Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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Stripcreator » Comic Showcase » AUGUST MADNESS: The 1st Stripcreator Battle Royal



I'm with stupid ^

Member Rated:

Cowboy (threereasons) vs. LadyJ (forumusers) by boinky33
I am going to kill you!
Ha, Ha!
What the fuck are you talking about?

Cowboy (threereasons) vs. LadyJ (forumusers) 2 by boinky33
You think you're sooo cool!
I do?
I challange you to pistols at dawn. Be there or be a coward.
Oh no! watch out for that flaming ball of fire!
So, in the end, LadyJ died and the cowboy didn't really care....

2-26-04 10:49am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Passing through.

Member Rated:

Gabe vs. Snowman (1) by mmyers
What am I paying you for, huh? Everyone is talking about Paris Hilton or Martha Stewart or Mel Gibson, but no one is talking about Frosty.
Frosty, November-December are your busy months. You get the money for your claymation work, the Christmas songs, appearances, etc.
After that, we're lucky if we can get you a car commercial. We've got to stretch those pennies so you can make it through the lean times.
No, no, I've got an idea, a movie dramatically retelling my origin, but with all the gore and violence and misery that people were afraid to use before.
You can't mean..."The passion of Frosty the snowman"?

Gabe vs. Snowman (2) by mmyers
The Passion of Frosty the Snowman
Hello, I'm Mel Gibson. Before this movie was made, I thought about killing myself. Now that it's made, I'm still considering it. Roll it!
I'm having a great day because I'm wearing my magical hat. I'm minding my own business.
Hey, I have to get to a party. I 'hat' to do this but I really want to see 'chapeaux' up with that thing on your head.
That Jewish man is taking off Frosty's hat. Oh the horror!
And Frosty's screams will haunt me, that and all of the blood and organs that are splashing about as he melts. Oh, the blood!

Gabe vs Snowman (3) by mmyers
Hey Frosty, I just saw your movie.
What'd you think?
I'm Jewish. What do you think I thought of the movie?
You enjoyed the kosher hotdogs we served in the lobby?
NO! I hated it! It made Jews look horrible and it was gratuitously graphic! And I'm going to write a scathing review in my newspaper column.
Did you at least TRY the hotdogs?

Gabe vs Snowman (4) by mmyers
So what's the verdict?
The die-hard Frosty fans love it, critics and non-Frostians are panning it, the Jews are protesting it. Consequently, you're broke and ruined.
How'd that happen?
Let me ask you, what's my name?
Gabe Goldman. Why...oh, I get it.
My advice to you is don't bite the audience that feeds you.

Peeing sitting down is the gift you give yourself.

2-26-04 1:44pm (new)
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optical delusion

Member Rated:

Little Girl vs. Wirthling by habnem
Hey there, little girl. I'll bet you're afraid of decapitated heads, aren't you?
I think you're funny.
You think I'm funny? I'm going to eat you alive, little girl!
Daddy, can I use your baseball bat?
Are you filled with candy?

Q: How much do you have to suck to get your ass kicked by a little girl?

A: I don't know, but Wirthling sucks at least that much.

- - fuck a cat, kill yourself - my alter ego has five stars

2-27-04 11:16am (new)
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Alpha Geek

Member Rated:

The Power Newbie strikes again.

...Trot and Cap'n Bill were free from anxiety and care. Button-Bright never worried about anything. The Scarecrow, not being able to sleep, looked out of the window and tried to count the stars.

2-27-04 3:48pm (new)
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Alpha Geek

Member Rated:

Suit vs. Squirrel by fuzzyman
Bobby, you completed your assignment with great sales instinct and creativity, completely selling out your inventory of cashews. What can I say? I'm impressed.
Fluffy, you ate all your nuts and pooped on my chair...
...but you're also really, really cute. Bobby, YOU'RE FIRED!
Awww, nuts!
Thank you, Mr. Trump!

Squirrel wins.

...Trot and Cap'n Bill were free from anxiety and care. Button-Bright never worried about anything. The Scarecrow, not being able to sleep, looked out of the window and tried to count the stars.

2-27-04 4:06pm (new)
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I don't know what I'm doing either

Member Rated:

SCBR 2: attitudechicka Vs. ranger (1) by jes_lawson
Hi there! Nice day for a walk, isn't it?
Halt! These woods are no place for a maiden! You may not pass!
Excuse me?
The Uruk-Hai have been seen a league to the north, and...
God, I so hate LARPers...
Fair maid! Wait!

