Hey, this is my new series, Reign of Butch, starring Butch and his best friend, Murry and his girlfriend, Macy. So read the current ones I've made (I think so far about 8 Episodes.) and reply on how you like 'em. Enjoy!
If I get enough positive replys to the series, I will post up more as I make them here, or in another post...but most likely here. Hope you liked them, give them a review here.
Honestly, these comics aren't that bad and I chuckled at 2 and 4. I'd say punch up your punch lines a little and don't get bogged down in giving Butch a different position for each panel because sometimes the positions get distracting.
A general note would be, and I'm sure you've probably heard this before but, you might want to try and get the hang of the place before you go posting stuff willy-nilly in the forums. Otherwise, have fun and welcome.
--- Peeing sitting down is the gift you give yourself.