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NooniePuuBunny Horny Female Tentacled Kaiju from Outer Space
Member Rated:
Writers block sucks... and yet I continue making comics.
Which is why 50% of them are complete crap, 10% of them are actually funny, 5% are undecided, and 35% is pure oat bran.
[Click to view comic: 'Nyaaaagh!'] [Click to view comic: 'Why they call it hell.'] [Click to view comic: 'Comments on Nuunie (copying Boinky and MikeyG) ^-^']
And yes, I did steal the last idea.
---I will rate you hard, and unendingly.
SmeeMak Junior Comic Technician
*rolls eyes*
Jeez...wonder where you got the idea for the first comic.
Beaz Freek-A-Leek
I liked 'em
OMG_DaGmAr_6481987 Stripcreator Regular
Good comic, Noonie. In reference to that first one, my question for all who have not seen that movie and yet still criticize it is this: If you don't agree with it and it doesn't concern you directly, why is it such a big deal?
quote:*rolls eyes*
XD Again..not a direct attack on you, but thanks...cuz I was wondering how I was gonna approach that subject.
I wasn't treating it as an attack.
I rolled my eyes cause it was hardly a subtle comic :-D
xxausrottenxx Sock of the walk
i roll my eyes because it makes it look like im a zombie
---xx( o Y o. )xx
I roll my eyes into the back of my head, and then Noonie or my mom tells me that I'm gonna rip the muscles in my eyes and go blind.
Do you and Noonie know each other outside of this site?
(And I'm pretty sure you're not going to tear your eye muscles by rolling them into the back of your head)
Noonie is my older sister =D
nu uh, noonie is my older sister
Oh goodie, I have a brother! lol
~.~ oh great.................. now we've got 4 brothers....... There's now no more room...we'll have to send you back to the hospital, Dagmar...
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