SCBR 2: attitudechicka Vs. ranger (2) by jes_lawson
I...uh...I'm sorry, I guess I wasn't expecting...
Expecting anyone else to be in the forest today?
Well yeah, that and uh...
What? Spit it out, Legolas!
It's Brian actually, and I was wondering maybe if sometime...
HELLO? Look more closely, Lord of The Rings! This isn't a spare tyre I've been carrying around for 5 months!

SCBR 2: attitudechicka Vs. ranger (3) by jes_lawson
Oh, I had no idea, uh...
Listen, I'm getting pretty tired now, so if you'd like to get out of the way, I'm going home.
See you round, Brian.
I'm in love!

She didn't make it through the forest, but attitudechicka retained her dignity.

Please replace the handset, and try again.

2-28-04 9:28am (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

Here is my godawful copout of an entry.

Boorite vs Duck by kramer_vs_kramer
Be vewwy vewwy quiet - it's duck season!
Oooh, you wotten wascally duck!
I refuse to believe catching a duck is that difficult. In fact, I'm going to go out and catch me a duck right this minute.
Gotcha! That was even easier than I thought.

Boorite wins.

3-15-04 12:58pm (new)
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Your Cure for Lameness

Member Rated:

Kajun vs Feetforears 001 by Drexle
Yo! Check me out, man! I have got feet for ears!
That's very impressive there, my good man. I bet you pick up all the chicks with those.
You know it, homeslice. Check me out dawg! Yeeeuh!
Verily, ye are the pimpin'est pimp-daddy what ever pimped a... um... hmmm...
A what?
I dunno, I'm awfully drunk right now.

Kajun vs feetforears 002 by Drexle
Hey, what's goin' on guys?

Kajun vs feetforears 003 by Drexle
Hey guys? How's the willy 'yo?
Man, check me out! I have got feet for ears!
You just can't touch that, I'm afraid. I mean, I've got a skirt for pants, and I'm not even close to the pimp this man is.
Feet for ears? That's just weak, dawg. You cain't pick up nuthin like that.
I can pick up anyone I want. Mess not with tha powar.
Aye! He's got tha powar!

Kajun vs feetforears 004 by Drexle
Later that day...
Dude, dawg, bro, man, I gots ta tell ya somethin'.
Tell me somethin' homey.
Dawg, you are fifty times the mack that feet for ears fucker is.
What are ya talkin' about? He's got feet for ears!
But you and me, we gots two beers! Together, you and me can have all the bitches and hos in this town!
Awwwww yeeuh! Get me somea them fly honeys! Gimme somea them extra-fly honeys!

Kajun vs feetforears 005 by Drexle
Aww yeah baby! Check me out, shawty! Man, you know you wants somea dis! I gots da beer right here!
What'cho cuttin' in on my game for, punk? You wanna get jacked up here in this haous?!
Dawg, look! Them ain't no fly honeys...
I know you didn't just call me ugly, chump!
Yeah, you tell'em girlfriend! Who told that scrub that mullets was hot? Foo'.

3-16-04 7:06am (new)
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Your Cure for Lameness

Member Rated:

Kajun vs feetforears 006 by Drexle
Man, this is harsh! Da lay-dees have been cold all night! I thought it was a sure thing tonight... I mean, two beers!
Two beers in a bucket ain't gonna truck it, G.
Ha ha!
'The fuck you talkin' 'bout, beotch?
What I'm always talkin' 'bout. PUSSAY!

Kajun vs feetforears 007 by Drexle
The next day...
What up, my peeps?
Aw, bro... the honeys was harsh last night.
I tell you what, it's the truth dawg.
I hear that, beotch. I didn't even get a nibble on the ol' fish hook, yo.

Kajun vs feetforears 008 by Drexle
Woahwoahwoah, hold up! HOLD da PHONE!
You didn't get no honeys? You mean you ain't no pimper than us dawgs?
Now I didn't say dat. I am more pimp than you will ever hope to be.
Oh yeah? Bring, it chump!
What'cho got that's so pimp, dawg?
You seem to be forgetting that I have feet for ears!

Kajun vs feetforears 009 - fini by Drexle
That ain't nothin, homes.
Yeah, I mean we gots beers! You gots anything to beat da beers?
I not only have feet for ears, I also have hands for feet.
Hands for feet? Hands for fuckin' feet? Oh shit, dawg! We ain't got no hands for feet! Fuck dat shit, man! He beat us again!
Don't be steppin' to me, foo! I bust a crap in yo' mouth an' a cap in yo ass. Don't make me rip da mad raps on you suckas.

