i would actually have to agree with choad on this one, because that is SO true... my roommate is a great example of the "can i borrow your internet?" just because hers wasn't working for the longest time... grr... but i guess that would make me the recluse... yeah, yeah that makes sense. but enough about me, good job!!
--- Okay, Lindsay, are you forgetting that I was a professional twice over - an analyst and a therapist. The world's first analrapist.
To Squizzle, or Shpizzle, or some other kind of Snoop-doggish usizzle namizzle.
Well I don't like your comics either, buddy.
But yes, I do agree that those two characters need to get a life. I also see you are a highly knowlegdable critic of the sorts, and I assume that you weren't refering that comment to me anyways, cuz I'm no man-izzle. Neither do I not have a life, because I would otherwise be more of a frequenter to this website.