I see where you are all coming from. The problem is that the world is steeped in fucked-up issues, and bad shit keeps happening. I am not a fucking fence-sitter, and I never will be.
Great civil rights accomplishments, including all the fucking amenities you and I are afforded were fought for not by sitting on the sidelines and criticizing the people who do want to fight for their beliefs.
Conservatives may hate liberals, and Democrats may hate Republicans, but the one thing they all have in common is their ability to DO SOMETHING about what they believe in. There are whiners, yes, and there are pompous fucks on both sides. But one of the only ways to help change people's minds is to TALK ABOUT IT. Sometimes wherever you can find a forum.
If you have a problem with people trying to force their beliefs on you, tune them the fuck out. Black people did not get the right to vote, or even sit in the same fucking section of the bus as white people by NOT arguing with people who oppose what they desire.
I really, really want conservatives and Republicans to stop bitching about how people don't work for their money. I want them to stop caring about the needs of the corporations and care more about the needs of the people. I'd like them to stop using God as an excuse to do all manner of terrible things.
I really, really want Democrats to stop doing the same goddamn things the Republicans do. I want Democrats to stop pursuing alcohol, fat interns, and other fleshly pleasures, and stop kissing corporate ass. I want liberals to stop politically-correct-izing everything.
I want to be able to make jokes about honkees, crackers, niggers, spics, jews, polacks, micks, guineas, chinks, gooks, camel-jockeys, etc. JOKES. Calling someone a nigger is wrong, Plain and simple, because of the history of the word. But joking about steroptypes is FUNNY. When someone calls me a cracker, I laugh. I call white people crackers all the time.
We need to stop deforestation, we need to stop killing natural resources, we need to stop killing animals for sport. We do NOT need to run around spray-painting people in fur coats. We do not need to market products to children. Is no one else sane enough to realize and ADVOCATE all this stuff?
Until things are perfect in the WORLD, or at least close to it, I will continue to verbally destroy everyone who defies rationality. Liberal, conservative, Republican, Democrat. I will not be silent.
The giant three-phallused phallus of Uzbekistan will one day squirt the cosmic jizz of revenge all over Canada.