Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » Wrapping up my series




Member Rated:

Well, I'm going to hang up my I.T. Job series for now. I just wanted to post the climactic final strips. Keep in mind I'm posting this in semi-real time, as in, when they say "See you in 3 days," that strip won't be until 3 days from now.

Anyway, on with the 3 day show, which will end on Friday (duh).

The I.T. Job 17 - Confrontation by Beaz
Tuesday - 9:30am - The Beginning of the End
Whistle while you work... la tee da dee da tee daaaaa...
Hello, Dave.
Jesus Christ, Ned, what are you doing here?
Not even the fires of hell could keep me from coming back for you.
So it begins. In 3 days, we shall meet on the battlefield.
May God have mercy on you, Dave.

The I.T. Job 18 - Call to Arms by Beaz
Tuesday - 10:00am - Dave's forces meet
Here you are, Dave. You saved me once, now I'll come to your aid. You may have the leftovers of the SodomyBot army!
Ready to cornhole, sir.
We will show those bitches where it is at.
Meatbag whores.
I cannae feel muh left side, cap'n, but aye'll go to me grave for ya. Aye, that I will do.

The I.T. Job 19 - Army of Clerks by Beaz
Tuesday - 3pm - At a college job recruitment station
Come one, come all! Many available slots! Easy jobs! File papers, empty trash, and destroy Dave...
You know I'm all for it. That asshole has it coming.
I don't care what the job is! $8.50 an hour is great!
Can we bring our shotguns to work too? Please?
Wait, what was that last bit? Something... Dave?
Oh who cares, I'm just doing this for the free office supplies! Unlimited Bic pens! Yayee!

The I.T. Job 20 - The Unexplained by Beaz
Dave - Dedicated to networking, software compatibility issues, and preserving mankind...
*****What happened between***** *****these two men? Stay tuned***** *****for the final episodes of...***** ***************The I.T. Job***************
Ned - Seeking revenge to strike back at and destroy Dave, no matter the cost...

2-17-04 8:04am (new)
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Stripcreator Regular

Member Rated:

Haha, ohhhhh Beaz...

You know you totally missed me!

2-17-04 9:22am (new)
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as if i knew what i was talking about

Member Rated:

wow. you've really set us up for the big scene. the big question is: will you let us down?

i want to piss on you

2-17-04 5:14pm (new)
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Member Rated:

Now why'd you have to go any make me all nervous about QUALITY and such. Geez. Can't a man make crappy comics in peace? ;)

2-18-04 6:58am (new)
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Sock of the walk

Member Rated:

interrupting cow MOO!

beaz yer comics are teh rock

xx( o Y o. )xx

2-18-04 7:01am (new)
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Member Rated:

Ausrotten - you've been a terrific audience very much

....I'm assuming your interrupting cow was from South Park?

2-18-04 7:10am (new)
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Stripcreator Regular

Member Rated:

Don't be worried about quality. I have none and yet 9 people pretend to like my comics. =)

2-18-04 7:45am (new)
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Member Rated:

The I.T. Job 21 - Guerilla Tactics by Beaz
Wednesday / Thursday - The SodomyBots begin hunting down the interns and filing clerks one by one...
A little late to be walking home alone, is it not?
Ha ha ha! Nice try 'Bots, but I'm a complete slut! Your sodomy will have no effect on me.
Shit. What now?
I guess we'll just have to do the usual and kill her.
Wait! Can't we sodomize her anyway??

The I.T. Job 22 - La Resistance by Beaz
Suddenly, there was a massive missile attack...
Damn. Retreat. Retreat.
Someone, quick! He's getting away!
That's the 'Bot that raped my brother!

The I.T. Job 23 - Cold Blooded by Beaz
Thursday - The Captain has been cornered by Wild Bill
Go and tell your master that we will not be terrorized by his robot army. We WILL win this war!
You are as foolish as you are weak, human.
Nevermind. I'll deliver the message to him personally. (Ch-CHIK)

There should be a few more later today. Just FYI. In case you cared. Which you don't. Asshole(s).

2-19-04 7:02am (new)
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Stripcreator Regular

Member Rated:

::feels like she just received a smack in the face:: Hey, I care. lol.

2-19-04 7:58am (new)
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Member - Tobor Fan Club

Member Rated:

This is great stuff!

2-19-04 8:43am (new)
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as if i knew what i was talking about

Member Rated:

looking good! you haven't let me down yet, Beaz-- enfasis on the "yet." you did say more to come, right?

i want to piss on you

2-19-04 9:52am (new)
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Member Rated:

The I.T. Job 24 - Bad News by Beaz
Thursday - Back at the Office
Yes! A new "Boobies" link on Fark!
Bad news, boss. 50% of the SodomyBots have been decommissioned.
How the hell could you let that happen? What are we going to do now?
I don't know, boss. How did we get into this mess anyway? What happened between you and Ned?
You want to know what happened? Then have a seat. It's a dark story, and it takes place long ago...

