Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » I'm baaack. Hopefully with something good now...




Member Rated:

Hey everyone. Been gone for QUITE a while.

Here is a formal apology for those who saw my previous work...

Now that just isn't funny by Beaz
While recently returning to the Stripcreator site, I browsed over my previous entries...
Shocked, I came to realize just how unfunny they were...
I promise all future strips will be of a higher calibur, for now, I offer this official apology...
Mmm, yes. So very sorry.

Please forgive :-)

I'm starting something new and original... scratch that. Just new.

Maybe we'll see the first bit of it later today.

Let's just say I'm now the sole IT guy of a small company, and I'll have more to write about.

12-29-03 9:43am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I'm with stupid ^

Member Rated:

You cunt.

12-29-03 4:03pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

You're welcome.

12-30-03 7:34am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Sock of the walk

Member Rated:

beaz your comics put dilbert to shame

xx( o Y o. )xx

12-30-03 10:11am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

Thanks for the compliment! The more I look around the workplace, the more I see stuff that works pretty well in stripcreator.

Again thanks.

12-30-03 10:14am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

Don't mean to bump my own post. I just figured I'd go ahead and post all my current strips here. It'll save you all that extra time of clicking my name.

The I.T. Job 1 by Beaz
[Defend the Bunker][Intruder Alert]
-NoLimitL337-: Aiiieeee-yaaaa!
Beaz: Incoming. Need backup!
[NoLimitL337 was eviscerated by Beaz][Enemy bunker...
How are those reports coming?
Beaz: What the...shit...Alt-Tab...
Back to reality ... slow Monday.
What was that? How are the performance reports coming?
Oh just fine... just tweaking some of the fields on this Excel sheet, should have it ready in an hour...

The I.T. Job 2 by Beaz
Monday - 4:58pm - Ducking out a little early.
God, finally this day is over...
Dave! Just who I was looking for!
Damn it.
Heya... Mike... what can I do for you?
Well, before you go I need you to take a look at the printer/scanner/fax machine. It\'s making strange noises and the copies come out horrible...
Son. Of. A. Bitch.
I\'m the network administrator. I don\'t know anything about laser printer hardware...
Well. If you could just look at it before you go, that\'d be great. Thanks a lot, sport.

The I.T. Job 3 by Beaz
Tuesday - 10:44am - Running a couple errands
Oh Dave! I was looking for you!
Hum dee dum...huh?
Remember, there are no stupid questions.
I started my computer up, and XP just says "Loading your settings." It's been there for like, 15 minutes. What did you do to my computer?
What do you mean, "What did I do to your computer..."
Just stupid people.
Well yesterday you changed my wallpaper, so I know you must have done something else. It WAS working until you changed the wallpaper...why did you...
Just die please...

The I.T. Job (Behind the Scenes Special) by Beaz
Tuesday - 11:00am - Almost lunchtime
*knock knock* Excuse me ...sir?
Yeah, come on in.
Yes. Hello, sir. I merely noticed that you don't seem to use me in the new strips...
...I was in most of them before... I'm curious as to whatever happened...?
I saw a T-Rex with coffee. I thought "Funny." But... it isn't. So if I keep seeing T-Rex, he'll see TOBOR.

The I.T. Job 4 by Beaz
Tuesday - 1:30pm - On the prowl
Ooooh. There's that hot young intern... let me see if I can use some of the classic "older guy" magic on her.
Laa dee dee
Let's cast our little love spell on her naive heart...
Hey there Sarah, you look hot in that outfit. So, what are you doing New Year's Eve?
I, uh, er, I'm gay. So I'll be out with all my...uh, gay friends. Yeah.
*Spell Fizzles*
Hey wait! I'm cool with that...!
God, why do I attract all these old creeps...

As usual, any comments, criticisms, or "you cunts" are appreciated.

12-30-03 12:46pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Horny Female Tentacled Kaiju from Outer Space

Member Rated:

I sympathize with you whole heartedly...

>.>; At least you don't have to deal with people's home computers...or you'd have to deal with some idiot walking in with a CPU glued to the case of their comp (a true story I heard from a friend who works in a shop).

I will rate you hard, and unendingly.

12-30-03 9:32pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Sock of the walk

Member Rated:

ya man working a computer for me is like being a blind guy in boxing match

and talk about cliches

xx( o Y o. )xx

12-31-03 3:24pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » I'm baaack. Hopefully with something good now...

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