I'm chompin' at the bit! This is exciting! Squawk!
cpausti - 8
DexX - 7
HCRoyall - 7
areallystupidguy - 6
BigFrank105 - 6
niteowl - 6
mandingo - 4
kaufman - 2
biped - 1
10. The_young_scot
11. Matchbook_Romance
12. Rabid_Weasle
13. Spankling
14. ArtemisStrong
15. Zaster
16. HotRodDeathToll
17. dcomposed
18. sunnyrain
19. Okay
20. bltsandwich17
Heal Mandy Gonad
Hurt Doc [Don't worry, I still love you. You'll get plenty of heals, I'm just trying to do as little damage possible right now.]
It's grime time.