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Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » Fair and Balanced?



Heart stopper. Hip hopper. Pill popper.

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Post your political comics here:

Destroying my reputation one post at a time.

1-10-04 5:27pm (new)
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Member - Tobor Fan Club

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1-10-04 5:48pm (new)
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1-10-04 5:54pm (new)
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Horny Female Tentacled Kaiju from Outer Space

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Obscure Political Parties that will run for office in 2004 by NooniePuuBunny
The Supreme Dictator National Party
As Supreme Dictator, I promise to uphold equal rights!
It won't matter if you're hispanic, african american, native american, caucasian...
...Because you're all going to the gas chamber!!!

I will rate you hard, and unendingly.

1-10-04 9:07pm (new)
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At Least He's Not Hitler by possums
Circa 2008 A.D.
Mr. President, there are allegations that you had sexual relations with a White House clerk, that you are a unloyal pigvomit, and beat babies. Your thoughts.
Look, mamm. A lot of people seem to think that I have a not so hot personal life. That's my personal life. At least we finally are out of the defecit and out of Iraq after suffering many casualties.
So he's not a nice guy. Face it. You're not going to marry him. He's helping the country! Okerbaraak in 2004!!
Former President George W. Bush claims that you are a pigvomit. What do you think about that?
Tell him to fuck off, shithead. If he ever says that again, I'll beat his fucking baby. My mistress will help. Vice President Christ, too.

I was trying to get across the message that most people feel more threatened by a president who fucks a white house clerk than a president who fucks over an entire country.

The President Gets Hatemail by possums
Huh? What's this? "Dear President Mark Okerbaraak: I cannot believe you allowed crap like "The Pimp and the Brown Makeup" to be made. You hurt my stomach, you liberal shmuck. -Joe"
Hey Mark. Is that a letter?
I dunno. It's from a guy named Joe. He called me a liberal. Strange... we ran as Independents, right, Jesus?
I think so..... let's look back..
Circa 1999
Hey... Jesus.... we should run under the Independent party! That would be SO sick, man! Uh... Jesus?
Oh, hey Mark. You passed out after doing all that speed. Crystal Princes Tina... I mean Jesus drove back to Haight.

1-13-04 8:47pm (new)
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I'm Here, You're Queer, Get Used to it

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Most Pornography comics suck, but this is the best political comic. Ever.

Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.

1-13-04 9:06pm (new)
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Horny Female Tentacled Kaiju from Outer Space

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Obscure Political Parties that will run for office in 2004 2 by NooniePuuBunny
Feminist Amazon National Party
The power will go to the women! Men will be nothing more than houseslaves, who shall do nothing but look pretty for their women and submit to them in bed!
The women will be charged with working, and the men shall stay at home, just as men have enslaved women for over 10,000 years! Men will be forced to wear skimpy clothes and be nothing but breeders!
...Nothing but pleasure slaves?! This is a dream come true!! WOOO! She's got my vote.
Free love! More power to you! it getting hot in here?
I am not just a peice of meat...I have feelings too....

I will rate you hard, and unendingly.

1-13-04 9:08pm (new)
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you want weird political parties?

politically correct nazis, my friends.

I kid you not.

1-13-04 9:20pm (new)
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Horny Female Tentacled Kaiju from Outer Space

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I will rate you hard, and unendingly.

1-13-04 9:30pm (new)
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Horny Female Tentacled Kaiju from Outer Space

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Nazi Sexual Fantasy (completed in the style of Nevin) by NooniePuuBunny
The part of the Neo-Nazi will be played by the hunter sprite on the right...
I'm from the "agency". So...what is the fantasy that I can fulfill for you today?
I want you to put on this Nazi Soldier costume and little black mustache and then I want you to read from Mein Kaempf...
Why, God?! Why do I always get stuck with these weirdos?! You're punishing me for dropping out of High School and becoming a prostitute, right?
Don't forget to spit while you're reading it...and during the emotional parts, I want you to kick me in the groin...

Frankenstein visits the Smoky Mountains by NooniePuuBunny
You know y'all talk fuhnny...wit duh fuhnny wahy y'all say "ohl" 'n "drawers".. hur hur hur... Stoopid buhnch o' yankees! C'mon there, son! Say "Boston" fur meh...
I say potato...
Author's Note: He's just jealous because the north won the war and the south STILL can't win a battle of wits...
You say "tater"
! ... Git offa mah laynd, Yankee!!

Everyone is entitled to MY opinion!!! by NooniePuuBunny
Where do people get off?! They claim to have an open mind and then they shoot down anything anyone else says thats different! Everyone is entitled to their opinion!
Well I think...
Oh shut up! *kicks him* No one cares what you think!

I will rate you hard, and unendingly.

