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Loveable Scamp

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FrixFrax: hey choob
chooby: we lie
chooby: we cheat
chooby: we steal.
chooby: yo, biznatch.
FrixFrax: Whats up?, you sound emotional
chooby: uh
chooby: Bobe Hope is dead.
FrixFrax: I've heard of him can't place him
little_kitty: choobs!
little_kitty: frix, i figured it out sort of... the coffee's either going to be really strong, or really weak
chooby: you...
chooby: you can't "place" Bobe Hope?
chooby: *boggle*
chooby: what has the world come to?
FrixFrax: no
little_kitty: hasn't the world been waiting the past, like, decade for him to die?
little_kitty: mmm... its just right...
chooby: .....
chooby: you're thinking of Saddam Hussein.
little_kitty: ahh
little_kitty: right
little_kitty: my bad

"In a thousand years there will be no men and women just wankers and that's fine by me."

7-28-03 12:08pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Film critic subordinaire

Member Rated:

Bob Hope? Isn't he that guy who got other people to write his jokes for him?

7-28-03 12:47pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

chooby digital (in stereo)

Member Rated:

You really need to get laid.

Dad was flammable

7-29-03 2:44pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Film critic subordinaire

Member Rated:

This coming from the author of "the most fickle, idiotic, naive and shallow species on earth".

7-29-03 3:24pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

chooby digital (in stereo)

Member Rated:

Someone else wrote that joke for me.

Dad was flammable

7-29-03 3:29pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Director of Cats

Member Rated:

Someone else wrote that joke for me.

Yeah, right. And I suppose you'll be telling us that Barry Manilow didn't write "I Write the Songs."


7-29-03 8:05pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Loveable Scamp

Member Rated:

chooby: oh my god, they still make Baywatch?
Choadwarrior: i dont think so
chooby: well, I just saw an advert for the brand new series.
Choadwarrior: maybe its new to scotland
Choadwarrior: but a year or two old here
Choadwarrior: imdb says it ended in 2001
Bargaintuan: Was it on the Sci-Fi channel?
Choadwarrior: although there was a tv movie in 2003
Choadwarrior: "baywatch hawaiian wedding"
chooby: yeah, it's baywatch Hawaii.
chooby: with Yellow Swimsuits!
chooby: that's actually part of the ad.
chooby: also, it's on Sky Travel, which is a channel about holidays and stuff, which is weird.
Choadwarrior: well, weddings are celebrations
Bargaintuan: Especially when everyone's in swimsuits.
Choadwarrior: my friend covered the worlds largest nude wedding in jamaica last year
Bargaintuan: Must have taken a lot of blankets.

"In a thousand years there will be no men and women just wankers and that's fine by me."

8-02-03 11:39am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I bop, you bop, a-they bop.

Member Rated:

* BigEvilDan busts a must.
when the fuck did Drexle get here?
I didn't even notice him
He exists in non-linear time. He is always here.
While you were off busting rhymes.
I was lost in the stream of time.
bustin rhymes all the time. wax my car, make it shine!
that's going in my lyrics book
Your rhymes are a crime, get back in line and cut out the whine.
I'll roll you up like a ball of twine, get a coconut and add some lime!
I'll roast your ass like swine, don't be messin with the master of time.
Drexle, you ball of slime! Oh-no, I just dropped a dime!
that's awesome

Okay, Lindsay, are you forgetting that I was a professional twice over - an analyst and a therapist. The world's first analrapist.