Winner: The man with feet for ears.

3-16-04 7:08am (new)
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Director of Cats

Member Rated:

My mistake in the posting -- Kajun wasn't up against ffe. I'll leave that up for amusement value; consider it a friendly exhibition.

(wipes egg off face).


3-16-04 7:13am (new)
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Your Cure for Lameness

Member Rated:

I think any screwup that results in the coining of a phrase like "bust a crap in yo' mouth and a cap in yo' ass." is worth the error.

3-16-04 7:25am (new)
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Your Cure for Lameness

Member Rated:

Kajun vs Zoe 001 by Drexle
Oh... it's you.
Weeeeeelll lookie here. We got a cunty little bint here tonight.
Oh, don't you even start with me!
And how's Brrrruuuuuuno doing these days, huh?
Him? Oh... I dumped him.
You dumped him? Awwww!!!! Did the widdle woman finally find out about the other fifty widdle women he has all over town?

Kajun vs Zoe 002 by Drexle
Shut up! It... it's not like that at all!
So it wasn't on account of the other fifty women, then? Is that what you're saying?
Well no... I mean, it's not like I didn't know about them. We were all in the same bed at least once a week.

Kajun vs Zoe 003 by Drexle
Hah! I finally got you to shut up! Do I win yet?
Bollocks. You don't win shit. Why did you dump him, then?

Kajun vs Zoe 004 by Drexle
Well... he was really sweet. Too sweet. I mean, he was too perfect. There's no way I could live up to that.
Too sweet? Too nice? The fucker is a slimeball! What the bloody cunt are you on about?
You just don't understand.
Damn right. You dump every man who treats you halfway decent and run off to the first arsewipe what says "UGH! ME WANT FUCK!" Phhth! Women...
Then, when slimeball starts showing a hint of humanity, a trait that I'm not convinced he posesses, you dump him too! What the fuck is wrong with you women?

Kajun vs Zoe 005 by Drexle
You're still so bitter about our breakup. Don't you see how big a misogynist you are? You don't think that might have something to do with it?
Oh I don't know... I guess the answer to that would be the same as the answer to "Do you realize what a stupid cunt you are?"
Wait, I just realized something.... You're pretty slimy yourself. I guess that means you ARE my type after all! Come with me back to my place?

3-16-04 8:27am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Your Cure for Lameness

Member Rated:

Kajun vs Zoe 006 by Drexle
Mmmm! I'd almost forgotten how good you were! Kaaaaaaaaajun! Ooooooh...
Damn right! But you see, now that we've had our fun, it's time for me to dissapear forever and never return your calls!
But why?!
Because you're a stupid cunt. SCR0E!

Kajun vs Zoe 007 by Drexle
Who's this punk all up in my bitch's shit, yo?!
Bruno?! What are you doing here?!
Don't you be steppin', chump! I'll have your ass for earmuffs if you don't get outta my crib, yo!
I thought she dumped you! Bah! No matter, I'll have your arse! You'll not screw another chick in this town while I'm around!

Kajun vs Zoe 008 by Drexle
Oh Bruno...
What that chump talkin' 'bout, beotch? What's this dumpin' shit?
Oh, well... uh... I guess I just hadn't gotten around to telling you yet.
Tellin' me what, beotch?!
I'm leaving you, Bruno.
Bitch! I have got feet for ears! You cain't dump me!

Kajun vs Zoe 009 by Drexle
You do have feet for ears, yes. And that is very impressive.
And you've got hands for feet, which is yet again more than most other men.
But what have you got for a penis?
You hurt me, bitch. You really cold, you know dat?

Kajun vs Zoe 010 - fini by Drexle
Okay girls, I got rid of Bruno! We can all have lesbian sex now!
You are a genius! That plan was perfect!
Yeah, you even got rid of that annoying guy in the skirt!
Lemme show you my high kick sometime, girl!
Sigh... Why am I always cast as a lesbian?

Clearly Kajun should have just smacked his bitch up when he had the chance.

3-16-04 8:29am (new)
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Forum comment:

Member Rated:

SCBR: stickman vs. Drexle 100 by umfumdisi
ooh, a letter from kaufman!
"Dear stickman: Congratulations, you have advanced to Round 2...
of the Stripcreator Battle Royale. Your opponent for this Round 2 match is Drexle...
and the entry fee for this match is $1."
That's odd, I don't remember paying an entry fee for Round 1.
"Every Round is $1."

