*** little_kitty has been kicked off channel #stripcreator by Tobor (flood)
*** little_kitty (little_kit@template-89ADC4C0.sasknet.sk.ca) has joined channel #stripcreator
that was totally my bad
* little_kitty kicks herself in the head
Well, that just totally wrecked my groove.
that was awesome?
Kitty gots to learn to be more smoove.
i know...
* little_kitty kicks herself again
Drexle, stop bein such a poser. if you were in canada, you would be a hoser!
wiggity wiggity whack!
Hoser? Poser? Fool, I'm more than that, I'm bad like Gozer.
Let's hear it for the Ghostbusters!!!!
Raisin' the roof, and crossin the streams, yo!
I got a late tape, better go to blockbuster!
The asian on the cornern is a real cocksucker.
Drexle, that is your dad. He's the best lay I eva had.
You betta not make him mad, he's liable to hurt you bad.
And that would make you sad, cause then you'd end up like Brad.
do not worry, he's a nice lad. And out of context, my jacket is plaid.
I'm glad that your jacket is plaid and rad, but that don't make your rhymes less bad.
what? how dare you say that. My ryhmes are fat...with a ph, no mistake, down by the lake, I shimmy and shake, with my pet snake.....who's name is jake!
For goodness sake, I never seen a man quake like a wedding cake. Chill, man and get with the plan.
I know the plan, so does BigEvilDan. my favorite crustation is the clam.
Clam? More like Ham. Get out'cha gat and go blam! blam! blam!
Them pigs be on your tail and they wanna take you to jail.
blam blam blam, sam I am? actually, I am not sam. I am Bargantuan. no, I'm not him as well, so you can go to hell.
Bargaintuain fell down a well, I'm afraid he don't look so swell.
They're goin' baby Jessica on his ass, boy.