8-02-03 7:10pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Your Cure for Lameness

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*** little_kitty has been kicked off channel #stripcreator by Tobor (flood)
*** little_kitty ( has joined channel #stripcreator
that was totally my bad
* little_kitty kicks herself in the head
Well, that just totally wrecked my groove.
that was awesome?
Kitty gots to learn to be more smoove.
i know...
* little_kitty kicks herself again
Drexle, stop bein such a poser. if you were in canada, you would be a hoser!
wiggity wiggity whack!
Hoser? Poser? Fool, I'm more than that, I'm bad like Gozer.
Let's hear it for the Ghostbusters!!!!
Raisin' the roof, and crossin the streams, yo!
I got a late tape, better go to blockbuster!
The asian on the cornern is a real cocksucker.
Drexle, that is your dad. He's the best lay I eva had.
You betta not make him mad, he's liable to hurt you bad.
And that would make you sad, cause then you'd end up like Brad.
do not worry, he's a nice lad. And out of context, my jacket is plaid.
I'm glad that your jacket is plaid and rad, but that don't make your rhymes less bad.
what? how dare you say that. My ryhmes are fat...with a ph, no mistake, down by the lake, I shimmy and shake, with my pet snake.....who's name is jake!
For goodness sake, I never seen a man quake like a wedding cake. Chill, man and get with the plan.
I know the plan, so does BigEvilDan. my favorite crustation is the clam.
Clam? More like Ham. Get out'cha gat and go blam! blam! blam!
Them pigs be on your tail and they wanna take you to jail.
blam blam blam, sam I am? actually, I am not sam. I am Bargantuan. no, I'm not him as well, so you can go to hell.
Bargaintuain fell down a well, I'm afraid he don't look so swell.
They're goin' baby Jessica on his ass, boy.

8-02-03 7:37pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I'm with stupid ^

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Good times.

8-02-03 9:04pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Heart stopper. Hip hopper. Pill popper.

Member Rated:

*** Choadychoady ( has joined #stripcreator
case closed.
Are you choobychooby or Choadwarrior?
*** Choadychoady changed nick to Choadwarrior
.... Everything makes sense now.
Yes. Now I know that you're Choadwarrior. Thus, everything makes sense.
i knew i was part of god's great plan
Do Inflatable Men factor in to God's great plan?? Please tell me....
no, they encourage fornication
Bah! Inflatable Horsemen of the Apocalypse will come down and slay you for speaking such blasphemy!
dont mince words
*** Inflatabl changed nick to Inflatable_God
Now, I'm in control! MWahaahhahahahaa....
*** Choadwarrior changed nick to Hatpin
*** Hatpin changed nick to Prick
Great. Just a bunch of Pricks here.
Nothing inflatable can go up against a mighty prick
No. Just one.
Okay... I'll go back to just being a lowly sex doll.
*** Inflatable_God changed nick to Inflatable_Man
don't demean your value
So... do you mean I could still be God....?
no, but you could be a coming buddha
.... Excellent.
*** Inflatable_Man changed nick to Inflatable_Buddha
Hmmn... this is getting old.
*** Inflatable_Buddha changed nick to Inflatable_Man
*** Prick changed nick to Inflatable_Sheep
Don't tempt me.
Okay... now you've done it!
*** Inflatable_Man changed nick to Inflatable_Farmer
Come 'ere little lamb!
*pushes Inflatable Sheep against a cliff*
Ahhh.... that's better.
no, those are baaaaaad for you
baaaaaaad for ewe
Do I need to *CENSORED* ya again, Sheep?
Cuz I will.
Or my cousin, Earl will.
give me a ram
Well'p, ya outlived your usefulness. Time ta send you to the butcher.
* Inflatable_Sheep lamb chops Inflatable_Farmer
case closed.
But... I never got ta tell ya... you my half-son, Inflatable Lamb. You're the product of decades of inter-species se
x on mah part. And I'm taking you to the Jerry Springer show.
Because I got a secret!
youre my daaaaaaad?
yup! yo mamma, god rest her soul, was a great lay. And an even better dinner roast.
* Inflatable_Sheep shows some leg_of_inflatable_lamb
*** Inflatable_Farmer changed nick to Inflatable_Man_is_dead
hey look -------------------------> cocks
*** Inflatable_Sheep changed nick to Inflatable_Heaven
mAAk: dongs
Oh, I love me a good Inflatable cock!
Almost as good as those Inflatable cows and lambs.
you're not welcome then
*goes to Hell*
*** Inflatable_Heaven changed nick to Inflatable_Purgatory

Okay... so most of it doesn't make sense, but I like its' underlying themes of.... um... whatever.

