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Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » M8s is back- and sort of funnier than ever!




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Yes, it's back after a while not being made, M8s returns for the festive season, this time Mikey has a secret (maybe I should stop with this type of thing, but it has so much potential), a secret that will effect Kay, but she'll be OK, until she discoveres another secret, and thats where it kind of ends.

Have you ever considered?
M8s- The one with Cher by FrixFrax
Hey Shane, I just got the new Cher album
Oh, I love this song, it's in his kiss, that's where it is!
Are you dancing?
Yeah... me and Kay always dance!
Oh, have you ever considered... ummm... never mind!

M8s- The one with milkshakes by FrixFrax
You and Mikey have been together for aged, what’s your secret
Well we both like Cher, Shirley Bassy, and we love Gloria Gaynor
Yes and...
He's got a great sense of humor, he even cries at Bambi when the mother is shot... so sweet
Oh, have you ever considered... ummm... never mind!
Oh OK then, fancy a milkshake? I'm thirsty

M8s- The one with flowers by FrixFrax
Hey, Chad
I was just talking to Shane, apparently Mikey is acting weird
Yeah, he's doing flower arranging, sort of makes you think
Think what?
Oh, have you ever considered... ummm... never mind!

M8s- The one with bacon by FrixFrax
Come on Mikey, don't be such a silly buns, ahhhh, did I just think that?
I love Kay, I had sex with her just last week, I cry at Bambi everybody does!
And maybe sometimes I get curious but who doesn't, I sure could use a bacon sandwich

See what I mean...
M8s- The one where it all comes out by FrixFrax
Mikey are you hiding?
I know your in there, for god sakes Mikey, will you come out the closet already!
Is that some kind of sick joke?
What's up!
I can't fight this anymore I'm sorry Kay but I'm gay!

[Click to view comic: 'M8s- The one where it all comes out']
[Click to view comic: 'M8s- The one with the priest']
[Click to view comic: 'M8s - The one where Kay and Mikey talk']
Are you still reading by this point?
[Click to view comic: 'M8s- The one where Ronold and Ash talk']
[Click to view comic: 'M8s- The one where Chad and Shane talk']
[Click to view comic: 'M8s- The one with a guy called Rod']
[Click to view comic: 'M8s- The one with the Murderer']
[Click to view comic: 'M8s- The one where the murderer is caught']

This comic is in no way related with real life, the characters and events are all completely fictional.

Is it wrong to laugh?

12-12-03 9:32am (new)
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Too orangey for crows

Member Rated:

I liked them. Good show. It's like Dawsons Creek mixed withh Ellen and a touch of Blossom.
Anyone remember Blossom? The hats made her nose look bigger.

GOVT. Warning: Do not smoke around children they will badger you for fags.

12-12-03 10:37am (new)
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3 very short stories, they are not supposed to be funny just a build up...

M8s- The one with Briget by FrixFrax
Hey there, are you coming to the big Christmas dance, it's for charity!
I might
Oh by the way, I'm Briget
Oh, well I'm Chad
So, I might see you there, bye
This is it Chad your in, your in, your in!

M8s- The one with cutting down Christmas trees by FrixFrax
So glad I caught up with you, I was just talking to Chad and I was wondering if you'd like to got to the Christmas dance
Yeah, sure
I was just talking to Chad and I was wondering if you'd like to got to the Christmas dance
Sorry, I'm protesting the cutting down of Christmas trees, you can come to that if you like
No, I want to go to the dance, heck, I'll just got and see whose there
Suit yourself

M8s- The one with a telephone by FrixFrax
There's a Christmas dance everyone is going except Ronold, you coming?
I don't know!
Mikey it's going to be great even for a gay guy!
Hey, less of the gay guy thing!
Sorry, so are you coming?
I guess...

I'm hoping to continue the dance thing on the 25th of December since it's a christmas day and we'll see if the M8s find love or not, so ummmm... watch this space.

Is it wrong to laugh?

12-12-03 1:36pm (new)
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Member Rated:

Sadly for some of you, this series keeps going.

M8s- The one with stuffing money in a Christmas card by FrixFrax
Hey Ash, what are you so happy about
Christmas shopping, I hate it
Oh, what did you get?
I got Chad a shirt, Shane a video, Ronold a tent and yours is a surprise!
What about Mikey?
I don't know what gay guys like, so I'll stuff some money in a Christmas card

Is it wrong to laugh?

12-13-03 6:01pm (new)
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Due to recent events... here is 2 comics I made!

M8s- The one with pornography by FrixFrax
Shane turn on the TV Saddam Hussein has been captured, it's on every channel!
It really is on every channel!
Saddam Hussein was captured today
Oh no! Even the pornography channel
We interrupt the program, hard cocks and dirty sluts for this important news bulletin, Saddam Hussein has been captured!

M8s- The one with Saddam Hussein by FrixFrax
Yes I heard the news, good guy Saddam Hussein was!
No he wasn't he slaughtered millions of people in his own country
He did, well who is the guy that that makes those TV Ads?
Not the guy on the hotdog commercial!
Yeah, Rancher's hotdogs the sausage in the bun
Why are we talking about Rancher hotdogs?

Is it wrong to laugh?

12-14-03 6:36am (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

Good comics, I think Kaddar is the best cartoons to use, it has a bigger selection. Oh, btw, they caught Saddam, yeah!!! :)

12-14-03 7:14am (new)
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Chuck Norris's bitch

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...and pain joined his urge to percieve...

12-14-03 11:40am (new)
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Yes but if you read them when the post began... there wouldn't be as much.

Is it wrong to laugh?

12-14-03 12:03pm (new)
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Crash Magnet

Member Rated:

I'm really enjoying this series, Frix.

12-14-03 12:43pm (new)
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I don't know what I'm doing either

Member Rated:

Good work, Frix. The one about Saddam's capture being on every channel including the porno channels was very true.

Not that I was watching pr0n or anything when it happened.

Please replace the handset, and try again.

12-14-03 3:41pm (new)
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Meet Mikey's Parents!

M8s- The one with coming by FrixFrax
My parents are coming!
What's the big deal?
They don't know I'm gay
Oh, just tell them what will happen!
Your right, I will tell them!
Crazy gay guy, oh my god I said that out loud!

M8s- The one with Rosie O'Donnel by FrixFrax
Hello Son!
Mom, Dad, I'm gay!
Don't you know it's a sin to be gay, your going to hell!
Dad, I'm already going to hell!
Yes well they'll send you to a much worse part of hell with Rosie O'Donell

M8s- The one with swinging by FrixFrax
Tell him Betty!
Son, we have something to tell you...
Your Dad and I are swingers and regularly swap with the neighbors!
Not about that!
I mean we hate out neighbors very much and we accept your gay

Is it wrong to laugh?

12-19-03 1:11pm (new)
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Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » M8s is back- and sort of funnier than ever!

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