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Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » Can somebody read and review mine please?



Member - Tobor Fan Club

Member Rated:

I would like feedback on my small set of DAMN comics, here are 2 to comment on in here though.

Universal Tripe by shark_energy
There has to be something more to this life, an alternative to the daily tripe of Planet Earth
I have no choice. I need to find an answer. I have to build...a spaceship! I must explore the universe for something stimulating!
10 Years later on the Planet Gubb
So anyway, Colgar has been cheating on Beta-Alpha! Do you like my new orange velcrons? I swear I am 2 gigitrons heavier this sun cycle. Do you think Gertha is pretty? Yap Yap Yap

Extreme Jealousy by shark_energy
Neil had been dating Amy for 2 weeks...
Oh what the fuck Amy? So you have dumped me already for some old balding perv. What is it? You like sucking on wrinkly cock and chewing saggy ball sack? And don't even get me started on the pubic hair
Neil, I'd like you to meet Grampa Jo

2-03-04 1:09am (new)
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Member - Tobor Fan Club

Member Rated:

My first few comics were a bit poop so I am trying to turn the serial comics around!

Redundancies at Shark Energy HQ by shark_energy
Inside the office of Shark Energy, Cartoons are nervously gathered...
At the end of the day, you haven't got me any laughs, I have decided to fire all of your sorry asses...
Except for Felix, Big Dave, Jesus, Suzi, and various others. In fact, its just you two, Mickey and Cuthbert, that are shite. And now redundant.
In the car park...
So what now?
Well I have 2 options...I can pimp my own ass, or I can pimp your sorry ass, and if you don't want me to take a chunk out of that skinny frame of yours I suggest you go with the latter...Bitch

Mickey and Cuthbert - On the game #1 by shark_energy
Cuthbert was busy laying down the ground rules to Mickey
Now remember the deal...I get 90% of the takings, you get 10% and lunch money. Stick to 54th through to the Green District for clients ok?
And of course, the magic rule...NO females. You can only service male clients...Got that?
But why? I don't understand why I can't escort the ladies?
Because I'm a bastard, and you're my bitch.
Yes Sir.

Modern Day Jesus #3 by shark_energy
Having been spared in the recent staff culling at Shark Energy HQ, Modern Jesus decides to put his powers towards a greater good...
It is a worryingly troublesome situation JC, the entire southern hempisphere has slipped into famine and over half of it is plagued by disease...horrible times
Certainly sounds horrible Informative Neighbour. Somebody has to act, has to fight, has to FIX the Earth's troubles!
Inside the house...
Darling! I am off to Africa, Brazil and Australia on some important business. I could be gone for a few months but the world needs my talents. I must help my fellow man in its life threatening battle!
Hold it there Mister! Bathroom cabinets don't put themselves up. Where will I put my Nail File and Thrush Cream? Priorities JC, Priorities! Now get to work and then we can talk about your little trip.
Yes ma'm

2-03-04 4:53am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Member - Tobor Fan Club

Member Rated:

Big Dave gets it wrong by shark_energy
Felix is giving Big Dave a pep talk
So Big Dave, all set for your big date? I know you are nervous, and a virgin not through choice, but go get her stud!
Big Dave arrives at Josephine's house
Smells nice
Flowers? For me! Oh Big Dave you are too cute. Why don't you come in for a quick...drink...before we go out...
After a quick fondle, Josephine is ready for some action
What are you waiting for big boy, stick it in me...
Yet they pretend they don't like it

2-03-04 5:54am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

as if i knew what i was talking about

Member Rated:

i like the first one and the last one (although, i'm embarrassed to take any pleasure out of the last one), but i think the modern day jesus has the most potential. you just haven't nailed it yet, though. keep working. it's a great idea.

i want to piss on you

2-03-04 8:16am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Sock of the walk

Member Rated:

you know you can post more than one comic in a single post, you forum whore!

xx( o Y o. )xx

2-03-04 8:17am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Member - Tobor Fan Club

Member Rated:

Hey I'm learning. Tomorrow I'll make a good comic, the next day I'll stop being a forum whore...and so on and so forth.

2-03-04 8:21am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Crash Magnet

Member Rated:

I liked them all--keep it up.

2-03-04 5:37pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » Can somebody read and review mine please?

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