Destroying my reputation one post at a time.

8-04-03 10:09pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Looking for love in ALL the wrong places, baby!

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"Jelly-belly gigglin, dancin and a-wigglin, honey that's the way I am!" Janice the Muppet

8-04-03 10:38pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Heart stopper. Hip hopper. Pill popper.

Member Rated:

Go away, butter tit.
I have not butter on my tits.
It's margarine.
*** CaptainRo ( has joined #stripcreator
*** CaptainRo has quit IRC (Client exited)
You bastard.
Oh, Oleo!
At least I don't have Olestra on my manboobies like you do.
*eats Dragon's tit* I can't believe it's not butter!
Now, I know what made Fabio so happy.
He liked eating his own titties?
I'm sure he would eat Rock Hudson's titties, if given a chance.
And if Hudson were alive.
And not dead.
HAHAHAHAHA. What the fuck are you talking about?
I bet he would still eat Rock's rock hard titties.
He's only been dead, for what, 15 years or so?
It would be like eating a plate of cottage cheese.
God you're sick.
Take me now.

Destroying my reputation one post at a time.

8-04-03 11:02pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

optical delusion

Member Rated:

god, indiana is like the meth-lab capital of the world.
Back when I had a drug dealer for a boyfriend
No, Jefferson County Missouri is
Read the news, it was declared as so.
Montgomery County IN used to be.
The worst part is, Jefferson County isn't that big.
I know everyone who lives there just about
And most of who makes it, I wouldn't assume
Once my ex boyfriend blew himself and his boss up making it
"once my ex boyfriend blew himself"
that's what i saw (:
that is what I said.
oh man!
Or what I meant, anyway
right, but for me the sentence stopped there.
He has two kids and no job. It's quite hillarious
well, if i could blow myself i'd never leave the house.
If I ever feel bad about myself, I just think of him and feel better.
ha ha!
Dogs are so lucky...

- - fuck a cat, kill yourself - my alter ego has five stars

8-07-03 2:42pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

[18:43] this pimp has three hoes rite
[18:43] and he goes up to the first ho like "you owe me twenty dollars"
[18:44] and shes like "i dont owe u no twenty dollars"
[18:44] then he goes up to the second ho like "you owe me twenty dollars"
[18:44] and shes like "i dont owe u no twenty dollars"
[18:44] then he goes up to the third ho like "you owe me twenty dollars"
[18:44] and shes like "i dont owe u no twenty dollars"
[18:45] oops
[18:45] What a great joke.

Batman created by Bob Kane

8-10-03 2:45am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I bop, you bop, a-they bop.

Member Rated:

on religion...

hmmmmm...people probably think Im weird for being religious....
hey, ewwwww, how's school?
well... chicka... i'm just anti-religion right now
No home work yet, so good
because of stupid christian ethics...
but i dont think you're weird for being religions
well, see, you wwill only find me in a church on sunday
And I will ignore things I dont believe to be true in sermons
As well as Christian preaching
christian teaching is all a bunch of bullshit
Such as: Christians can only associate with other Christians
* little_kitty is a Roman Catholic
* Jes_L is now known as Jes_IgnoringReligiousDiscussio
yeah...its seriously bullshit
* AChicka shuts up
What I like about being christian is I never go to church, cause its not mandatory like Catholics and stuff
i haven't known so many people to become athiest after going to a catholic highschool
how bout them dolphins
Plus I dont want a priest to touch me down there.....
* Jes_IgnoringReligiousDiscussio is now known as Jes_L

Okay, Lindsay, are you forgetting that I was a professional twice over - an analyst and a therapist. The world's first analrapist.

