you stole some of my leats you used them as diferrently as you could....but i know you did cuz you did read my comix...but im not tryin to start a fight....
Are you sure? *not trying to start a fight* But I'm not sure... I mostly dis the Scarface soundtrack and Coupling. But I would like to know if I did, so could you show me some examples? If I did it was subcouncious.
well the whole demon-satan talk and the bein sent to a demesnsion nuthin not mad at you and i was piontin it out...anyway there good! keep up the good work yo.
First of all, according ot Paradise Lost (one of the greatest pieces of literature you will ever read), the Abyss is the very entrance to the firey pit that is Hell. Second, that's a cliche idea. I'm not trying to start a fight, but it is the truth. My comics are awesome. I know.
Paradise Lost sucks my nut. Milton is a buttmunch. He makes satan look cool. Not cool in my book.
Three cheers for Jesus! Three cheers for God!
No cheers for Milton and his blasphemous attempt at joining the ranks of the great writer of the bible, the best book of all time. (Hint: someone fairly omnipotent wrote it)
I didn't read your comics, but if they're not about Jesus, I don't think I need to.