Wow. I mean, WOW! I can't believe a thread started only three days ago has already hit eight pages and I didn't even notice. So of course I had to browse it just to see what had sparked such a hot debate.
I almost wish I hadn't.
So it starts off with this user wanting more comments. Okay, I had never heard of "luminous_luciano" or "Countess" but I also don't read RMDC at all. Occasionally, I'll come across a regular who I think is funny and I'll make a comment, or, in a few cases, donate for them so they can enjoy donor privelages. I think it's important to reward funny.
So I read luminous's comics. And I did like them. I rated him good and continued on with the thread.
Like crabby said, it is a popularity contest for the most part. Somehow, I don't give a rat's ass how other people rate comics and I rate people good or bad if their comics are good or bad. If the person is someone I like as a person, then I'm certainly going to love their comics more. It's like loving your best friend's art project more than her classmate's, even if they are equal in quality.
The more I read the thread, however, the less I liked luminous. And the less his comics meant in terms of good. He goes from a simple whine about not getting enough comments (and remember I didn't know who he was anyway) to screaming that everyone on this site are vulgar, moronic, unoriginal, uninspired plebians who are such low common denominators that they don't deserve to be on the internet (or maybe deserve to only be on the internet).
What I like is how he insults people like that and then doesn't understand why they don't like him. Luminous, have you ever seen a bully on the playground? We know now that the poor kid usually just wants some attention or affection, but his actions speak opposite. So instead of getting what he craves, he ends up pushing away those around him. I know this is merely a plebian, unoriginal example, but as one of the moronic plebians, I'm not smart enough to find something else to use as an example.
I really wasn't going to stoop to this level and even respond, but I had a lousy day in class today and I really need to wipe chondrites out of my head before that's all I can think about.
So, on to the typical blue-collar response style of quoting and responding.
I like the generalization that "none of" the people on Stripcreator is mature and most certainly nowhere near your level. That's a good step towards making friends!
It is admirable that you would strive to a higher civilized plan, but that does not mean that people who use slang or foul language are necessarily inferior. I have seen some people who are brilliant writers, and yet, can't go a spoken paragraph without a few obscenities. I've also seen people who speak eloquently and don't have a damned clue what they are talking about. Oops, I said a naughty word. I must be full of it then.
To get COMMENTS on his freaking comics?
What is it now... my wordy style is too much to read in one sitting?
Depends on if people like their comics to be wordy or not. I don't like olives on my pizza and a pizza sans olives will be looked upon more favorably by me than a pizza covered in them. It's a preference thing. You know, people have their own preferences? It's a part of personality?
My informative-and-comical approach is too much of a one-two punch to handle on a regular basis?
My anti-insignificance (and therefore always striving to be meaningful) style does not... please?
My jokes go simply by you...?
You sense, somehow, judging from my vocabulary on display, that I am not from thy generation... crowd... or whatever?!?
Again, pizza toppings. And by your speech, I certainly didn't peg you as someone older than my generation. Actually, I assumed you were younger than me. Whether or not it's true doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things.
And I'm telling you that I didn't know you even existed. Probably a lot of other people didn't know you existed either. There's successful musicians in the world I've never heard of. Groups I adore are unknown to friends of mine. I'm sorry, but that's the way it is.
I didn't know who she was either.
I'm sorry, I just don't believe that you don't need the comments. Having posted so just points otherwise.
I didn't realize you were being ostracized just reading your first post. In fact, I'm sure you weren't. But, judging from your actions farther in the thread, I think you'll get your persecution complex filled in no time.
Is a gun for hunting or self-defense? Depends on how you use it.
Congratulations on taking step 2 towards making friends. I had no idea that I had no grasp of respect. I am very glad to be informed of that. Perhaps a simple, vulgar person such as myself can work on that.
Ahhh, step 3 towards making friends. A flaw in spelling equals an inferior person and a lack of education. Sure, I make jokes about people who say "prolly" and "ur," but at least those are intentional. Everyone has a set of words they can't spell. Today, I couldn't spell "thorough" to save my life. "Harassment" is another one I can never remember how to spell. Of course, some people are just poor spellers no matter what. My uncle is the worst speller I've ever met, yet he has a Ph.D. But, I guess he's not the type of person you would associate with, him being an uneducated, vulgar, disrespectful pile of scum.
