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Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » This actually freaking happened




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Well, it all happened except for the literal "kicking" and the fact that he's a gnome.

The I.T. Job 7-1 by Beaz
Wednesday - 8:40am - Ye olde printe probleme
Phil! You must be the printer technician I called.
Yup yup! I'm on it, sir. I'll give that printer a swift kick and it'll be up and running in no time.
W-wait, you meant that jokingly... right?
Meant what as a joke?
Oh dear God he didn't...
*** WHAM ***

The I.T. Job 7-2 by Beaz
Wednesday - 8:50am - Continued...
Well. That certainly didn't go as expected!
Dear lord, what have you done?
I'm terribly sorry, but it looks like it will need advanced repairs at the shop. It seems it doesn't even want to power on.
Filthy gnome bastard.
But it was fine when you got here... it just printed dirty copies!
Yes, well, perhaps you should be more careful with the equipment. I'll send you the bill.

As usual, any comments/criticisms are appraciated... or ratings too (I want some stars! ... or lack of...)

Please click my name and take a look at some of my other comics in the series.

1-07-04 8:08am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Too orangey for crows

Member Rated:

These are good. I had a flash of inspiration when I read it, I thought it would have been mad if when the gnome said "I'm terribly sorry, but it looks like it will need advanced repairs at the shop" the other guy said something like " well how long will that take?" and the the gnome guy would say something like " Oh just a couple of hours for the cobbler to put a new heel on it an it'll be right as rain. Your printers fucked tho."
Not that that's funnier, it's just wackier.

GOVT. Warning: Do not smoke around children they will badger you for fags.

1-07-04 9:10am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

Whacky is good :)

1-07-04 9:15am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

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