I assure you it is coincidence. I haven't been looking at strips dating that far back :p
Thanks for the input though guys. I'll keep going and see if I can get teh 'old puns' out of the way.
You must admit, though. The likeness is eerie. It's a good version of the Cowboy Physics, in any case.
Your comics are decent. I personally prefer non-sequential authors (people who don't really have a set storyline, and just make short series or single-strip comics).
Just be careful of old jokes, and go through the older comics. It would be a good idea to read through the regulars' comics, and see what the trends have been, then avoid them like the plague. Too many of us oldies have forgotten originality (including myself) and fall back on catchphrases (Ha ha! What the fuck are you talking about?) (RARR!!!) (All your ba- oh, wait, we're over that one). Have fun!
Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.