1-13-04 9:35pm (new)
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I'm Here, You're Queer, Get Used to it

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While we are pro-White, and acknowledge no goals other
than preservation of nature and our own tribe, we are committed to
honorable treatment of other populations and above all else,
honorable separation of the races and injunctions against miscegenation

Hmmm, nope. Sorry. Still not interested in National Socialism. Get the race conflicts out, then you've got yourself a deal. 'Till then I'll continue making racist jokes, and treating other races as I do whites: with extreme humiliation. I'm an equal opportunity ass.

Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.

1-13-04 9:59pm (new)
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I'm Here, You're Queer, Get Used to it

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Liberals like to Conserve! by DragonXero
Bush is helping destroy our ecosystem!
Really? How so?
He supports the oil companies that are spilling oil in our oceans.. like, on purpose man!
Wow, I'm totally changed. Hey, wait, aren't you the guy who said the "Weed = Terrorism" commercials were stupid?
Yeah... but, that was different. See, that was conservatives blaming liberals for their problems, not liberals blaming conservatives!
Well, color me a changed man. I will no longer think for myself. HOWARD DEAN IN 2004!

Hooray for mindless party-following!!!

Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.

1-13-04 10:06pm (new)
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Facts the Unusually Educated Hippie Takes a Stand by possums
Hay, there's a guy with an anti war sign. Let's go bug him!
Hyuck, hyuck. Okaay.
Hey, there, little boy! What's with that sign, ya queer? Haw! Haw!
Oh, I was just protesting about how we're in debt over a trillion dollars and are burning the Constitution with Ashcroft's Zippo and Bush's farts.
(theme music) Cuz he's Faa-aacts! The unsually educated- Hippieeeee!
I hate them smart ones! Stupid, fact-informed hippie.
No blood for oil!

I think I've finally found a character that suits me. Doonsebury here I come!

1-13-04 10:59pm (new)
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Senior Comic Technician

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Why I hate politics by EvilZak
Bush made Iraq one of the best superpowers in the world.
There were no WMDs in Iraq.
He removed Saddam from Iraq. Saddam is a WMD.
He invaded Iraq to avenge his dad also oil.
What the fuck? I'm voting for the President of America, not Iraq!


1-14-04 10:22am (new)
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I'm Here, You're Queer, Get Used to it

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Well-put Zak.

"psst, while they're distracted, give the rich some more tax cuts"

"Now, while they're not looking! Increase welfare spending!"

Blah blah bladity blah.

How about: "Hey, you people are the ones I'm supposed to be serving, how about I ask you what you want?"

*snickers* When hell freezes.

Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.

1-14-04 3:41pm (new)
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Horny Female Tentacled Kaiju from Outer Space

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Agression is never the answer... by NooniePuuBunny
Your western way of life is corrupting children!!! Jihad on joor mamma!!!
You damn towel headed freaks are goin down for talkin bout my momma like that!!!
Stop it! This needless agression has to end! When will we live in a world where we will all hold hands in unity? Can't we all just get along?!
Nice shot.
Why thank you. How bout I treat you to lunch...

Yes...I know I misspelled aggression.... >.>;

I will rate you hard, and unendingly.

1-15-04 9:54pm (new)
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Looking for love in ALL the wrong places, baby!

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Me Make Politakill joke by Spankling
When republicans band together it is seen as a show of strength, good management, and patriotism.
When democrats band together it is seen in a completely different light.
Must be the liberal media telling us how to think.
Democrats kill puppies. And now more on Bush's vision for America moving forward.

"Jelly-belly gigglin, dancin and a-wigglin, honey that's the way I am!" Janice the Muppet

1-15-04 10:30pm (new)
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I'm Here, You're Queer, Get Used to it

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Sorry Spanks, but Fox News and the talk radio stations aren't the only overzealous idiots out there. Only difference is I don't pay for their salaries.

:D Just being fair and balanced ;) If it were a bunch of looney right-wingers in here posting comics, I'd do the same to them.

Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.

1-15-04 11:25pm (new)
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I'm Here, You're Queer, Get Used to it

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It's Okay. by DragonXero
The republicans are nothing but hate-mongering liars!
They force their opinions on the public with their shows on Fox News.
Okay class, everyone got that?
Yes, professor Meely

Oops! Forgot to remove the URL info.

Boy, do I ever feel partisan.

Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.

1-15-04 11:26pm (new)
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Heart stopper. Hip hopper. Pill popper.

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Heh. I'm a Dem, but I definitely agree with that strip, DX. I've had more than one overzealous professor push his political beliefs on the class.

Destroying my reputation one post at a time.

1-15-04 11:40pm (new)
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I'm Here, You're Queer, Get Used to it

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Thanks. It's not just dems that do it, but it's more common for them to. Also, I live in California, near Chico State. That school is a haven for zealots pushing a left-wing agenda, but it's not just CSU Chico either, Davis is just as bad from what I've heard. I figure places like Texas and Georgia have a lot of Elephant idolizers preaching, but I can't say for sure.

