit!

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