You people just don't get it, do you? Look, the theory of quantum space is grounded in the theory of sets. Hello? The quantum of action is a measure on the quantum set that generates the quantum space. If you could pull your head out of your ass for five seconds, you would see that in quantum space there exist dual spaces p and q defined by the translation operators subject to the quantum conditions and that their Fourier representation provide the physical elements of the quantum set. Do I have to draw you a picture? The algebraic structure (commutation relations) unfolds the quantum topological group structure with its graded Lie manifold and gauge field. Jeez Louise, it's like talking to a wall!
Why do you bring up supersymmetry without mentioning that when a particle with an odd half-integer value of intrinsic angular momentum (fermion) is transformed into the corresponding particle having an integer "spin" value (boson), and then back again, it turns out that the particle has moved in space. OH, I GUESS THAT WOULD DRAG SPECIAL RELATIVITY INTO THE MODEL, AND WE WOULDN'T WANT THAT. I swear, you quantum types are all the same, with your multiples of constant least amounts.
Why don't you call us when you observe some evidence that your "photinos" and "gluinos" actually exist? You know, in the actual world? I mean it shouldn't be hard to detect a particle with 50 to 1000 times the mass of a proton, now should it? While you're at it, have a look around for Bigfoot. You fucking IDIOT.
What the fuck are you arguing about physics though when it's obvious a retarded crippled dog knows more about the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model than you? At least the dog can recognize that if you fire a proton at an antiproton and instead of fragmenting they give off large amounts of energy, THEN SOMETHING FUCKED UP. Just face it, squarks exist and you know it. Anyone who thinks strings are the smallest object possible obviously never took an x-ray of your fucking head.
Now I know when you read this, instead of USING YOUR BRAIN TO THINK you will ask some dumbass question like "Well if we accept supersymmetry then why haven't we known about selectrons as long as we've known about electrons?" Jesus H. Christ, why don't you ask what letter comes after B while you're at it? Here, I'll put in terms even someone with a short attention span such as yourself can understand: You can't collide particles and antiparticles using a caveman's club! If we could pull supersymmetrical experiments out of our ass like you think we could then everything would be fine and dandy, but you don't see anyone asking Jennifer Lopez for help on their physics exam do you? Of course I'm sure that's exactly what you do, because we all know what you DON'T think about when you look at a woman.