You sure it wasn't "Gaye"?
I have never seen a woman named "Gay", at least not her first name.
In my school, we couldn't wear chains (they could be weapons! Oh no!), no hats (gangs!), no sports jackets (not that I cared, but again, gangs!) couldn't have CD players (liability), and were often restricted to campus for lunch (unless we had a car). The reason for the restriction of on-campus lunch? Too much trash was being left along the way to common stores. Funny thing was, the paths littered weren't the path people walked to the stores. Simple logic dictates that a person on foot is likely to take the shortest distance to any given place, and the vehicular traffic and pedestrian traffic shared about two or three lengths of road to get to the different places. Not much logic there.
It's all petty, small crap, but it just kept getting added on.
I just feel most of it was stupid because my town, at last census, had about 5,000 people in it.
I didn't have as shitty of a life in HS as some of you, but the administration was stupid as hell.
On the schoolday after 9/11, every other school in the area had it's flag at half-mast. My high school did not.
Bah! After the Columbine incedent, our administration proved how stupid it was! They put a crackdown on people who were teased, and summing up all the crap they were going to be watching "at-risk" students for by saying: "If you are teased, isolated, have less than 2 friends, and are suicidal and depressed all the time, we're gonna keep a file on you, making you feel even more isolated and bullied, and do jack-crap about the bullies."
It was BULL! I was teased in High School, had maybe 2 close friends, and I was depressed. So sue me. Unofficially, I was nominated "Most Likely to Shoot the Prep Club and Future Jock-Itch of America With an Uzi". I never cracked either. Sure, I took a year off before college due to severe exhaustion and anxiety (mostly from the workload that they dumped on me my senior year), but NEVER would I have hurt anyone intentionally (I do have a bad temper, and I would rather take my anger out on inanimate objects rather than people). Freaking losers.
However, I did make one teacher incredibly nervous by taking that damn bullshit list they gave us and checking off all the profile signs of instability that pretained to me. ^-^ It provided for 5 minutes amusement.
I will rate you hard, and unendingly.