8-14-03 6:32pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

15:39] Is Michael Clarke Duncan still black?
[15:39] I think so
[15:40] Then what is he doing playing a white guy in Daredevil?
[15:40] I dont know
[15:40] Maybe he thinks Michael Jackson is cool and wants to follow in his footsteps
[15:40] * choadwarrior has joined #stripcreator
[15:40] that would be funny
[15:41] Hey choady!
[15:41] I think they should have a Mexican Green Lantern.
[15:41] He could make green tacos for himself.
[15:41] hey ewwwwwwwwwww
[15:41] Yay green tacos!
[15:41] hey dcom
[15:41] becuase Michael Jackson is really small.
[15:41] hi choad
[15:41] yea
[15:41] And use the Green Lantern ring to trick his supervisor into letting him take a nap when he's supposed to be working.
[15:41] i will not eat grean tacos
[15:41] Hey, choadwarrior.
[15:41] hey akira
[15:41] Damn you, Eat the green Biscuit!!!!!
[15:41] Bitch!!!
[15:41] Eat it!!!
[15:42] no voy a comer los tacos verdes
[15:42] * Ewwwww supresses his mexican/hulk like rage
[15:42] Time for a nap....
[15:42] Where is my hat?
[15:42] El Gordo Incredible
[15:43] Where is my hat?
[15:43] * Ewwwww goes into mexican mode and turns darker brown
[15:43] RAAAAAA!!!!!!
[15:44] Where is funny mexican hat!!!!
[15:44] i got yer sombrero right here, buddy
[15:44] * choadwarrior grabs crotch
[15:44] HAAAA
[15:44] * Ewwwww takes that crotch off of choad
[15:44] and wears it like a hat?
[15:45] * Ewwwww puts it in choads mouth
[15:45] Eat It !!!!!!!!!!!!!
[15:45] mrprh
[15:45] glrmpfh
[15:45] EAT YOUR CROTCH!!!!!!!
[15:46] * Ewwwww finds
[15:46] * Ewwwww finds his hat
[15:46] PTOOEY
[15:46] * Ewwwww turns regular again
[15:46] Why did you have a crotch in your mouth, choad?
[15:47] why does my head hurt.....
[15:48] i had my own crotch in my mouth
[15:49] which explains why i spend most nights at home
[15:49] Ummmm........Thats nice....
[15:50] * Ewwwww makes a note to get a dog for christmas for choad
[15:50] and lots of peanut butter
[15:51] * Ewwwww adds peanut butter

"No obscene images." I guess I'll just have to settle for saying cocksucker a lot.

8-14-03 11:52pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I don't know what I'm doing either

Member Rated:

[20:04] shouldn't you guys all be wiped out by a black-out?
[20:04] haha
[20:04] no
[20:04] that's eastern canada and us
[20:04] i'm central canada
[20:05] Choo-BEEEE!
[20:05] mm-YERS!
[20:05] kitty!!
[20:05] I'm powering the computer with my mind.
[20:05] everybodeeee!
[20:05] J-J-J-JES!
[20:06] I have a squirrell running on a wheel
[20:06] when the net goes down, i get a new squirrel
[20:06] we have the same thing..
[20:07] but I have a haggis running in a wheel
[20:07] my sister and cousin are so damned lazy...
[20:07] "paige, make me a sandwich" "paige, make me canneloni"
[20:07] paige...
[20:07] i'll have a sandwich and canneloni
[20:07] make it two
[20:08] and would it kill you to make some coffee?
[20:08] * little_kitty growls
[20:08] somebody needs to milk my squirrel
[20:08] paige?
[20:08] * chooby rattles his empty glass.
[20:08] *cough*
[20:08] i'm not your damn slave!!
[20:09] that's not what this indenture contract says

Please replace the handset, and try again.