I just get a little tired of people complaining about Fox News. Not because I totally disagree with the complaints, but because they're old, and really prove nothing. When I hear the "fair and balanced" I do snicker a bit, but at the same time I realize that there are other networks doing the same thing with the opposite opinion. The liberals bitch about the republican networks, the conservatives bitch about the democrat networks, it's a stupid cycle. Let people have their say and quit whining about it.

I know liberals, I know conservatives. They're friends of mine, and I have no problem with them. Hell, I have a friend in the Marines right now, and another who is a neo-nazi. I disagree with the latter's ideas, but I accept him as a friend. I'd never introduce any of my previous girlfriends to him, but I have no problem with him personally.

I have another friend who is a die-hard anarchist/communist (yeah, I know. I don't even fucking bother trying to explain to him how insanely conflicting his ideals are realistically), but again, he's a friend, and I don't give a shit about his political beliefs.

BTW, Hannity is freaking hillarious. I find him funnier than Rush. His radio talk show makes Hannity and Colmes look tame.

Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.

1-16-04 2:13am (new)
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Heart stopper. Hip hopper. Pill popper.

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I was with you... up until the part you said you had a friend who's a Neo Nazi. I have a hard time reconciling myself with that statement because I happen to be one of those pesky Jewish people. :/

Seriously, if he's really your friend, have you ever asked him why the fuck he follows a belief born in the deaths of six million Jews?

Destroying my reputation one post at a time.

1-16-04 5:23am (new)
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I'm Here, You're Queer, Get Used to it

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No, mainly because it's a completely senseless belief. I'm 1/8 jewish too. I guess "neo-nazi" is really a bad term for him. His beliefs are purely opinion. He doesn't go to klan rallies or shave his head, he just has a different opinion. He is strongly interested in History, especially WWII, and he's not exactly a white supremecist. He knows that he'd be one of the first on the chopping block if the Nazis took over here. He's just angry at the world, and needs something to focus that anger upon. I won't reject a person for opinions. Actions are different. He has never done anything hateful to any other person, he simply speaks his mind. I don't agree with him, and I think he's completely wrong, but I also think he has a right to his opinion, no matter how wrong I think it is.

Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.

1-16-04 6:18am (new)
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Shoots the shit and often misses

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I see where you are all coming from. The problem is that the world is steeped in fucked-up issues, and bad shit keeps happening. I am not a fucking fence-sitter, and I never will be.

Great civil rights accomplishments, including all the fucking amenities you and I are afforded were fought for not by sitting on the sidelines and criticizing the people who do want to fight for their beliefs.

Conservatives may hate liberals, and Democrats may hate Republicans, but the one thing they all have in common is their ability to DO SOMETHING about what they believe in. There are whiners, yes, and there are pompous fucks on both sides. But one of the only ways to help change people's minds is to TALK ABOUT IT. Sometimes wherever you can find a forum.

If you have a problem with people trying to force their beliefs on you, tune them the fuck out. Black people did not get the right to vote, or even sit in the same fucking section of the bus as white people by NOT arguing with people who oppose what they desire.

I really, really want conservatives and Republicans to stop bitching about how people don't work for their money. I want them to stop caring about the needs of the corporations and care more about the needs of the people. I'd like them to stop using God as an excuse to do all manner of terrible things.

I really, really want Democrats to stop doing the same goddamn things the Republicans do. I want Democrats to stop pursuing alcohol, fat interns, and other fleshly pleasures, and stop kissing corporate ass. I want liberals to stop politically-correct-izing everything.

I want to be able to make jokes about honkees, crackers, niggers, spics, jews, polacks, micks, guineas, chinks, gooks, camel-jockeys, etc. JOKES. Calling someone a nigger is wrong, Plain and simple, because of the history of the word. But joking about steroptypes is FUNNY. When someone calls me a cracker, I laugh. I call white people crackers all the time.

We need to stop deforestation, we need to stop killing natural resources, we need to stop killing animals for sport. We do NOT need to run around spray-painting people in fur coats. We do not need to market products to children. Is no one else sane enough to realize and ADVOCATE all this stuff?

Until things are perfect in the WORLD, or at least close to it, I will continue to verbally destroy everyone who defies rationality. Liberal, conservative, Republican, Democrat. I will not be silent.

The giant three-phallused phallus of Uzbekistan will one day squirt the cosmic jizz of revenge all over Canada.

1-16-04 9:28am (new)
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[rant]Something that's really starting to bug me is that there's a guy at another message board who believes that all gay people are going to hell and will burn and rot forever and ever. Then he goes around saying that he can get along fine with gay people! Now I don't believe in heaven and hell, and being raised Jewish, I wasn't told much, but if I'm not mistaken, isn't hell a field of fire where you burn eternally if you are "bad"? Here's his story when I asked this question:

Now personally, I think that's a complete load of crock. If I had someone yelling at me because of my sexual preference and telling me that I was going to hell because of it, I wouldn't think twice about kicking their teeth in. Fucking hypocrite. [/rant]

also: According to him, Rush Limbaugh is, "The Voice of Reason."

1-16-04 4:05pm (new)
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