At the risk of being exploded into a million billion pieces, heres my take on the sitch'. That's my word for situation, sitch'. You all can use it.
This user came in and pulled a mini-luminous by lashing back at ridiculous pictures. Now, I love ridiculous pictures. But that's not the point. He lashed back and triggered the SC defense, which has built up because we are in fact a community of people who, for the most part, think of eachother as friends at least on some level. I know I like everybody. Even dcom, who has gone out of his way on many occassions to tell me what a shitty user I am (he's on to me).
But yeah, defense. If you look back, it wasn't immediate. The regs pretty much just posted random irrelevant comebacks or spun off into satellite discussions with eachother until Tim got serious and posted his frustrations. There was a minor fight, Ima (he changed his name) apologized, and EVERYBODY MOVED ON. Except umunhun. Who dragged the fight back up. Not to single you out, but that's what happened. I guess you just took it personally. After all, the same thing happened with me and luminous. He cooled down and I saw what he had posted and couldn't contain myself. And what happened with that? When the Keanash shit went down Kajun ended up leaving for a long time and we all had luminous in-jokes. A fair trade? Probably not. But that's what happened.
In any case, Ivy did nothing wrong, and has done nothing wrong as far as I can tell. I can kinda see why people have issues with boo, but I tend to stay the hell out of the threads where people are warring unless I can fit a good random picture in between flames (at least nowadays). But Ivy has done nothing wrong. I think she ends up being lumped with any problems people have with boorite because they're married. A lot of people have issues with them defending eachother. Well, they're married. That's how it goes. In fact, boo ends up in fights because the user in question insults Ivy in a lump attack on the both of them. Probably because they're the two you'll find on here the most, and are easily targeted. But back to ivy. She doesn't fight with new users for no reason. And she gave Ima some really good advice. She also gave luminous advice. In fact, if I can remember right she even gave the fundie duo advice. And it didn't even have that sort of greasy fig filling overtone that my advice can have. So I don't see why she ends up being attacked probably the harshest out of everybody. Hell, maybe that's just me. But it's what I think.
Back to the thread. Umunhun dragged up the argument again. And boorite DID NOT ATTACK. He did not. Ivy did not. It was just Ima and umunhun. And maybe a couple dumb buttsecks posts and pictures from everybody else. But yeah, anyway.
I'm not going to undermine squid. No fucking way. I know exactly what he's talking about in regards to the disintigration of the forums. I've been trying to be helpful in RMDC because that's where I go the most and that's where the newbie chasing was happening. Plus I'm guilty of chasing out or causing the chasing outing (not grammaticaly correct) of several users myself, back when I was young(er) and full of hormonal rage. But I've been getting better, what with the long-winded advice and stuff.
Really I think there's still some miffage (also not a real word) about the whole Flate thing, and the sort of hindsight view of the Keanash events that would cause Kajun to leave (he is still here though... I can sense it), and maybe even some weird residual hate from the fact that boo and ivy post a lot and are always in the chat. Which I never considered to be a bad thing, but some don't like 'buttsecks' and a guy with a carrot in his ass on every thread. Again, I liked it (sexuality issues) and thought it was funny (moral dilemma) and always enjoyed seeing some disgusting and corrupt shit in the forums when a user like GODCHRIST112 (not a real user) would post anything at all. But I guess some don't. Doodysmell.
But yeah, all I'm really trying to say is that this could have been handled better (a fact squid already pointed out) by diffusing the argument from a point-and-flame to the same sort of general look over the shoulder we had for a Nazi Pedophile. If a Nazi Pedophile gets that sort of soul searching, then boo and Ivy should. They deserve that much.
I'm not disagreeing with squid, because he has a very good point. I'm not a boorivy zombie, but I do like them a ton and don't like them going out like this. I'm just saying that there's a middle ground.
I don't think any of that was structured correctly or makes any sense at all, seeing as how it's just a load of liberal inoffensive horseshit. If you can find a coherent point, let me know.
the kid's getting old, the kid's getting old