SCBR: stickman vs. Drexle 200 by umfumdisi
Okay, I found 100 pennies in this trash can. When do I fight Drexle?
Why would you want to fight Drexle?
Well, kaufman told me to, but then he turned into chicka. Now you show up.
Yeah, and I'll be taking those 100 pennies, dude.
A-ha, someone tossed a perfectly good Sacagawea dollar!
By the power of Thyrfing, I command you to fight me!

SCBR: stickman vs. Drexle 300 by umfumdisi
Crabby! My old freind, why would I want to fight you, and who the hell is Thyrfing?
My baby, of course, and we're going to kick your lack of ass!
I can't help it, I was drawn this way.
Well, we were born this way. Get ready to be thrashed by the Matthew twins!
I hate to do this to you guys, but *STAB!*
Blimey, he's got a knife. Bäckhästen!

SCBR: stickman vs. Drexle 400 by umfumdisi
What happened to the Matthew twins?
They cut a trail, stick, and somehow managed to take my pants.
No they didn't, I'm right here.
This day has been nothing but a series of odd events.

SCBR: stickman vs. Drexle 500 by umfumdisi
So now it's Perm. I'm not surprised.
Would you be surprised if I turned into...
Not really. You're merely delaying the inevitable.
Yeah, well, nobody expects the Scottish Inquisition!

[Click to view comic: 'SCBR: stickman vs. Drexle 600']
[Click to view comic: 'SCBR: stickman vs. Drexle 700']

This might be the most audience-specific series ever. Drexle takes Manhattan.

Chicken Feather Bed Bugs Bunny Hop Sing Out Side Street Walker Texas Ranger Cookie Dough Boy Wonder Years

3-16-04 10:51pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I have an awesome avatar.

Member Rated:

Sorry for taking so long.
Heres the first I owe.

Hook and Crook by crabby
Hi there, you appear to be a mild mannered hooker. How much for you to sit with me while I fill my glass with tears?
Hey man, this isn't about money for me ok. This is an art form, I take this job very seriously.
I fully intended to have sex with you as soon as I finished crying. However, afterward I'd appreciate it if you'd listen to me discuss my problems with you. My name is Stu by the way.
Stu you seem like a great guy. I'll make a deal with you, I'll let you cry in front of me but only after we have sex.
The problem with that is I can only achieve an erection after an outward showing of emotion. Therefore, I must discuss my problems first.
Maybe we could go back to your place and discuss this some more. Your ideas are very intriguing to me, I've never dealt with someone with a problem such as yours.

hook and Crook 2 by crabby
As you can tell from my homes furnishings I obviously live in a forrest. That makes up a large amount of my problems. Woman just don't appreciate a good forrest home as much as they used too.
I find your forrest lodging to be both spacious and comforting. I think perhaps you should just try to find a girl who can respect you not for what you have, but what you can offer them spirtually.
That is just the first of my two problems. My second problem is that I have an extreme problem with commitment. I've never been able to settle down with one woman for a long period of time.
Perhaps you just haven't found the right woman yet. When that special woman comes along you will find that you two were meant to be together. Any other problems?
I'm 179 years old. Due to a family curse the only way I can die is if I find true love. So in order to solve my other problems I would therefore be killing myself.
Stu you weave a tangled web. Have you taken into consideration that by killing yourself with true love you will be freeing yourself from this curse?

Hook and Crook 3 by crabby
Well, I suppose you've held up your end of the bargain. I guess I'm now forced to have sex with you.
Your problems aren't really that bad Stu maybe you just need some good sex to take your mind off of it. Maybe hookers aren't the answer.
Actually, I think hookers are definetly the answer. Iconvince them that I have lots of problems and then bring them here to this forrest. I tell them that this forrest is my home and then murder them.
Well..........I'll just be going now.
My only real problem is that I can only get an erection from killing a woman, then I sleep with their corpse. This cup is filled with the tears of the act I just performed. Bottoms Up!

3-17-04 11:32am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I have an awesome avatar.

Member Rated:

Heres the second.

Owlbino by crabby
God, please give me the strength to fire this man.
You wanted to talk to me sir?
Your office etiquette is lacking!
Sorry boss, I'll make sure to work on that.
If this is about my albino features I'll see you in court.

Owlbino 2 by crabby
As judge I rule in favor of the Albino. He will be reinstated into the work place immediately, with a promotion.
He will be given a large corner office and a plant to water. A NICE PLANT!
I also hereby declare that owl spend a minimum of 19 days in an Ohio state prison.

Owlbino 3 by crabby
What are you in for buddy?
I fired an albino.
You make me sick!