8-15-03 2:51pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I don't know what I'm doing either

Member Rated:

[20:13] bring me stable power!
[20:13] I want you to sit down and not mikl squirrels.
[20:13] * little_kitty attempts to bring brad stable power...
[20:13] * little_kitty sits
[20:13] now what?
[20:13] * boorite brings brad a horse and a bale of hay
[20:13] now that's stable power
[20:13] ark
[20:13] hahaha


[21:31] some of those factsheet accidents involve humungous idiots
[21:31] "...decied to ventilate weld site with oxygen"
[21:31] * Jes_L slaps hand on forehead
[21:32] hahaha
[21:32] Darwin 1 - Welder 0
[21:32] blammo
[21:32] did you see the one where the guy accidentally hooked up nitrogen
or something to his oxygen valve?
[21:33] not yet
[21:33] DEAD
[21:33] asphyxiated?
[21:33] yes
[21:33] wait...
[21:34] here's one...
[21:34] " of a four-man erection crew.
[21:34] * Jes_L goes into apoplepexic laughter
[21:34] Does it really take four guys?
[21:34] At some parties I've heard about, yes
[21:35] dougan's ma will take four guys no probs
[21:35] four man erection crew
[21:35] * boorite compiles years worth of fantasy material


Right, I can either stay here or go to a drum and bass club in town and risk being stabbed.
*boorite clubs and stabs jes
*BigEvilDan steals Jes's wallet
*boorite plays the drums

Please replace the handset, and try again.

8-15-03 3:02pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

crazy knife lady

Member Rated:

the gayest nick ever is:
*** little_kitty ( has joined #stripcreator
that was great
Take that back, boorite!

What others say about boorite!

8-15-03 3:39pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I don't know what I'm doing either

Member Rated:


Right, I can either stay here or go to a drum and bass club in town and risk being stabbed.
*boorite clubs and stabs jes
*BigEvilDan steals Jes's wallet
*boorite plays the drums

I paid the equivalent of $20 to get in, realise the sound system was like being fucked in the ear with a sewing machine, realise the crowd were all pilled-up Essex boys in shell suits/baseball caps, two Buds and a JD, and leave after an hour for fear of having to stab the sound system/Essex boys.

I'm going again next month.

Please replace the handset, and try again.

8-15-03 4:30pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I don't know what I'm doing either

Member Rated:

Part of a long conversation where we make fun of Health and Safety accident report artwork, as posted by Boorite. You really need to click the link to appreciate how much of a feckin' comedy star the man is:

[20:52] I have always loved this illustration
[20:52] I broke both my arms and lost all my front teeth, but hey, that warm
filling can't be beat
[20:52] kitty, which was the dress that you saw me in?
[20:53] I'd want to land in apple pie
[20:53] those apples plump when you cook 'em
[20:53] boo: you have to laugh
[20:53] ha ha, nice e-mail
[20:53] it's his hat flying off
[20:54] and the stuff coming out of his hands
[20:54] i'll find it... again...
[20:54] it would be funnier if they drew a word balloon with OOOOPS in it
[20:54] that illustration is great
[20:54] it's like he's still trying to work
[20:54] I can't look at it, dammit
[20:54] MUST... LAY... BRICK...
[20:54] and only gravity can stop him
[20:55] or "hey, my hat came off dammit."
[20:55] "that's so annoying"

Please replace the handset, and try again.

8-15-03 5:24pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I don't know what I'm doing either

Member Rated:

[00:48] Damn. chooby stole my cigarettes without even being in chat

Please replace the handset, and try again.

8-15-03 5:55pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Loveable Scamp

Member Rated:


"In a thousand years there will be no men and women just wankers and that's fine by me."

8-16-03 9:31am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

is never bored.

Member Rated:

Now im mad!
dcom, that looks like a guy who is confused that half his mustache was shaved off!
Im happy now
That was easy

Mediocrity at its most average.

8-17-03 1:57am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator » General Discussion » #stripcreator is fun

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