Actually, I think squid is rather funny and I would love to hang out with him if I ever got a chance. Judging solely by your posts (because I obviously don't know you in real life) I suspect it would be too tiring to spend more than a few hours with you. You seem to put down everything around you as not good enough. Even your posts about Countess seem to put her down. Rather than saying she got inspiration from you, you comment that she emulated you to be like you. It may be my rebel genes, but if boorite said I was making comics to be more like him (and he was serious, not jesting) I wouldn't stick around long. I don't suffer pompous, self-important, egotistical fools.
Look, we're all going to die sometime, we all experience suffering, loss, and unpleasantries in our lives. I experienced most of the more dramatic/traumatic things in my life at 14. INSTEAD of becoming bitter about it, I decided to have fun while I still have time here. Which you should be doing as well. I watched my best friend go through cancer. Not a single day of his life did he lose his sense of humor.
Let me just put it in the simplest way possible because I am so sick of these long posts: You don't like our kind, so leave. We don't want you here if all you're going to do is piss and moan like our grandfathers. Now if you steal my nose like my grandfather still does, then I would be pleased to be in your company. Unfortunately, that's beneath you. Please leave or change the attitude.
What Chicka said. We all have our lives and what are in them can be very similar or wildly different. That doesn't make any one of us better than the other. It's just how we act. And you are not winning me or anyone else with your actions.
I have already told too much about my situation.
This isn't the confessional.
It's one of the worst forums ever in the history of the internet.
Then why are you here? Seriously, this is getting tiring. You say you are better than us and shouldn't stoop to our level, so don't. You say you hate it here, so leave. But don't keep coming back and expect us to see the light. Look at what happened to CHUBBY. He was funny. Then he turned into a jackass (oops! I just showed my scum-of-the-earth colors there!). And we didn't suffer him gladly.
Step four in making friends: Insult every single person in the community, whether you know them or not. It helps if they don't like something you have, then you can justify their preference by calling them "tasteless" and "vulgar." I wonder how you feel about the Impressionists. I was never very...impressed. I guess if you like them then I must be tasteless and vulgar because my preference is towards Dada and Surrealism.
You sure can deliver...
Now try the opposite exercise...
Step five in making new friends. Assume one comment they make is the totality of their being and show them how to better themselves. People sure like it when you do that.
I never described myself as "high-brow" - but I sure as heck want to be tasteful.
Even here.
Even in SOB territory.
Step six in making new friends: Simultaneously insult the entire population by calling them a colloquialism that you previously claimed was something so vulgar, only they would use. Good job!
Step seven in making new friends! Find the worst possible insult you can and throw it out at everyone! People love insult comics! Especially from people who mean it!
Which is why you keep posting? To get the last word?
Luminous, I doubt you'll even read my post, certainly not all the way. I doubt you'll even try to see my point of view (which makes me really curious to read any research papers you've written, just to see if you're capable). I rated you good because I liked your comics. Had I seen you elsewhere in the forums, I might have gotten to know you a little more and maybe have come to think of you fondly, or as a stripper I wanted to talk to. But you've managed to wipe out all of that in this ridiculous thread. I don't know if I want to know you at all. You seem tedious, egotistical, insecure, insulting, and prone to outbursts of childish spatter thinly disguised as "classy dialogue." I'm leaving my good rating.
And as I just went to change the comment on said rating (which was and is good) I found this waiting for me in my inbox:
"Thing is... all I said was that the few who saw the Countess thanks to her posts... should have seen me too...
too many "stripcreations" here are about... tha same thing.
You guys are relentless
For no good reason.
I did not hurt anyone's feelings - I don't think.
From luminous_luciano :: 01-25-06 07:15pm ( reply :: delete ) "
My feelings aren't hurt by your posts. I stopped letting faceless users hurt my feelings when I realized how ridiculous it is (now people I deal with in person on a daily basis is something else). I'm just saying, you did insult the entire population of Stripcreator with your words. Whether you meant to or not, that's how it came out, and it came out repeatedly. One or two posts like that can be ignored as flukes. Eight pages is not a fluke.
As befitting my status as a Stripcreator user (i.e. all those fine adjectives used before) I am going to make a cheap shot.