Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » MmMmm... comics



Stripcreator Newbie

well i wish someone would read them...
The Rise and Fall of 80's Music by Marqck
Darnell Whittman, lead guitarist for the band "The Jesus Punchers", 1984
orgasm face... check, stupid hair... check, guitar solo... check! meedly meedly meedly MEEEEE jug jigga jug jigga jug jigga jug jigga jigga jah jah
Oh my god! He is so bad ass. His pink shirt... his yellow guitar... his tight jeans... how stylish.
Darnell Whittman, lead snortist for the drug "Cocaine", 1992
Nose candy... being chased by kangaroos with AK.
Darnell "Whitey" Whittmean, lead order takist for the restaurant "MacDonalds", 2003
Hi, welcome to Order, can I take your macdonalds?
Shut the FUCK up.

The Rise and Fall of a Bad Comedian by Marqck
Ben Johnson, professional comedian.
I'm a really bad comedian... but seriously folks. I hate the leg room in airplanes. What's up with that guy... come on... just look at him HAHA!
Mr. Johnson after the show.
It was gonna happen sooner or later.
Dr. Atkinson, proctologist.
We found this in lodged in his...
The humanity.

Gary the Beatnik: The Tom Green by Marqck
Chaa... Tom Green. I'm a fan, ya dig? I wrote some zingo, catch the lingo?
I'm Tom Green.
"Tom Green Show, the melding of universes. Tan Green Show, the hilarity of the stars. Tangerine Show, jiggity jiggity jiggity jiggity. Tangerine Shoe, the melding of fruit and footwear." Ya dig?
I'm Tom Green.
I'm so glad we share the same circular perspective. No vertices in sight. Ya dig?

Euphoria (with a hammer)

10-15-03 8:38pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Riding through your town with his head on fire

Member Rated:

It's not necessary to keep creating new threads for your comics. If you re-use one thread, it'll be easier for people to see all the comics you've posted at once.

I like the first comic you posted here. Good stuff.

The what mentioned above is total fiction. Please don't take it seriously!

10-15-03 9:06pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Going. Coming.

Member Rated:

Finally, someone other than me thinks that the Brad drawing looks like Tom Green. Keep up the stripping! =D

10-15-03 9:35pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

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