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Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » Mr. Meat Can Save You



as if i knew what i was talking about

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1-800-676-MEAT, part 4? The Wrath of Kunt by graykane
I'll beat you. I'll spank you with my arm as if it were a breakfast sausage. I'll shove it up your ass so hard your spine will raise up two inches. Everytime you wipe you'll be giving me a high five.
You're not getting enough protein.
Protein is essential to the resurrection.
Listen to him, my son. He speaks the truth.
After a complete muscle apocalypse, two key essential elements trigger the complete muscle resurrection.
Protein and Rest. Avoid prostitutes. They carry diseases that hinder muscle development. Remember: just because it's a growth, doesn't mean it's positive a growth.

i want to piss on you

1-29-04 4:45pm (new)
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1-29-04 5:02pm (new)
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as if i knew what i was talking about

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Needless to say, I'm experimenting with absurdity.
Tiny Fucked a Stump by graykane
I am a Marshmellow!!!
Marshmellows can't die.
I am but the idea of a Marshmellow.
I'm going to stick my dick in your head.

experimenting with extreme absurdity, that is.

i want to piss on you

1-29-04 5:16pm (new)
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Chuck Norris's bitch

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...and pain joined his urge to percieve...

1-29-04 5:18pm (new)
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as if i knew what i was talking about

Member Rated:

ok. well, then take this!!!!!!!!

Aborted Baby Looks for Vagina to Call Home by graykane
Knock Knock.
Who's there?
No, man, it's not a knock-knock joke. I'm just imitating the sound of your mom's tits as they slap against her stomach when I fuck her in the ass.
Oooooh, that's a bad one.
How about giving a starving baby a little suckle, and then we can hit that bed again. If anyone comes in, just say I fell out, you didn't know you was pregnant, and you were trying to push me back in.
I can't use that excuse twice.

depravity is your friend

i want to piss on you

1-29-04 5:25pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Horny Female Tentacled Kaiju from Outer Space

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I will rate you hard, and unendingly.

1-29-04 8:09pm (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

I enjoy the marshmellow one.

it was quite enjoyable in that tingle tingle burning kind of way. oh god, the burning pain...the burning pain......

Insert witty signature here____

1-29-04 8:51pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

as if i knew what i was talking about

Member Rated:

well, i aim to please....

1-800-MEAT3, P'emptive2, Tiny fucked a stump2, Aborted Baby2 by graykane
You should have never gone for the pre-emptive strike. You can't regime change a woman-- not like you can regime change your muscles.
I feel so impotent.
Maybe I shouldn't have stuck my dick in that marshmellow's head.
I had the power to stop him.
It sure felt good to stick my dick in that marshmellow's head.
If this baby comes out your mama's pussy, it don't mean I'm your brother. I'm your daddy. I bent your mama over an ice-cooler, cuz if I don't, she get too hot, burn my dick. That vagina needs cream.

you pleased yet?

i want to piss on you

1-29-04 10:27pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Too orangey for crows

Member Rated:

You guys are nuts, these are all funny. Maybe it's just me. Just remember dude, Jesus was laughed at when he 1st started making comic strips, and not the good kind of laughing either. Then he got famous yada yadda yadda made Garfield and the rest is history.

GOVT. Warning: Do not smoke around children they will badger you for fags.

1-30-04 3:03am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I don't know what I'm doing either

Member Rated:


Please replace the handset, and try again.

1-30-04 4:13am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator Newbie

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I like them, especially the ones with the baby.

1-30-04 5:53am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

Your baby ones reminded me of an old joke one of my friends used to say.

Oh no he just didn't by Beaz
You just got served.
You want to know the MAIN difference between you and me?
You came out of your mom's pussy, but I came IN her pussy. Who's your daddy bitch?

1-30-04 6:23am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

as if i knew what i was talking about

Member Rated:

cheers. i hadn't seen that one. oh well, no such thing as original. good stuff, though.

i want to piss on you

1-30-04 7:01am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

as if i knew what i was talking about

Member Rated:

here's a new one. keeping in line with the baby series...

Aborted Baby 5, the babysitter by graykane
I was eating my girlfriend out, and she had a miscarriage in my mouth.
Oh, stop it already! That's horrible.
I've been flossing fetus now for weeks. You ever eat stringy rotting chicken wings? Wait a minute: aren't you a marshmellow?
I'm going to stick my dick in your head.

oh the depravity!

i want to piss on you

1-30-04 7:21am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


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Well, I'll give you the "Most Depraved and Disturbing Shit I've Read" award for sure.

1-30-04 8:24am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Sock of the walk

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the first two words say it all.....

and i loved teh miscarriage line, fuckin hysterical

xx( o Y o. )xx

1-30-04 12:46pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

as if i knew what i was talking about

Member Rated:

Since we've moved b'yon Mr. Meat, I've moved this discussion over to Aborted Baby World Tour!!!!!

i want to piss on you

1-31-04 10:07am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » Mr. Meat Can Save You

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