Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » I LOST ON JEOPARDY
Water_Cooler_Robot Junior Comic Technician
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[Click to view comic: 'JEOPARDY']
---Have some water. *glub glub*
CowTipper Impressionable Adolescent
That's always kinda bothered me...
---I think, therefore I make comments on a forum.
I lost on jeopardy... whoa-oh! I lost on jeopardy!
Go Weird Al!
Weird Al Rocks!
NooniePuuBunny Horny Female Tentacled Kaiju from Outer Space
Weird Al is ded secksay! RAWR!
---I will rate you hard, and unendingly.
areallystupidguy Poison Gas Pokemon
i lost on jeopardy! bay-beh! wooooooo-ooooOOOoooo...
---It's grime time.
ruggala Stripcreator Newbie
DUDE I SAW THAT EPISODE! Yeah I got it right. And the official rules are that if you're watching jeopardy at home, you're allowed to not say "what is". But yeah all those 3 idiots answered sloth and not koala bear.
OMG_DaGmAr_6481987 Stripcreator Regular
I wanted to ask Weird Al to be my Valentine, but I have a b/f.
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