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Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » Zack, going to Spain.



Member - Tobor Fan Club

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Here is the "Zack, going to Spain" series:

Zack. Regular (and sometimes stupid) kid. Comic#5 by zacarias_es_comico
Please welcome our special guests, Stacie the dumb blonde!
I'm so glad I'm going back to Spain! Away from that dumb blonde and her taco freak.
Funny thing about comics. You can read what the characters are thinking!
I thought you were a DUMB blonde! How could you figure that out?
Well I'm not THAT dumb. I can read ya know!
And Eric! That less important taco freak!
Is there any tacos on this ship?
I'm Hispanic not Mexican! And where did you come from?

Zack, Regular (and sometimes stupid) kid. Comic#6 by zacarias_es_comico
I'm not racist!
Finaly! I'm here at Spain!
It looks different from last time...
WAIT! This is Iraq!

Zack, Regular (and sometimes stupid) kid. Comic # 7 by zacarias_es_comico
I hope this is the correct ship to Spain!
Loudspeaker:"Atención pasajeros , estaremos llegando en Perú en cinco horas."
In case you're wondering what he said, he said: "Attention passengers, we will be arriving in Peru in five hours."
Wait Peru?!?!?!

Zack, still trying to get to Spain. Comic # 8 by zacarias_es_comico
This HAS to be the right ship!
Attention passengers, we should arrive in Spain soon...
Yes! Finally!
...but the captain has been captured by an alien who is trying to anal probe him.
Ugh! At this rate, I'll never get to Spain (please ignore my smiling face)!

Still too stupid to get to Spain. Comic # 9 by zacarias_es_comico
Hey! You're not the alien from the dumb blonde series!
No. I'm a substitute because zacarias_es_comico is too stupid to find the real one. the heck did we get into space?
Dunno. Now surrender earthling!
I'm going to Spain and no one's gonna stop me!
'Cept me! I got a laser gun!

[Click to view comic: 'Blew up the alien. #10']
[Click to view comic: 'Finally in Spain! #11']
[Click to view comic: 'Almost the best vacation ever. #12']

This account has been seized by order of the Spanish Inquisition.

11-01-03 5:49pm (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

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Made me smile. :)

11-01-03 8:47pm (new)
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Pink Donkey Wrangler

Member Rated:

Yeah, me too.
I think the first gag is just for insiders at Stripcreator (the "Dumb Blonde" thing). And this sets the tone for a comic strip about comic strips, their resources and limitations :)


11-01-03 11:48pm (new)
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Member - Tobor Fan Club

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If you read the latest comics from Life_is_Life (the person who made the Dumb Blonde series) you will notice that Zack (the character in my comics) is appearing in them (I gave him permission).

This account has been seized by order of the Spanish Inquisition.

11-02-03 11:44am (new)
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Pink Donkey Wrangler

Member Rated:

As of now, I have also included Zack in two of my strips, doing a cameo appearance in comic 187919 and featuring his Spain adventures "preview" in comic 187921.


11-02-03 10:16pm (new)
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Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » Zack, going to Spain.

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