Owlbino 4 by crabby
Hey Sunny, what did I miss while I was away from the office?
Well that damn albino got eaten by his plant.
The plant ate the albino?
Actually it was Steve from Engineering, but we all blamed it on the plant.
Thats awful!
Not really we all hated that fuck.

3-17-04 11:44am (new)
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Shoots the shit and often misses

Member Rated:


The giant three-phallused phallus of Uzbekistan will one day squirt the cosmic jizz of revenge all over Canada.

3-17-04 1:35pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

is never bored.

Member Rated:

SCBR: Squirelasaur Prologue 1 by attitudechicka
Hey Gabe, what's shakin?
I poked this girl I like today and she slapped me. I don't think she likes me.
Gee, you think? Um, I mean, what else is new?
I'm lonely and depressed.
Man, you're a real downer today. I think I'm gonna go.
Not even a squirel will be my friend...

SCBR: Squirelasaur Prologue 2 by attitudechicka
Man, I'm hungry.
Hey, there's a guy in this trashcan! But that green stuff underneath him looks delicious.
Don't eat it, little squirel. It's radioactive waste.
Oh well. *munch munch*
What happened? I suddenly have the urge to kill!

SCBR: Squirelasaur 3 by attitudechicka
Boy, am I hungry.
Oh, look, a snack.
I wouldn't do that if I were you.
And praytell, why not?

SCBR: Squirelasaur 4 by attitudechicka
You see, I've been eating some radioactive waste, and well... urgh...
Can't say I didn't warn him.

Mediocrity at its most average.

3-27-04 11:40pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Riding through your town with his head on fire

Member Rated:

SCBR, Round 2: Jamalia vs. Witch by evil_d
Okay. I've got a Scroll of Put Out Fireball, a Scroll of Magic Anti-missile, a Scroll of Shoo Familiar, and a Scroll of Mordenkainen's Faithful Doghouse. I'm ready.
While you were gathering all that stuff, I had time to learn Polymorph to Animal.
Oh, crap.

The what mentioned above is total fiction. Please don't take it seriously!

3-31-04 7:43pm (new)
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Professional style cramper

Member Rated:

Longest. August. Evar.


3-31-04 8:23pm (new)
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Director of Cats

Member Rated:

It was a leap year. Now savor it!

Meanwhile, just two more matches and we'll set up Round 3. Come on Kajun & Drexle!


3-31-04 8:31pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

chooby digital (in stereo)

Member Rated:

Coming right up, I'm still reeling from being killed twice in the same thread.

Dad was flammable

4-01-04 11:28am (new)
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Talentless Hack

Member Rated:


4-24-04 6:09am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

chooby digital (in stereo)

Member Rated:

Well phuck mah buttloude, 7 comics in one week, what AM I thinking?

SC Battle Royale: Roger Vs Triceratops - part 1 by KajunFirefly
Dude, I've finished my time machine, it works!
Well, fuck me sideways.
Uh, yeah. So you wanna go do some time travellin'?
Totally, we could go back to our school days and beat up those guys who used to flush your head down the toilet.
Yeah, or we could go back and find out who that mysterious black guy was that drugged and raped me at the Christmas party.
Uh, no, let's not.

SC Battle Royale: Roger Vs Triceratops - part 2 by KajunFirefly
We'll go to the prehistoric times first, I want to get some good photographs.
Imagine how awesome it would be to have actual photographic evidence of real life dinosaurs!
We could even take samples back, we'd be crowned scientific geniuses!
That beard makes you look like a fag.

SC Battle Royale: Roger Vs Triceratops - part 3 by KajunFirefly
Prehistoric times:
Those are some scary-ass looking dinosaurs.
Yeah, aren't they fucking marvelous? I'm gonna go get some close ups. This is Nobel Prize material!
*click click*
Surely he'd have been hailed as more of a scientific genius for his time machine than some shitty dino-snaps.

SC Battle Royale: Roger Vs Triceratops - part 4 by KajunFirefly
Well, I guess I should go back in time and save Roger, but first...
December 24th 2003:
Hey, mind if I join in?
*gurgle* Where am I?
Sure, go ahead!

As Roger is eventually saved and Triceratops eventually dies out, Roger is the winner.

Dad was flammable

4-24-04 8:29am (new)
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Your Cure for Lameness

Member Rated:

Haha! I love it!

4-25-04 12:42pm (new)
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Stripcreator » Comic Showcase » AUGUST MADNESS: The 1st Stripcreator Battle Royal

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