The I.T. Job 25 - The Past by Beaz
From the beginning, we were forced to be friends.
I don't know what it was, but he was always a dick. But still, our parents made us hang out.
No matter how old we were, he was always a punk. Here we are on Halloween.
Punk-ass bitch.

The I.T. Job 26 - The Accident by Beaz
One day while playing football...
Hey Ned! Go long!
I'm open, bitch! *Hoooonk* *THWUD* Ahhhhhhhh! My legs!
Someone help!
You are such a bitch.
God, what a mess. Anyone have a spatula?

The I.T. Job 27 - The Revenge by Beaz
But one day... he went too far...
You realize it's your fault I'm in this Goddamn wheelchair, right bitch?
That's IT! I pushed him off a cliff.
Wow. Way to overreact as usual... biotch.

Thanks for the compliments guys. I appreciate it. Here are a few more for today... we'll see if something new develops in the coming hours.

2-19-04 11:42am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

as if i knew what i was talking about

Member Rated:

i see matt damon as dave and ed norton as ned. you've already storyboarded it. getting some production company to pick it up should be no problem, but tell them that you insist that spielburg direct it. but i still have some questions that need answers:

1) who is going to play the anal-sex ho?

2) what are you going to call the movie?

3) i assume that Tobor will be computer generated, but who will play his voice?

i want to piss on you

2-19-04 3:04pm (new)
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Sock of the walk

Member Rated:

ive just noticed that if you replace 'series' with 'penis', it says "wrapping up my penis", which makes me laugh

xx( o Y o. )xx

2-19-04 5:43pm (new)
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Stripcreator Regular

Member Rated:

My mom just walked in and said "Hey, look at the gray hair on the front of my head. It looks like the claw! It's going rrrrnyuuuurrrr..." ::claw motion::

2-19-04 7:11pm (new)
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Member Rated:

Ausrotten, that takes too much time, I just skip it and mount up!

PS- Not a role model. Kids, ignore me!

2-19-04 7:34pm (new)
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Horny Female Tentacled Kaiju from Outer Space

Member Rated:

XD this has great drama!

I laughed...

I cried....

I got bored and cleaned the kitchen floor cuz I hate drama and I'm borderline ADHD......

I will rate you hard, and unendingly.

2-19-04 8:42pm (new)
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Member Rated:

The I.T. Job 28 - The Crawl by Beaz
Somehow, Ned survived. Feeding on rats and small dogs, he managed to crawl back to civilization.
Hate fueled him then...
Feeding on rats and small what?
...revenge fuels him now.

The I.T. Job 29 - Breaking Ties by Beaz
So you see, this is why we must fight. He will never stop...
...until the last one of us lies dead.
Fuck this. Sucks to be you, dude. I quit.

The I.T. Job 30 - The Fight Begins by Beaz
*Blam* *Pow* *Punch* *Bang*
And so the fight begins!
Eat metal death, human!
*Bop* *Crunch* *Slam* *Cornhole!*
Fuck that, die you rusty box of bolts!
Eat lead shitholes! (Ch-CHIK)
*Boom* *Snap* *Crackle* *Pop*
Resistance is futile!
Never surrender!

The I.T. Job 31 - Reloaded by Beaz
Now it's just you and me Ned. En garde!
Prepare for a painful and slow death!
Sound of record scratching...
*ahem*Gentlemen, may I have your attention please?

The I.T. Job 32 - Revolutions by Beaz
You're both fired. We're outsourcing the I.T. department to an Iranian company now. Please vacate.
I am so sorry to be seeing you go. Best of wishes to you.
FIN! .......... ?
...the fuck?


Let me know what you think.

2-20-04 12:19pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

as if i knew what i was talking about

Member Rated:

HAHAHAHA... ouch, too poignant. good show!

i want to piss on you

2-20-04 12:25pm (new)
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Stripcreator Regular

Member Rated:

Good one.

2-20-04 7:11pm (new)
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Horny Female Tentacled Kaiju from Outer Space

Member Rated:

It ended on a note of truth! Good show, Beaz!!!

I will rate you hard, and unendingly.

2-20-04 8:07pm (new)
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Member - Tobor Fan Club

Member Rated:

Half of me wanted a resolution to the private battle. The other half like the fin!

2-23-04 2:10am (new)
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Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » Wrapping up my series

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