Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » WWKD - What would Kurt Do? - Find Out!!!
systris Stripcreator Newbie
What Would Kurt Do part 1
What Would Kurt Do part 2
check em out...if you want to.
laughinginyourface Chuck Norris's bitch
Member Rated:
I did like the first one but I didn't read the second one cause' it had too many words.
---...and pain joined his urge to percieve...
xxausrottenxx Sock of the walk
brad nowell would have kicked kurt cobains ass in heaven fighting, even tho both bands names mean things that you are when you are really happy....sublime....nirvana you know what i mean
---xx( o Y o. )xx
jes_lawson I don't know what I'm doing either
Good. Yeah, maybe a few too many words to make it readable but it was true. Especially the Jim Morrison bit.
--- Please replace the handset, and try again.
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